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A Long Overdue Reunion - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 2:55am by Commander Warrick Brown & Lieutenant Commander Courtney Hammond-Brown & Post Captain Hannah Mueller

Mission: Mission 101: The Restless Shades of the Past
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0900Hrs - July 7th, 2393

Lt Commander Courtney Hammond-Brown smiled as her three children were following her. John was the eldest with Karl and Heather being twins, John looked more like his mother while Karl and Heather looked more like their father. They followed on the heels of their mother as they had spent the night on the Starbase the last few days had been insane for them as they had struggled to process exactly what had happened, they knew that a battle had taken place and there were some weird lights and the ship had been crippled.

Hammond-Brown and her children reached their destination, the Starbase childcare facility as she wanted time along with her husband to make sure all was well before she would reintroduce him to their children. She didn't want to cause additional issues and concerns but she knew it was more or less unavoidable. Hammond-Brown smiled as she regarded the administrator. "Hello, Doctor. Welcome back." the older female addressed Courtney who smiled back at her. "Thanks. I'm going to leave my three with you for today while I go sort things out with my next assignment."

"Of course. Come on in children." the older female gently hustled Hammond-Brown's three children into the room before she nodded to Hammond-Brown. "Your children will be safe with me."

"Thanks. I need to see where their father is but I don't want them to know because of the passage of time, the kids have not changed but Warrick Brown will have." she paused. "I don't wish to make a bigger scene then I must," Hammond-Brown explained for the older woman's benefit.

"Ahh. Go take care of things then. I will watch over your children." and with that, she withdrew into the classroom. Leaving Hammond-Brown alone before she turned and departed. She decided her next stop was the security annex of the Starbase if anyone could help her with the matter, it would be there as the last she knew, her husband was a Lieutenant assigned to the USS Trafalgar. but that was six years ago and doubtless, he would have moved on since then.

Hammond-Brown entered the security annex a few minutes later, she slowly moved to the desk and waited for the young man to attend to her.

"Hello Doctor, what can I do for you?"

"Hello. I'm looking for a Warrick Brown. He was security and I have no idea where he would be assigned at this time, the last time I knew of him was in 2387 and he was assigned to the USS Trafalgar at that point." Hammond-Brown explained evenly.

"Captain Karl Reyes was commanding her." the man spoke with a smile. "I served with Warrick Brown." he paused as he frowned, he looked down as he quickly called up some information before he regarded her a few minutes later. "Well, I have good news and bad news for you."

"Oh?" Hammond-Brown commented lightly. "What's that?" she inquired.

Just then Captain Hannah Hueller walked by. "Hallo, ist hier alles in Ordnung?" she said in flawless German. The translator commented with "Hello, is everything alright here?"

"Ja Captain, ich suche gerade nach meinem Ehemann. Warrick Brown." Hammond-Brown answered in impeccable German, her accent was from the Hannoverian area and her accent indicated German was either her first language or one she had known since childhood. The translator added, "Yes Captain, I'm presently looking for my husband. Warrick Brown."

Mueller had a wide smile on her lips as she was clearly quite pleased. "Dein Deutsch ist beeindruckend. Dein Akzent ist ausgezeichnet. Ich mag es." the com system translated it as "Your German is impressive. Your accent is excellent. I like that." before the German female tapped her combadge. "Hannah Mueller zu Warrick Brown. Ich muss dich in meinem Büro sehen, sobald du hier bist. Ich habe jemanden, mit dem du sprechen musst " Mueller explained what she wanted when the com system added what Mueller had said in English, as it was only being helpful. "Hannah Mueller to Warrick Brown. I need to see you in my office as soon as you can get here. I have someone you need to speak to,"

The answer from Warrick Brown was instant. "Aye Captain. I'm on my way."

Hammond-Brown realized that that voice was indeed her husband as she smiled. Mueller regarded Hammond-Brown as she spoke. "Folge mir. Ich werde sehen, dass du nicht gestört bist." as the com system added the same in English. "Follow me. I will see that you are not disturbed."

Hammond-Brown followed the older female as they entered a good sized office a few moments later. Mueller went over to her desk as she smiled, the door beeped at the two of them. "Es ist offen," she called out. "Its open." the com system added a moment later.

The door opened and in walked Warrick Brown. "You asked-." as his mind quickly bluescreened. "Courtney..." he commented as he spotted his wife.

Mueller smiled. "Ich werde dich Zwei alleine Lassen. Warrick, der Rest von Heute und der Rest der Woche können Sie nach Belieben verbringen. Bitte zögern Sie nicht, sich zu melden. " she commented as the com system added. "I will leave you two alone. Warrick, the rest of today and the rest of the week is yours to spend as you wish. Please feel free to not report for duty." and with that, Mueller departed in silence.

Warrick regarded his wife. "I'm not dreaming... am I?"

"No Warrick. For me its been three days since I last saw you." Hammond-Brown paused. "The kids are alive and well..." Hammond-Brown added with a smile. "I left them in daycare while we had our reunion, I didn't wish to cause problems."

Brown gently took his wife in his arms before he kissed her hungrily on the lips. "You have no idea... How much... I've missed you or the kids." he explained quietly. "Losing you was... Something I didn't wish on anyone, it very nearly destroyed me."

"I'm sorry," Hammond-Brown said softly. "You never let go, did you... You never moved on?"

"No," Brown answered quietly. "All I had left was my career. I never even considered dating." Brown admitted. "I got promoted and even got a commission due to my work." he paused. "Do you have any ideas on where you'll be assigned next?"

"I want to be assigned so we're together. I am not leaving you again." Hammond-Brown almost growled. "If that means I leave Starfleet, then so fucking be it," she added.

"That won't be necessary." Brown slowly smiled. "I happen to know that Doctor Dvald needs highly experienced people. She'd love to get her hands on you."

"Really, you think they'd let me serve here on the Starbase?" Hammond-Brown inquired.

"I know so... Anyway. Come on, let's go home because the skipper was good enough to give me the day off and I'll take you home planetside. I bought a home down there, one with four bedrooms. It has a fully furnished basement and we can raise the kids here."

"Sounds great. Let's see how you live these days.." Hammond-Brown smiled. "Besides. I'm sensing my husband has missed me. I'll let him have his way with me."

"Your husband will greatly enjoy this," Brown commented evenly. "Will this cause issues for my wife?"

"Nah, she's not had rough sex in way too long, she wants to make her husband take out six years of no sex on her, she expects to walk funny for a month."

"Let's go," Brown answered with a wide smile on his lips, with that said the two of them departed Hannah Mueller's office in silence.


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