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Meet and Greet, Marine Style

Posted on Sat Feb 29th, 2020 @ 3:32pm by Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight
Edited on on Sat Feb 29th, 2020 @ 3:42pm

Mission: Mission 33: Losing the Peace
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1000Hrs - May 5th, 2391

Captain Tienn arrived at her destination as she tapped the door chime, she was wearing her regular duty uniform, she had a small package in hand, which was a gift for Daisy's impending baby.

She smiled as she waited to be permitted entry.

"Hey Tienn!" Daisy cheerfully greeted the petite woman. "I'm so glad to see you."

Tienn smiled as she handed the larger woman the box, wrapped in white wrapping paper and pink bunting. "I brought you and the little one something... it is one right?" Tienn's attention moved to Daisy's abdomen. "How far along are you?" the shorter Bajoran inquired.

Daisy laughed. "I hope it's just one! What do you know that I don't?" Daisy joked with Tienn. "And we're expecting sometime in early July." Daisy then politely took the box. "Do I wait for the child to be born before I open it?"

Tienn grinned at her. "Well... I may know a lot of things... even with my sibling looking after your medical needs." she explained. "Getting details out of my sibling... is like pulling teeth, she won't tell me anything other then that you are pregnant and that you would tear off my arms and legs if I asked again..." she commented as she gestured to the gift. "I won't be offended if you opened it. I got a few things in there... I wasn't sure of what gender so I tried to make it gender-neutral."

"I don't rip off arms or legs." Daisy told Tienn with a smile. "I haven't told anyone the gender of the child is because I don't know that myself." Daisy looked at the present. "Okay, I can't help myself." She said as she opened the present.

Tienn smiled. "I honestly wasn't sure of what to get so I settled on a few picture frames as well as one picture of the Marine company on the Shadow, everyone signed it."

Daisy smiled as she looked at the picture. "Nice. I'm glad you did this for me." Daisy told her. "How are things on the Dreamcrusher?"

"I could complain... but I can't be bothered... All my career I've been sticking it to the man... now I'm the man.... and I got nobody to rage against.." the small Bajoran sighed. "my luck with men is pathetic, as usual... I've considered bedding a woman... I mean how hard can it be?" a second sigh escaped the small Bajoran woman. "but you don't wanna listen to me complain.... other then the obvious... Dreamcrusher is doing rather well..."

"Your gonna need to vent your frustrations too." Daisy told Tienn. "Especially now that you have command. You can't just throw idiots out the air lock. And mind you, it will be tempting."

Tienn almost looking at the other woman with a longing look in her eyes. "Oh I know... I have two guys who both want me... I think thats at the same time.." she paused. "I think its weird... "

"Oh, do tell." Daisy inquired.

"You ever had two guys come up to you and tell you that they both want you?... just not at the same time..." she inquired. "I have a feeling they want a threesome with me..." she frowned. "I'm a one guy kinda woman.... y'know how painful that would be?"

"If your not comfortable with it don't do it. That simple." Daisy told her. "just out of curiosity, who are these guys?"

"One of them is a human tactical officer, while the other is a Bajoran science officer... I think the Bajoran wants me because the human wants me." the smaller woman sighed. "Though knowing my luck... that nutcase from security is also lusting after me..... you remember that psycho cat?, Selgae..... she's is Telios... now that woman will do anything on two legs.."

"Ah Selgae." Daisy smiled. "I remember her and what she did to one of our Marines. Celeste had to treat his wounds."

"I recall her and how insane she was..." Tienn responded with a smile as she went over to the replicator. "One Orange punch... what'll ya have skipper?"

"Yes, how can I forget? Green tea please." Daisy replied.

Tienn replicated the requested drink then she handed it to Daisy. "Its good to see you again..." she smiled.

Daisy smiled ear to ear. "Yes, I'm happy you stopped by. I'm also glad to see you have your own command. You deserve it." Daisy told her. "If you need any good NCOs transferred over, just let me know."

"Thank you Daisy.." she paused. "I feel so odd calling you by name though.."

"You'll get used to it." Daisy smiled at Tienn.

Tienn nodded, a smile gracing her lips. "Alright... though I'm so used to old habits.." she paused. "With that said... We do have some business to discuss I'm afraid." she paused. "I'm told the Marines on the USS Dreamcrusher are under your overall command... as is all the Marines in the battlegroup.." she paused. "do you have orders for me?"

"Other than to assist the colonists in their defense, no." Daisy told her. I would like to do joint training exercises in the near future though."

"Sounds good to me." Tienn responded with a smile. "I'll have my Ops guys talk to your Ops guys and we'll see how it goes.."

"That sounds like a plan." Daisy told Tienn. "How is your command shaping up?"

"Its coming along... I have a few of the NCO's from the Shadow.. including Corporal Dillion and Corporal Wong..." she then smiled. "Remember young Chen Dulari?" she chuckled. "She still wears skirts and asked to be reminded that you apparently owe her one drink." Tienn smiled

"I'm glad to hear that. They were a good outfit." Daisy replied. "And yes, I'll get her that drink whenever she decides to come on over."

"I inherited your old command, minus a few guys who got reassigned..." she commented. "Well... except for... What-her-face..?, Your old Exec... I forget her name.."

"Captain Ash-tor." Daisy reminded Tienn. "I hope that woman landed herself a desk or training job. Not sure If she was to command in the field."

"I have no idea where she went..." Tienn admitted.

Daisy shrugged her shoulders. "Well, maybe we'll catch up to her later. Say, while you're over here on the Roanoke did you want to go get some real food at the Green Dragon?"

Tienn grinned at the other woman. "Sounds fantastic...." she responded. "Maybe they can cook some real Bajoran food..."

"Maybe, they can." Daisy added. "Don't know unless we go." She smiled at the other woman.

Tienn smiled. "After you." and with that she stepped aside, letting the larger woman pass before she followed the Major out the door and down the hall. "So.. how is married life treating you?" Tienn inquired.

"Very nicely when I have time with Orthos." Daisy told her. "He isn't far but it does complicate things."


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