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Echos of Fragility

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 9:48pm by Admiral Lil'yanna Olmos & Commander Nalla Furban & Lieutenant Commander Serrax T'soon'ah & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 49: The Stars Look Down
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 1400Hrs - November 6th, 2391

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi now knew all about what she was calling the 'Class ONE Alpha Mishap' aboard the USS Roanoke several hours earlier and while she herself had not been affected. Elizabeth and Rachael both had been caught up in that mess.

Roanoke, Dreamcrusher and Tranquility had been caught up in the effects of the mishap along with a small chunk of the starbase had also been affected. Also affected was half of the Akurian battlecrusier.

Most of the Starbase had escaped unscathed but Fleet Admiral April Yamaguchi had also been involved as she was visiting the Roanoke at the time of said incident.

Torilla heard a beep at the door, the dogs instantly woke up. "Come in." Torilla said aloud as she wanted to see what her guest had to say, to her surprise it was Olmos.

"Captain," Olmos began rather civilly.

Torilla regarded the older woman. "Lil'yanna. You weren't told..." she sighed softly. "There are two Torilla Yamaguchi's running around." she sighed. "I only found out myself about an hour before all of this went down the drain."

"Yes... I went to see Nalla, and she's a right hot mess of emotions, merging with your husband and the other you," Olmos spoke grimly.

The door beeped. "Its Open!" Torilla called out, as if one spoke the devils name in came the second Torilla and judging by the look on her face, she was out for blood. "You fucking bitch... why didn't you tell me about her!"

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Want me to take this one?" she inquired of Olmos.

"If you like," Olmos spoke coolly. "I'm not sure if I can do my daughter justice right now."

Torilla Yamaguchi smiled. "Okay.." before she hauled off and belted the other Torilla across the face with the back of her hand. "You speak of her with respect... Because if you can't then I will reach into your chest and crush your heart.." before she threw her up against the wall. "Are you trying to piss me off or get your ass kicked... because your two seconds away from both.."

"You didn't tell me she was a sex projector.."

"After what you did to Nalla... and Jake.." Yamaguchi hissed, enraged. "I should kill you where you stand.." she growled. "Now you will make amends... because you nearly destroyed my husbands mind."

"You addled my daughter's brain?" Olmos asked with venom in her eyes when she looked upon Unal.

"She addled my brain..." Unal growled back at the older woman.

Torilla Yamaguchi regarded the two women before her. "Nalla isn't the type to do something stupid..." she said as the doorbell beeped.

Teval walked into the bridge, his fur was heavily ruffled and matted, and overall he looked like a complete trainwreck. Ryuukei was behind him, not looking much better himself. Teval was the one to ask," So mind telling me what the hell happened."

Torilla Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "I honestly, am not sure... I wasn't caught up in this.... whatever they are calling it.."

Torilla Unal growled. "Nobody told me that Nalla... whatever her fucking name was is a sex magnet."

"She's half-Deltan and Betazoid... What did you think she'd end up being? A harmless slug?" Olmos spoke rather hotly. "She doesn't got blasting it for the whole fleet. Nalla doesn't like touching people at all. So I want to know what possessed you to touch her?"

Torilla Unal growled. "I didn't touch her... she jumped on me."

Yamaguchi narrowed her eyes. "Because she thought you were me.."

Teval tried to interrupt, "guys."

"My daughter isn't a whore," Olmos shouted as she slapped Unal across the face. "She doesn't go flaunting her Deltan hormones you.... floozy!"

Unal growled before she hauled off and belted Olmos back. "You want a piece of me!"

Yamaguchi retreated as she went behind her desk before she sat down, before settling in to watch.

"I do," Olmos spoke angrily as she belted Unal in the eye.

Teval got increasingly annoyed. "Guys."

Unal hit Olmos back. "I'm gonna make you feel pain like you've never imagined..."

Yamaguchi settled in to watch. "Guys?" she asked softly.

Olmos wiped her bloody lip and immediately went for pulling Unal's hair.

Unal screamed before she tossed one punch towards Olmos which connected with her face.

Teval was now really annoyed, but Ryuukei was the one whom decided to interfere, by sending an energy blast flying in between them. Then nearly shouting. "So are you two fucking done yet, or do i just need to blast you both."

Torilla Unal growled softly at him. "Try it... you little-"

Yamaguchi interrupted. "Thank you everyone... Now that that's over with... please sit down.." she said coolly, not raising her voice.

"I wasn't-"

Yamaguchi roared. "SIT YOUR FUCKING ASSES DOWN!" she shoved the suggestion with the force of a railroad spike flying at a hundred miles and hour straight into the minds of Olmos and Unal with ruthless force. "Either that... Or my adorable man won't need to blast you... as I'll do it myself." she growled, now truly enraged. "Thank you for your cooperation."

Olmos wiped the blood off her lip as she glared at Unal, then dutifully pulled her tunic down. "My daughter is all sorts confused because of that whore. So I want her butt in a sling."

"Not going to happen.." Yamaguchi responded darkly. "Now... sit down.!"

"How about we actually find out what happened first," Ryuukei suggested, "Or should we just lock you both in the brig and let you two kill each other."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Since you two want to turn my ship into a battleground." she sighed as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to T'soon'ah.... could you come in here please?"

"Right away."

Yamaguchi smiled as the door opened, in came a Rigellian woman. "Skipper."

"Arrest these two... Charges are Brawling." she indicated Olmos and Unal.

"Yessir. Lets go ladies."

Ryuukei just facepalmed while Teval said to Torilla, "Well now that this outbreak is over, we might as well go to Roanoke's sickbay and find out what the hell happened."

"This isn't over, Torilla," Olmos spoke darkly as she went with the security detail.

"Thats fine... but your not having that chat here.." she turned to Serrex. "Take them please... But let the Commodore go in an hour... keep the Commander for another thirty minutes and then cut her loose too.." she sighed. "I'm going to over to the center of this train wreak to find out who actually started this... before those two kill each other.."

Both Ryuukei and Teval simultaneously shook their heads, then Teval added, "Well, lets get this one over with. I can only imagine how bad the aftermath of this disaster is going to be."

Ryuukei added, glancing at Teval. "Yeah, going to be a real pain in the ass isn't it."

Teval gave a low growl. "Don't say a fucking word."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Come on you two.. lets get going.."

Teval and Ryuukei nodded and the trio went to Roanoke. Walking through the starbase promenade they observed that many people where starting to come around, most searching for missing clothing, a few shrieking wildly, and others trying to shirk off in embarrassment.

Torilla walked along as she took in the scene at a glance. "Well.. this is new." she muttered to herself. "Why is it that something crazy happens and nobody wants the old codger?" she shook her head.

Teval shook his head, as the three of them approached Roanoke's airlock, and the first thing they ran across was April Yamaguchi, supine on the floor. A Klingon male that Teval recognized as Vrenn was about 5 feet away, passed out cold, both of them still butt naked. April looked pretty badly banged up, prompting Teval to say, "That looks painful, why is it everything Klingons have to do is violent."

Torilla sighed softly as she went to her sister in law's aid. "April... " she gently woke the older woman who moaned softly. "Uhh... oww.." she whimpered softly.

Torilla smiled. "Come on.. lets get you up..."

"Torilla..." April responded softly. "What the fuck happened?"

"I wish I knew... but come on.. lets get you sorted out... I'm willing to bet you have broken bones..." before she turned to Ryuukei and Teval. "Guys, see if you can find me a medkit... would ya while I get April some clothes.."

Ryuukei didn't have to look to hard to find a medkit, but as he found out, it had already been raided. Finding a couple others that had also been raided, he brought the three partial medkits to Torilla, saying, "Well, there might be a full kit between the three here."

"Doctor Furban to Captain Vakar?. We are low in medical supplies. Analgesics, to be exact," the half-Deltan announced over the comlink. She sounded a bit distraught, but determined to keep her focus.

Torilla accepted the three medkits as she looked them over. "No pain medication.." she sighed. "Fine." as she opened the three as she began tending to April. "Easy April." as she ran a tricorder over the other woman. "Ouch... yeah." as she gently ran her regenerator over April's frame.

Torilla lifted his head. "Nalla?" she asked softly, she could hear the distress in her tone.

"We have a casualty... One of my nurses thought he was a patient," Nalla went on to explain. Her voice was etched in agony, but she kept on with her report. "....She was halfway through a genital exam when she realized he expired for suspicious neck wounds."

Torilla meanwhile set April's broken bones before she began healing her. "It'll be okay sweetie." Torilla smiled warmly.

"I feel funky.. " April whimpered.

"It'll be okay.." Torilla responded. "Lets find you your clothing." as she gently helped April up. "Easy..." as the two women went over to the nearest replicator. Torilla replicated a pint of water with some electrolytes in it. "Drink all of it..." Torilla explained as she went looking for April's uniform.

Torilla came back about five minutes later with April's boots, pants and undershirt but on the way back she found April's uniform jacket. "Here you go... I couldn't find your underwear."

April replicated herself some new underwear tailored to her size before she began to dress and within moments April was fully dressed. "Much better... I'll head to the infirmary.."

Torilla nodded. "Okay."

"I do not know if there are open private rooms, Admiral," Nalla spoke over the comm. She had forgot to turn it off while she used Morep to kill the pain for a human with enlarged man parts.

April raised an eyebrow. "Its for me to help out.." as she gently picked up Vrenn Chan. "Come on stud.. Lets go." she sighed under the weight of the Klingon. "Lets take you to my infirmary."

"Not without my clothing Admiral." Vrenn suddenly woke up.

"Ahh... so you are awake.."

"I am now... yes." as he gently stepped away from her, clearly not fussed about his nudity in the slightest as he took a moment to round up his clothing, then he began to dress. Within minutes he was fully clothed. "We should proceed to the Hospital and alert then to prepare for people from this... whatever this was."

April nodded. "a wise plan... you sure you're assigned to Ronaoke?"

"I am indeed... Why do you ask?" Vrenn inquired of the Admiral.

"You're a diplomat?" April looked at him dubiously.

"I am a consul level Ambassador, yes... my credentials are in order, I assure you."

"You... just seem more... intelligent then .... most who serve in that role." April explained.

"Your niece has a betting pool out on that subject... All I need do is succeed in this assignment and she becomes a very rich woman... I believe the pool says its eight to one against me... and the entry fee is up to fifty bars now."

"How... Industrious of my niece to bet on your life." April sighed softly. "Elizabeth... that woman makes my head hurt at times.."

"I am not offended in the least, at least she believes in me to warrant such a wager." Vrenn explained.

"I'll speak with her." April responded.

"I would prefer... if you did not.." Vrenn smiled.

April raised an eyebrow. "Why. If may I inquire?"

"Its simple. Your Niece could use the money for other uses.."

April shrugged. "Fair enough... Lets go stud."

"You were a most challenging partner." Vrenn answered.

"Yes... My body feels your presence." April moaned softly. "I think you broke something."

"Undoubtedly." Vreen agreed. "Come Admiral. Let me assist you." and with that he picked her up in his arms as if she were a child and not a woman who was six foot tall.

Ryuukei looked at Torilla saying, "Well We might as well continue to sickbay."

Torilla paused a moment to watch Vrenn with April. "In a moment... I want to see this.." she watched with a smile on her face as the two disappeared around the corner. "I think April's gonna take a while to get over that.." and she turned back to Ryuukei. "Right. Lets go."

A few minutes later the trio got to sickbay, and immediately, Teval and Ryuukei's sensitive noses got hit with Deltan and Orion hormones, causing them to step back and cover their noses.

Torilla blinked. "Oh god.." she winced. "Bloody... Orion..." she sighed. "Fuck I need to get laid.." she whimpered. "Computer... increase ventilation in sickbay... rid me of this petulant priest.."

The two kurokuri simply waited for the pheromones to clear out, then they walked into sickbay, which was a total disaster. Most of the people in sickbay where still sprawled out across the floor without their clothing. Only Nalla and maybe one or two other nurses where active and trying to help.

"Well this is a total mess," Ryuukei commented.

Torilla sighed softly as she fought to control her hormones which honestly seemed to start boiling. "Ahh shit." she whispered almost to herself. "Give me a couple of minutes." as she went into the nearby ladies bathroom.

She returned a few minutes later, looking a little flushed but otherwise she seemed to be back to her normal self. "Okay... where were we?"
as she looked around at the disaster. "Oh lovely.."

"Well, we need to find out how this started," Teval suggested. He then noticed Odessa, whom looked like she had been run over with an elephant.

Torilla raised an eyebrow as she looked around before she noticed the two Orion women, both of them looked like hell and in pain. "Oooww.." one of them whimpered. "Ow ow ow.." the same one added softly.

Teval then noticed Windspirit, whom was lying in one of the recovery beds, looking like she was in a lot of pain. He walked over to her and asked, "What happened here."

Windspirit pointed at Odessa. "That one, she thought it would be funny to sneak up on Nalla and hug her. It caused Nalla to go crazy and she rushed Torilla."

Torilla Yamaguchi regarded Windspirit as she overhead what was being said before she sighed. "Nalla thinking that she... was me." she shook her head. "Fucking hell."

Windspirit nodded," Yeah, she thought Unal was you, Unal was completely unprepared for it. Though as I mentioned, it was one of the Orions responsible for starting this mess."

Torilla face-palmed. "Lovely." as she regarded the two Orions, one of them looked relatively alright while the other one looks like she wanted to cry.

Teval shook his head, commenting, "Well, looks like we found the cause, what shall we do with her."

"Hang her by her entrails," Windspirit suggested.

Yamaguchi frowned. "Thats a bit dramatic, don't you think?.." she responded with a sigh. "treat her the same as the others... then she can answer for what happened later."

"Where is my mom?" Nalla asked with agony on her face after she stepped out from a privy curtain.

Torilla regarded Nalla. "Well.... Umm... Yes." Torilla paused. "She's in my brig. " she responded as she sighed. "She got into a fistfight in my ready room."

"I want Mom," Nalla spoke as she began to rub her head.

Yamaguchi sighed softly before she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Courageous.?"

"Courageous. Morales here."

"Could you get Commodore Olmos out of the brig and send her over to the Roanoke. Get her a full medkit... Tell her... she's needed over here to tend to a medical problem."

"Understood sir. We're on it. Courageous out."

"Alright... Nalla... she'll be along shortly." Yamaguchi sighed softly.

"Too many mean people," Nalla complained as she rubbed her head more vigorously. "...Got most of the cases dealt with."

"It'll be okay Nalla." Torilla answered quietly. "Wait.. where's Jake?"

"He is a bad man - or is he good?" Nalla was clearly confused. So many memories of a man that felt like two, in her head.

Torilla looked at her, confused before she noticed Jake lying on the floor, she moved speedily to his side. "Jake.." she called. "Nalla... what happened to him?" as she gently picked him up and moved him into an empty recovery room.

"I did it," Nalla spoke with true tears flowing.

Torilla regarded Nalla, she was confused. "Wait... did what?"

"You - he - we..." Nalla was so confused with her partners that she just gave up and started rubbing her head. Like it itched. Then sat on the floor and crawled under a biobed to make things easier on her eyes. "...Sorry."

Torilla regarded Nalla with a smile. "Well... Don't worry about it.." she responded. "What happened was not your fault.. Don't worry about Jake... we just have to help him through it... as you helped me through what happened with me."


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