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Cleaning up the Bodies

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 3:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Mav'a Tiris & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 21: The Breen
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0945Hrs - January 1st, 2391

Varkon managed to find the last Breen on the ship.The Breen attempted to shot Varkon, but he simply reached out and crushed the Polaron rife. Throwing it away, he gave the Breen a good beat-down, but making sure to spare this one. Retrieving some steel cable he hogtied the Breen and dragged him over to two other captives that Ra'Vak was guarding. Varkon had also destroyed the Breen comm-jammer moments earlier, allowing their coms to come back up.

Ra'Vak hit his combadge," Ra'Vak to Siaxx, we have the com-badges back up. and we have secured the last of the Breen."

"Oh Allah be praised." came the response from the bridge.

Siaxx for her part was sitting in the center chair, clearly feeling very comfortable. "Ahhh Ra'Vak... My little gem.... " a smile appeared on the Bolian's face. "Who do you have talking to them?" she inquired as she crossed her legs.

Ra'vak rolled his eyes," No one yet, Varkon just has them hog tied with some cables, so any idea where everyone else is at."

"Very well.... I'll let him conduct the interrogation." Siaxx then paused. "I'll send Toshnarr to look mean and scary while Varkon asks the questions." Siaxx then paused. "We're treating all of our people..." she sighed sadly. "We lost.... forty or so people thanks to this bug.."

Ra'Vak sighed in disappointment," Well, I'll need to contact Ashes of Winter and ask for a few favors then."

"Works for me." Siaxx responded with a smile. "I already asked the Admiral for a few dozen people as a caretaker crew, I made sure that he knew we have a medical issue here so they are all wearing armor." The Bolian smiled as she put her feet up. "Its almost quiet." she commented as she regarded the Ashes of Winter as she towed Roanoke behind her.

Ra'Vak then went to the comm panel and hailed the Ashes of Winter.

"Ashes of Winter." came the response. "Lieutenant Tiris Mav'a here..." the female voice added.

"Hey this is Lt. commander Ra'Vak, chief engineer of Roanoke, when we zeroised our computer system, the dead mans switch on our warp core went off and ejected it, as well as all of our antimatter pods. Can you send some shuttles to go retrieve our warp core."

The answer was prompt except it was a man's voice. "Confirmed. We're deploying several shuttles and runabouts now." then there was a soft pregnant pause. "How's your crew, Commander?"

"Most are still very sick," Ra'Vak admitted," I am currently the only engineer on duty right now. Oh and by the way, we have some been prisoners that need to be transferred to your ship. We don't have the guards to hold them here."

"Sure. Send them over... I'm going to send you a fifty man caretaker crew until further notice. Send us your requests and we will take care of them.... and any replacement parts you need... or don't need... we'll help you as needed."

Ra'Vak nodded," Thanks."

it was then that Varkon came around, after the breen where beamed away, saying, "Hey Ra'Vak, you may want to see this."

Ra'vak nodded, saying over the comm channel, "Alright I gotta go check something, I'll contact you if I need anything else."

He closed the comm channel and went with Varkon. Minutes later they arrived at the computer core, or where it was supposed to be.

ra'Vak asked, dumbfounded," Varkon, where is the computer core."

Varkon shrugged," I don't know, I think the breen got frustrated and beamed it out."

"This day just keeps getting better and better."


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