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The Mobius Effect - Part One

Posted on Mon Mar 16th, 2020 @ 6:39am by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Colonial Liasion Officers Office - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 0900Hrs - May 29th, 2393

Commander Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx did not wish to be sitting in the chair she was presently perched in, it was oversized and overstuffed for her liking, she also felt like she was always falling out of the chair so she was forced to sit back and lean forward to reach the table where her paperwork was presently waiting for her.

Dvald-Vaxx knew that it wasn't the chair that was bothering her, or the absence of her cat, who was at home with her youngest child who was about a year old who was recently under the watch of his father and her spouse. Chen.

In truth Dvald-Vaxx knew that it was almost being reassigned to the USS Roanoke-A which was the main thing that was bothering her and she had no wish to start her time on this assignment to Starbase Vanguard under that cloud.

The doorbell beeped at her. Dvald-Vaxx sighed. "Enter," she commented, the door opened and in walked a larger than average sized human female, with wide hips and a decent sized bust, she wore her uniform well as she regarded Siaxx. "Siaxx." the female addressed Dvald-Vaxx

Siaxx regarded her old friend as Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar walked into the room. "Hey, Elizabeth. I won't ask whats bothering you." the small female responded as if she knew what was on the younger woman's mind.

Yamaguchi-Solusar gently slid her form into a chair facing Siaxx. "I never expected to see you ever again, you disappeared into the darkness of the universe Siaxx. Why?" the younger woman demanded in an annoyed tone of voice. "Kameron inquired about you, so did others. I had to lie since I had no idea where you went." Yamaguchi-Solusar softly. "So, what happened to you?"

"I was on the Stalingrad, we spent much of the last year outside the Federation, on a charting assignment in the Taurus Reach. I had no idea you were looking for me." the small Bolian female explained with a soft sigh. "We came back for reprovisioning and to repair an engineering casualty then we were going to head back out to into the Reach." Dvald-Vaxx sighed.

"Then I get orders for me and my husband to drop what we're both doing and haul ourselves over here R.F.N," Dvald-Vaxx explained. "I said I didn't wanna leave but I was not given an option, Captain Yamaguchi was furious. She fired off a protest about it to command, we'll see what comes of it." Dvald-Vaxx then shrugged her small shoulders. "I mean, we didn't go far and I still get to work in the Reach."

"Husband?. I didn't know you were married." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered quietly. "Who is he?" she asked further.

"Chen Vaxx is his name and we've been married for over ten years Elizabeth." Dvald-Vaxx paused. "I wish he had been with me on my last assignment on the last ship to carry the name, Roanoke." the small Bolian female explained. "He might have helped.. Or he might have ended up getting fucked around, like me."

Yamaguchi-Solusar was truly astonished as she was finding out a great many things about her old friend and former boss in one sitting. "Married, with kids and you didn't think at any time I had any right to know what my boss was dealing with?" the massive human female inquired in a hushed tone of voice. "Dammit, Siaxx. I am a certified therapist and I am able to help others, why didn't you let me help you with your burdens?"

Dvald-Vaxx regarded her old friend as she indicated a chair across from her. "My personal life isn't something I casually talk about Elizabeth. You, of all people, know this better than most and you know why too," she added while she regarded the woman who was half her age and twice her size.

Yamaguchi-Solusar looked at Dvald-Vaxx. "Do you?" the large female regarded Dvald-Vaxx with a caustic glare.

"I do," Dvald-Vaxx answered with a smile. "At the same time Elizabeth, I was in no shape to even consider therapy or help from any source," she added.

Yamaguchi-Solusar listened in silence before she nodded her head in agreement while Dvald-Vaxx continued her explanation. "The last assignment that we were on together was, at times, a flying circus and considering what the female members of your family endured, while on said flying circus. Especially you and your sister. You got knocked up almost against your will, You and Rachael got arrested for public nudity along with most of the women from sickbay and then there was Phoenix. I think you'd know why I say it like that." the small Bolian gave Elizabeth a very pointed look. "But most especially your mother."

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded the small Bolian female before her. "Oh yeah, I recall, alright.. Mom got mind-fried twice, plus there was the constant see-sawing with Tane, going from friends to enemies and then back to friends again. Then there was her misadventure with Tom Lasky that resulted in Kurt coming along." she flashed Siaxx a quick smile. "Then that relationship went from stupid to absurd to full retard." the tall female sighed. "I mean you'd think we could have expected that but no."

"Nobody saw Cressa having Torilla mind-rub Tane over her booze issues, frankly she needed help badly. What your mother did was harsh but honestly, it needed to be done." Dvald-Vaxx answered. "Zara Tane was a pitiful excuse for a commander, being blunt." Siaxx commented. "Zara still lost her mind over it despite the fact that your mom did her a favor."

"I'm not going to dispute that one," Yamaguchi-Solusar responded. "I mean, the shenanigans on that ship was just breathtaking in its stupidity." the tall female explained with a huff.

"Now here we are, together again. Let's hope this one goes better?" Dvald-Vaxx answered, a gentle smile on her face.

"It won't," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered bluntly. "Kam and I both stuck in our names for reassignment back to the Dreamcrusher. He went from being a department head to a nobody and I'm dealing with people who treat me like I'm a cadet again." the tall female explained evenly.

"That bad?" Dvald-Vaxx inquired in a gentle tone of voice.

"Kam is only in science because Captain McKnight wanted him, he fought to get my husband the posting he wanted, he courted Kam until he said yes and then he still gave Kameron the go-ahead to mold the department in whatever form he wished."

"Wow," Dvald-Vaxx answered quietly. "I had no idea."

"Neither did I, until Kam told me about things, that was." Yamaguchi-Solusar explained. "and now after eight months, he's been assigned here as a nobody, as soon as he went to report in, he dropped the request on Commander Takabe's desk."

Dvald-Vaxx sighed. "Nuala isn't a bad person Elizabeth."

"I don't know her, honestly, I don't care either as I have my own issues with medical. Look Siaxx, neither of us wants to be here. We want to go back to the Dreamcrusher."

"I'll look into getting you two out of here faster but you might be here for awhile," Dvald-Vaxx answered with a heavy sigh.

"That's fine," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered with a heavy sigh. Dvald-Vaxx noted the color of Elizabeth's cheeks, she also concluded that the larger female before her spent much of her time in an angry state of mind. "Okay. Bring Robert over to my place tonight and Chen and I will watch him for a few days. You looked after Heraxx for me last year, I'm due to pay up." Dvald-Vaxx commented, a wide smile on her face. "So you and Kam can get some sleep and enjoy some sex without interruptions."

"You will?" Yamaguchi-Solusar inquired. "I mean, okay then. How long?"

"As long as needed. Chen likes hanging out with the boys and one more will not cause us any serious headaches. I will, however, need some milk formula from you however as I can't nurse him. Bolian milk is incompatible with human infants, it's a little too acidic for human babies. Sorry, Elizabeth."

"That's fine. I'll provide you with several a day." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered before she sighed. "I already decided that I was going to hate this assignment and I have a sinking feeling that it'll turn into something resembling the ship name we both hate."

"You are not alone in that boat Elizabeth. I, too have misgivings about this assignment but I'm going to make the best of what I have." Dvald-Vaxx answered with a sigh. "Come on, let's go get something to eat from the lounge and you need a decent meal." she paused. "Let's try to keep an open mind about being assigned here on the Starbase. I hear its a lovely place in summer," she commented. "The base skipper is actually my sister-in-law. Chen's sister and I'll introduce you two later."

Yamaguchi-Solusar rose to her feet before she followed the smaller Bolian female out the door in silence.


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