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For My Brothers - Part One

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 2:37am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 39: By Fire be Purged
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - August 2nd, 2391

Ensign Elizabeth Yamaguchi smiled as she gently placed a hand on her husband's shoulder, he had refused to remain in bed and he had several bandages on him. "Hey.." she whispered before she gave him a kiss on the lips. "My hero..." she added with a soft smile. "How ya feeling?"

"I'm not sure really..." Kameron indicated the sleeping form of Tienn Iteela who honestly looked half-dead while she slept on in a medically induced coma.

"You showed her compassion when she knew you hated her." Lasky appeared at the door. "You had good reason to hate her.... and yet she saved both of our lives..."

Kameron nodded, his misery clear for all to see. "I don't know why I'm miserable... I should be happy."

Lasky smiled, he too was wounded as well and was also wearing several bandages. mostly on his hands and arms, all of which had been burned. "You did the right thing, Kam. You buried the hatchet with her. Not many others could do that..."

Elizabeth meanwhile silently departed to check on her next patient, she had to fight to stop herself from crying as she checked on her wounded sibling. "Hey."

Rachael blinked open her eyes. "Hey Elizabeth." she smiled weakly. "They got me on good meds.."

"Yeah... but you're gonna be fine.. in a day or two.. and you can go home... you got lucky.."

Rachael regarded her elder sibling. "Elizabeth... how many did we lose?" she closed her eyes as she wiped her face.

"Too many... far too many..." she paused. "At least sixty people are KIA and another two hundred wounded..."


"She's alive... after a fashion." Elizabeth sighed softly. "The medical staff on all of the ships have been run into the ground looking after these wounded."


"He's been pinging me requests to come and see you every hour, on the hour for the last sixteen hours.." Elizabeth responded. "He's been most persistent."

"Well... let him come visit me...and I'll be gentle." Rachael responded. "in any case... you shoo... let me sleep..." Elizabeth smiled as she turned and departed, while Kameron regarded Lasky. "I hated her..."

"I know.. and she saved both our lives... while sacrificing herself knowing you wanted to kill her... because she felt she needed to atone for her misdeeds."

"I need to atone for my own too..." Kameron said softly.

"What are you gonna do now?" Lasky asked the young man before him.

"Sit vigil and try to sort things with my dad.."

"Alright... I'll get you a PADD... and I'll leave you to it." Lasky responded. Moments later Kameron had his PADD in hand as he was trying out the letter, the door opened and in walked Lieutenant Benice Gyce.

Gyce blinked with slight confusion but nodded politely all the same.

"Hello, El Tee..." Kameron regarded the confused Bajoran woman. "We managed a truce... After she shot me..." he explained. "She is a hero... she saved all of our lives...and I'll never forget her heroism." he paused. "I hear they are recommending her for the Medal of Honor."

"I just pray The Prophets will guide her back to us," Gyce noted with signs of stress on her face. "...And I appreciate you sitting with her when I can't. Tane's got the security and engineering departments doing damage reports on the incident."

Kameron nodded. "We lost too many.... far too many... and were it not for her... we'd have lost dozens more... she stayed at the transport station right up to the end..." as her gently brushed a stray lock of hair out of Tienn's face. "You chose well... and I hope she finds her way back..." he paused as he took note of the other things she had said. "How bad is it?"

"Preliminary reports are inconclusive. No idea if we're looking at an accident, sabotage, or deliberate attack," Gyce spoke honestly, and rubbed her sore right leg as a sign she was overworking herself. "Phoenix is unconscious and will be for a while. So until she comes around, our investigation is at a halt."

"Okay... take ten minutes.... and rest your leg.." Kameron said quietly. "I'm sure she won't mind if we're both here." as he regarded her.

"I think she'd be confused with you here," Gyce laughed in kind as she stiffly sat down to rub her right thigh. "Still... I'm glad you both are trying to work it out."

Kameron nodded. "I'm glad they let me out to help... people are dead and I'm happy.." he sighed. "I think we're all going to need some serious therapy, after all this... We're all got a lot of grieving to do.."

"You're glad because your wife wasn't in that mess," Gyce pointed out with a knowing smile, and winced when the pain in her thigh started to get worse.

"Elizabeth was in the fray... she was down here sorting out those who would live... from that who-" he stopped as he placed his hand over his mouth, he couldn't finish the sentence as he had to fight with his emotions to keep from tearing up.

"It's a hard lesson of Life for her to learn," Gyce spoke with empathy, though her eyes stayed locked on Iteela.

"I know.. But I know she can handle it.." Kameron responded softly. "Elizabeth said that she deliberately threw all of her resources at Tienn... seeing to it that she would live..."

"It would seem I owe your wife a debt then," Gyce noted a bit distantly, as she watched Iteela breathe.

"You owe her nothing." Kameron responded softly. "Tienn saved over two hundred lives with her actions... she's the real hero of this mess.."

"She is... but I doubt she'd see it that way," Gyce admitted with watery eyes. "She needs a nice vacation. To be pampered."

Kameron slowly smiled. "Well you're in luck.." as he produced a PADD. "I got this... from a friend. An all expenses paid vacation for two weeks at the Grand Mayan Hotel on Deneva." as he gently took her hand and he placed the PADD into her hand. "for two." he added quietly. "Elizabeth was never big on luxury... when she prefers to simply hang out at home... so... When she wakes... enjoy."

"I could kiss you..." Gyce smiled with pure surprise.

Kameron smiled. "She'd be envious and so would my wife." he responded quietly. "Besides.. my family has connections so I need not worry about things."

"Still... thank you for the gift. She'll enjoy it," Gyce spoke with much humility.

"I hope so." Kameron responded with a smile. "I was going to leave it for her but giving it to you is better." he paused. "You should know... I stuck in for reassignment... I don't think I can fly on a carriers flight deck after what we went through.."

"Given you're about to have a family, I can understand that now more than ever," Gyce agreed. "I don't think Tane would hold it against you."

"Elizabeth's pregnancy is actually quite complicated." Kameron responded. "The baby she's carrying isn't ours.. Its.. Fives's baby."

"I imagine you eventually will want kids, right?" Gyce asked out of curiosity.

"I do, yes. Very much so.." Kameron answered. "I can see Elizabeth and I honoring her heroics.." he indicated Iteela. "How do naming conventions go for Bajorans... given name last or something like that?"

"Exactly that," Gyce supplied. "But even so, it is considered rude when you call us by our given names, and you hold no personal relationship to that Bajoran."

"Fair enough Benice." Kameron responded. with a smile. "I'll try to keep that in mind.." he smiled before he turned his attention back to the woman lying on the bed. "Y'know Elizabeth was leery about me being in here... She suspected I intended harm to her patient.." Kameron admitted. "then I told her that she and I were able to hammer out something of a peace between us.."

"I admit I carried a similar worry when I heard you were in Tienn's room," Gyce admitted. "But I am glad I got all the facts before overreacting... A common pattern Roanoke has with many people."

"Fair enough.." Kameron responded as he regarded the sleeping Bajoran. "Yeah... well this ship is... certainly not dull."

"I get the impression Captain Tane likes it this way," Gyce frowned. "Not too stupidly hectic. But enough to remind her she's still useful."

"I've had that thought too." Kameron returned as he turned his head from Tienn to Gyce. "I think she worries too much.."


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