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The Mobius Effect - Part Two

Posted on Mon Mar 16th, 2020 @ 6:42am by Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Post Captain Keyan Fardreamer

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Science Labs - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 0915Hrs - May 29th, 2393

Lieutenant Kameron Yamaguchi knew that this was going to be a bitter harvest that he would soon reap with this action, which he was about to perform. He moved down the hallway, PADD in hand as he arrived at his destination. He tapped the door chime once.

"Enter." came the voice from within.

'Foehammer' tapped the door release button, which parted quickly, the young man entered before he regarded the occupant of the office, the assistant chief science officer. "Lieutenant Kameron Solusar-Yamaguchi, reporting as ordered." there was something off in his tone of voice, however.

Lt Commander Keyan Fardreamer noted the acidic tone in the younger man's voice. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant. Is something wrong?"

Solusar-Yamaguchi looked at him and the hate Fardreamer saw there made him want to take a step back, he had not been expecting it, the younger man stepped forward before he gently placed the PADD in his hand onto Fardreamers desk before. "I want reassignment off of this base, I was yanked off of my previous assignment and sent here with no word given," Solusar-Yamaguchi explained in low and soft tones, rather than losing his temper.

"I understand. I'll look into it for you." Fardreamer sighed softly, this was not how he had envisioned this conversation going, he had heard a great deal about the younger man before him and he had been looking forward to working with Solusar-Yamaguchi. But clearly, the other man had disagreements on things. "Did I wrong you or something Lieutenant?"

"Not you personally," Solusar-Yamaguchi answered. "I went from being a senior officer and a department head to nothing." the younger man shrugged, in a matter that said he was helpless to do anything about it rather than not caring about it. "I was demoted, hard but I did nothing wrong."

"I read your file, you come highly recommended," Fardreamer explained. "You have two masters in general sciences plus one more in steller sciences." the older officer sat behind his desk before he sighed softly, he ran a hand over his eyes and face to cover for the fact that he had suddenly found himself with nothing to say whatsoever. "Well. Shit Lieutenant. I can't talk you out of this?"

"No sir." Solusar-Yamaguchi answered quietly.

Fardreamer sighed softly. "Alright. I'll stick this in for you then but you'll be here awhile. Paperwork will need to be processed and the like."

"That's fine sir," Solusar-Yamaguchi answered in a soft tone of voice.

Fardreamer sighed as he indicated one of the chairs. "Have a seat Lieutenant." as he, himself sat down in his own chair.

Yamaguchi sat down in the chair as he regarded the older human before him in silence.

Fardreamer regarded Yamaguchi. "I'll be blunt," he commented. "I did not expect the opposition or the transfer request from you. So... I must ask why."

"You read my file." Yamaguchi responded softly. "and you ask why?" he demanded angrily. "Did my file not tell you... sir.?"

Fardreamer regarded the younger man with a gentle look in his eyes. "First. Kameron. You need to breathe and calm down a little. Being angry does not help me and it does not serve you." he then paused a moment before he sat down in his chair across from the Lieutenant, who was clearly trying to make an effort to calm down.

Fardreamer regarded Yamaguchi-Solusar with a look which could have meant many things. "Okay... When you are ready... I want an explanation as to why you wish for reassignment. We are not the USS Roanoke or the USS Roanoke-A which last I heard, is assigned to a new force called the Colonial Relief force. Their goal will be to assist Federation colonies in need while the new Federation Defense Forces are established. But that's several years away." he paused. "So.. why the animosity?"

Yamaguchi-Solusar sighed softly. "Because I was a member of the senior staff on Dreamcrusher, as their Chief of Science. I was respected." he let out a soft sigh, as the air was slowly being let out of a balloon.

"You still are respected Lieutenant, had it not been for the fact that you were the head of the department and had you not had your qualifications. I would not have requested you. Your primary specialty is Earth and Biosphere sciences right?" Fardreamer inquired, a gentle smile playing at his lips.

"Yes, with some stellar sciences thrown in to round out things a little," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered.

"Well. I need someone to take over that section of this department full time. I wanted you because of your work ethic, your qualifications and because you are also an excellent leader, your file says as much, so do other people." Fardreamer explained. "So I'll stick in your request to go back to the Dreamcrusher but I honestly have a feeling you'll be turned down. More then likely, you'll have been replaced by now."

"We shall see sir," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered in a gentle tone. "I'm going to be around for awhile anyway... " When Yamaguchi-Solusar suddenly yawned. "Mmm... Sorry."

"Rough night?" Fardreamer inquired, a gentle smile on his lips. "My fiancee is Deltan, we have our share of 'rough nights'." he added, by way of explanation.

Yamaguchi-Solusar sighed before he decided to simply come clean and explain the issues, facing the young man. "More like a rough couple of months. No, I'm not having problems with Elizabeth, it's our son. Robert is being very demanding of us both. He cries all the time."

"I can understand. That's the main reason why you want to go back to Dreamcrusher. Because of the support net you two had... Isn't it?"

"Yessir," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered with a sigh.

"Leave the sir at the door. I'm on a first name basis with all my people. It helps them bond with me and helps me get to know my people, as people and not as cogs in a well-oiled machine." Fardreamer explained. "Why didn't you tell me that sooner?"

"Because I was expecting the whole 'suck it up and deal with your issues in your own time.' routine." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered bluntly.

"I can understand why you'd say that. I do not have kids and you probably did your homework on me." Fardreamer responded. "I would have done the same and come to the same conclusion as you did." Fardreamer smiled. "I mean, he has no kids, how could he understand the hassle and trouble I deal with on a nightly basis." as he regarded Yamaguchi-Solusar with a look. "The answer is simple. I have an open mind in regards to my people. If something is bothering them and if I can help, then I help them. Its what I do Kameron. If that means you need extra time in the morning to drop your son off at daycare or you need time during the day for whatever you need, then you take the time, as needed. The work can wait."

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded slowly. "Alright. I'll go and withdraw my request for reassignment."

"Just like that?" Fardreamer inquired. "Kam, might I recommend that you find someone to look after your son for a few days and you and your wife to take a couple of days for yourself," he commented. "We have a lovely base being built down on the world below. Yulaan is interested in settling here."

"But I just got here," Yamaguchi-Solusar responded. "Won't that look bad for me?"

"Unimportant." Fardreamer responded. "and no. I care little for political maneuverings. I care about my people and you are my responsibility. If I can help you with your issues then that is what I do. My people reward me for being happy and productive when they can. I earn my peoples trust with my working for them. I trust that they are being serious and I do not question them. I help them as best as I can, as long as I can, for whatever reason they need me to do so."

Yamaguchi-Solusar paused. "Maybe having a home on Utgarde Four will help... I don't know what to do with Robert. It doesn't help that Beth wants to crank out child number two and we're having issues with child one."

Fardreamer held his silence a moment. "Maybe Robert needs a playmate. Or maybe he needs something else." he paused. "Who knows Kam. It'll work itself out in the end, things like this always do." as he gently smiled at the younger man before him.

"It doesn't help my mother and father are both based here on the starbase too."

"Yes. I know. Captain Solusar was asking about you. She said something about letting a familial dispute rage on for far too long and she wants to try and clear the rift between you two."

"She told you that?" Yamaguchi-Solusar sighed softly. "My mother allowed my dad to say and do stupid things when I was younger. I do not want to deal with her now."

"Is there no room in your heart for forgiveness?" Fardreamer inquired in a gentle tone. "I know at one point, you called her mother and you went to her with your issues. At one point, she just had to smile and you were instantly happy again."

"You weren't there," Yamaguchi-Solusar said in a quiet tone.

"Your right Kam. I wasn't there. I don't know what was said, or was what not said." Fardreamer responded lightly. "But I do know that this sort of a dispute should be resolved, sooner rather than later. But that's me. I am not involved in this dispute." Fardreamer commented before he let out a soft sigh. "Okay, here is what I will do for you. I'll give you seven days to make whatever arrangements you and your family needs to operate here," he explained. "If that means, you and Elizabeth settle planetside then that's fine. The planet's rotation is just over twenty-four hours long so the base is on the same routine as Earth but we're set to the local time." Fardreamer explained. "If you require more time then call me and I'll make arrangements. At the end of that time. I want you ready to report to work. Most;y it'll be me, giving you the tour and introducing you to the crew we have, they are a quite a collection of people from various assignments." Fardreamer paused, to catch his breath. "Any questions Kam?"

"No sir," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered.

"Alright. I'm going to boot you out of here so you can get on with what needs to be done." Fardreamer answered evenly. "On your way Kam. I'll see you in a weeks time." and with that said, Yamaguchi-Solusar rose to his feet and departed in silence.


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