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Briefing for Search and Rescue

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2020 @ 2:14am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Colonel Anthony "Ironhide" Raynor

Mission: Mission 28: Those who Remain
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1900Hrs - March 8th, 2391

Lt Commander Tom "Boomer" Lasky regarded the dozen or so pilots before him. "Alright.. today we'll be searching this area of space for any signs of wreckage." he commented. "as you can see... there isn't much here... mostly two Rogue planets which will be searching.. questions?"

"Yes Sir, why am I in this briefing?" Taffy asked a little nervous.

"I'm rotating all of my pilots, even the trainees. I wanted you in First Squadron to bring my numbers back to a hundred percent. Which is why you're in three Flight. Kameron over there is your flight leader.."

Taffy turned to give a quick friendly wave to Kameron. "Thank you sir. Another question please, do our birds need to be fitted with any special gear?"

"Our fighters are being fitted with extra sensor pods as we speak." Ironhide explained. "We're also having our torpedo ordinance replaced with sensor probes to increase range."

Taffy nodded at Ironhide in thanks. "So when do we leave?"

"We mount up in twenty minutes.." Ironhide responded. "I like being prepared... the search grid is almost empty as Boomer said... but watch yourselves around those Rogue planets... treat them as Hostile bases and respond accordingly, but remember... that you guys are just Roanoke's eyes and ears out there... something funny happens out there... just fall back and let the barn know.." Ironhide explained. "any questions before we go?"

Taffy shook her head to indicate no.

Ironhide looked around. "Alright... let mount up.. good hunting." he sighed. "Dismissed."

Taffy wanted to ask what was going to happen to the rest of her original Flight but decided with the emergency now is not the time.

Ironhide went over to his bird as he smiled at the crew chief. "Hows she lookin?"

"She's as good as we can make her Ironhide, not without sending her back to the machine shop that is." replied the other guy.

"Nice!" Ironhide went over to the ladder and her climbed into his bird, the crew chief handed him his helmet. "Take care out there Ironhide."

Ironhide nodded as he gave the other man a thumbs up, he had insisted a few times that the crew techs not call him 'sir'. They called him by callsign which he greatly preferred.

Taffy was stuffing her bird with an extra blankets, junk food, and candy. She somehow fitted herself in her seat.

"Looks like your camping in your bird." A crew chief told her.

Taffy smiled back at him. "We'll be out there till we find them. Might as well be comfortable."

The Crew Chief nodded as a smile graced his face. "Can't complain about that...I'll wish you good luck Taffy.... fly well out there."


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