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This Means We're Screwed Right

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 9:34pm by Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 27: Into the Jungle
Location: Various Locations - Planet Surface, Yeneer G8
Timeline: 1000Hrs - February 20th, 2391

Teval stretched lazily as he woke up, Hakaya curled up next to him, with Karryn snuggled up with them. Careful not to wake any of them, Teval pulled himself out of the bunk, and walked over to the kittens, checking on them as they slept peacefully. He gave Nuyari a rub and she stirred, and unable to resist himself, he picked her up and carried her up to the cockpit where Aerin was on watch.

"Sleep well," He asked.

Teval shook his head," Not really, every so often one of the little munchkins will start crying and I need to give them attention.

Aerin shook his head," Yeah one of the problems with being a daddy huh."

Teval looked at Nuyari, whom was purring contently.

Rachael turned her head. "Well it could always be worse right?" the teen commented as she was seated at the Conn. She had slept earlier as she was now guiding the Runabout at warp six, destination was Deneva and they would get there in about three days.

Rachael didn't mind the close quarters as she knew that Saki did, Siaxx meanwhile was dozing in one of the other chairs in the cockpit area.

"Siaxx?" Rachael smiled.

The Bolian blinked as she came alive. "What... Oh...wait... what?"

"Go on back Siaxx... go get some sleep..." Rachael commented with a smile. "We're presently maintaining warp six and there is a whole lot of nothing out there...."

"Okay." and with that Siaxx rose to her feet and off she went, into the back.

No sooner that Rachael had said that when the runabout started shaking violently. All Teval could do at this point was hold the now terrified Nuyari close to him and keep himself from being thrown out of the chair. No sooner had it started, it stopped, with the runabout being thrown out of warp. "What the hell happened," Teval asked.

"The warp field collapsed.." Rachael responded, all business as she heard something land on the deck nearby as Siaxx slowly picked herself up off the deck. "What happened?"

Rachael raised an eyebrow. "Guys, I'm reading a massive gravity well out there... what... there is a G Type star... just came out of nowhere.. I'm reading planets, moons...the whole smash.."

Suddenly there was an alarm. "Hull Breach"

Rachael growled. "Shit..." she called. "Guys... a little help!"

Siaxx climbed into the ops seat, next to Rachael on her right. "I'm reading two M Class planets and an M Class Moon orbiting one of the nearby gas Giants."

Teval acted quickly, taking the other station, saying, "we may not have time to get to the two planets, set us down on the moon, its the closest."

Rachael nodded. "Distance to both M Class planets.... too far to do us any good... we should approach the moon in about four minutes..." she reported.

A few minutes later, Rachael looked out the view-port as she nodded to Siaxx. "Map us some of the ground... so we have a decent idea of what we have to work with when we set down.." Rachael sighed. "Still... I do like the patterns on the nearby Gas Giant.." she commented.

"I'm reading lush wildlife on the moon.." Siaxx reported. "Sounds like a lush paradise from hell down there.." she added.

Rachael nodded. "Selecting final landing site." she commented. "Taking us down..." the teen flew the runabout with a grace of most seasoned pilots, considering how her hands flew over the panels before her. "I'm going to set us down in the foothills of the large mountain range astride the equatorial reasons... plenty of tree cover in that era... but not too much wildlife in that area.."

A loud banging sound went off as one of the thruster assemblies went out, and the runabout lost altitude rapidly, causing Teval to say," Now is not the time to be choosy about landing spots, just set us down wherever there is an open spot."

Rachael growled. "Stupid second hand piece of shit!" she growled as she looked over the displays. "Yep... we're screwed..." she tapped the display. "All hands.. brace!. brace!. brace!." she called over the PA.

"Impact in fifteen seconds.... we're in atmosphere,..." Siaxx reported.

"Searching for a good one... its twenty four miles out... taking us in...." she added. "I hope..."

Teval tried to help as best he could, as the runabout rapidly descended into a temperate forest at the foothills of a mountain range. The descent occurred fast, but just as they reached a thousand meters of altitude, the anti grav engines took hold and their descent slowed, but didn't completely stop.

"Altitude eight hundred..." Rachael reported. "Speed down to forty KPH." she sounded almost exhausted. " I'm going to try and set her down here." she explained.

She then proceeded to do just that, she then quickly secured the runabout as something nearby went bang with a loud boom, causing Siaxx and Saki to jump. Rachael meanwhile was able to prevent anything else from going wrong after landing.

She sighed. "Okay... we're down and... we're going to be here for awhile.."

Hakaya and Aerin got up, with Hakaya leaving the runabout. Teval meanwhile checked on the ships systems form the inside when he heard Hakaya's voice," Hey guys, This means we are screwed right."

Rachael's voice answered. "Yep..." she called out as she exited the runabout. "Well... we made it to the ground...." she sighed. "I'm Sorry guys..."

Hakaya pointed at the port nacelle, or rather, where it was. All that was left was a hole in the hull where the nacelle used to be.

Rachael came over as she winced. "Shit... what the heck happened here?" she asked.

Teval came out as well, seeing the missing nacelle, then saying in a snarky manner, "Well, there's your problem."

"I need to review the logs.... find out what hit us... or what we hit." Rachael explained before she turned and went back into the Runabout.

Saki Kishimoto meanwhile was checking the passengers. "You guys alright?" she asked Aerin and Karryn.

Karryn nodded as she went to go check on the little ones, while Aerin did the same, then went to go inspect the outside of the runabout. He didn't say anything as he noticed the missing nacelle, instead he walked around the shuttle looking for other problems with a tricorder. He immediately noticed both impulse engines where badly damaged, several thrusters where down, and there was a lot of hull stress. Though he at least noted that the power systems where still fully functional.

Aerin went back into the runabout saying, "Well this thing is definitely not space worthy anymore, hull damage, destroyed engines, this thing wont fly again. Though at least the power system ant the comms are still fully functional."

Rachael meanwhile was looking over the star charts. "Guys... something ain't right." she muttered. "Siaxx... come look at this... " she explained. "This was our planned route... as you can see... no planets or systems along our path... until that star came out of nowhere... around here." as she highlighted a location.

"So... what happened?"

"We hit upon something.." Rachael explained as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Teval... I went over the sensor logs and our nav charts for this area..... you should see this... "

Teval came over with Hakaya, while Aerin looked at the charts curiously. That's when Aerin took a look at the navigation system, which was recieving some kind of signal, but it seemed badly garbled. Thats when He got his AI, bakel to work on the matter.

Meanwhile Teval asked," What the hell did we hit."

Rachael raised an eyebrow. "Excellent question... I honestly have no idea.." she responded, clearly lost.

Aerin asked his AI, 'So whats up with the signal'

Bakel responded expertly,' Well, the signal is definitely starfleet still, I am analyzing to see the problem.'

Bakel didn't take but 10 seconds to figure the problem, the signal that we are receiving is 96 times slower than what it should be, I am speeding it up now.'

Aerin looked at the navigation system, and found that their position has not changed, they where where they should be. He looked at the sensor logs and asked Bakel,' What do you make of this.'

Bakel was quick to answer,' Sensor readings are consistent with a subspace sinkhole, one where time occurs significantly faster inside the sinkhole than outside. According to sensors, time within this sinkhole is flowing approximately 96 times faster than normal time.'

Aerin took a minute for the realization to sink in. That's when he said," Guys, we have a problem."

Rachael turned her head. "Well... whatever it is... I'm going to love this.... aren't I?" she inquired.

Aerin nodded," Yeah, and its a rather big problem, It appears we have ended up in a subspace sinkhole, one where time inside the sinkhole travels 96 times faster than in normal space. So for every hour that passes by here, only 37.5 seconds has occurred in the rest of the universe."

Rachael facepalmed. "So... for them... while days could pass before they even know we're missing... for us that'll be.." she paused. "Years... Shit!" she was suddenly thankful she was sitting down as she heard someone faint.

Siaxx knelt beside the downed human woman who was out cold. "Wow..."

Teval went over to the unconscious Saki, saying," well, i didn't exactly expect this reaction."

Siaxx gently revived the taller woman. "Easy... you took a tumble.."

Rachael meanwhile nodded her head. "We could be here for a very long time.." she paused. "Lets break out what survival gear we have and see about replicating what we need.... we are going to be here for a very long time.." as she looked down at her belly. "I thought I was having you in Roanoke's sickbay... I guess I'm not now."


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