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What Judgement's Come

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 6:35pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Captain Sarah Horner

Mission: Mission 23: Foundations of Stone
Location: Various Locations - USS Ashes of Winter
Timeline: 1000Hrs - January 28th, 2391

Music Soundtrack: Baba Yetu - Civilization Four Soundtrack

Rear Admiral Jake Yamaguchi was visiting his wife and daughters aboard the USS Roanoke when he learned the full story of what had happened aboard the USS Roanoke.

He had decided that he needed an objective mind, someone he did not know so rather then go and see Commander Sarah Horner, aboard the Ashes of Winter, he decided to go and see his wife's therapist aboard the Roanoke herself.

He sighed softly. "I don't know what to say.... I find out from Rachael whats happened to Torilla and her two children but then I find out that Elizabeth was mixed up in it all.... Its not that I don't trust my own counselor but I wanted someone who I don't know.... I know what Sarah Horner would have said...."

"What would she have said?" Counselor Brislan asked.

"She would have told me that the truth would present itself, that someone was to blame and when he became apparent, I would be able to have him shot." Jake explained.

"That is quite specific," Tressa said. "How do you know someone is to blame?"

"I don't.." Jake admitted. "Which is the other reason why I want to avoid Sarah Horner." he sighed. "What I want to know though... is where this came from?"

"That is the question of the hour. Are you joining the investigation?"

"No." Jake responded. "Its best I don't... conflict of interest... my wife and three of my children were affected or infected with this bug. Rachael was off the ship when this went down."

"Thank goodness for that, but the rest of your family?" Tressa asked.

Jake raised an eyebrow. "I don't know.... I do need to talk to my various relatives.." he paused. "I'm worried about Torilla... losing her babies.. even if they are alright is going to bother her.."

"She is stressed, and feeling... disconnected from them. That is to be expected. Being surrounded by her loved ones and spending time with Phoenix will help her to feel reconnected."

Jake nodded. "I know Torilla won't be demanding of Phoenix... and I'm not going to get involved... Phoenix is being asked a great deal and I won't ask her for any more... not even for my wife's sake."

"I don't think you need to ask, Phoenix will do what's right. She is a good person," Tressa said.

"I know.." Jake responded with a smile. "Torilla thinks the world of her..."

"Yes, and a situation like this can really bring them together. It's certainly not a typical pregnancy."

"Thanks to that virus that got loose.." Jake replied. "Life got turned upside down."

"I think we will be feeling the effects for some time," the counselor said softly. "I'm glad you're here for Torilla and your family."

"I won't ignore them... " Jake responded as a smile graced his face. "I'm a Rear Admiral... I might as well make the rank work for me... I have options that I didn't have when I was commanding the Courageous... I make my own orders...." he paused. "This is not the first time I've seen my wife fight her demons... her home world exiled her for mating with an offworlder... me." he paused. "I didn't have the heart to tell her that I've always felt guilty over that..."

"Torilla is not a woman who regrets, it's one of the many things I admire about her," Tressa said.

"I know.... but she does have many regrets." Jake admitted. "She just never talks about it... as she doesn't think she has to... she has precious few friends in this world... most of those are family to me... her own people don't want anything to do with her... because she mated with me... and now she's becoming something of a sensation on her own world... because o the fact she's had more children then the average Halanan in centuries."

Suddenly the com system beeped. "Ashes of Winter to Admiral Yamaguichi. Sir... Admiral Hunt would like to talk to you, he's holding on secure channel one."

"Alright." Jake answered. "I'm sorry counselor, I must go." and with that he departed quickly.


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