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Covert Shroud Gambit

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 2:57pm by Commander Nalla Furban & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

Mission: Mission 20: Outbreak
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1200Hrs - December 30th, 2390

Music Soundtrack: Halo 2 Anniversary Soundtrack - 1-16 Unwearied Heart

Commander Torilla Yamaguchi's eyes slid closed as the monitor she was hooked up to suddenly started screaming at everyone around it, Elizabeth and Tienn both went over to check it as both women fought to stop Torilla from going off the mortal coil.

Siaxx looked around before going over to assist. "Report?"

"Her blood pressure tanked, we caught her in time.." Tienn reported. "Its her pregnancy Doctor." she sighed. "Elizabeth. Keep an eye on her... If anything happens... Smack the panic button, I need to speak with Doctor Dvald."

Tienn led Siaxx went into the Doctor's office. "We have a situation..." she explained. "I can't save the Commander as she is... I can either save her or her babies.." the Bajoran sighed. "I can't save both... I'm sorry Doctor."

"So we need another option.... or in this case... another woman who's not infected by this bug... " The Bajoran paused. "but who?"

Siaxx closed her eyes. "Phoenix... She's the only one available..." she said softly. "But I can't ask.."

"Doctor... if you do nothing... We will lose all three of them..." Tienn commented.

Siaxx whimpered. "I-" she sighed as she stopped.

"I'll do it." Elizabeth commented. "I'll ask her... You look after mom... since Mom was in trouble... I needed to add my two cents."

"What you need to do.... is follow orders but.... alright..." Tienn answered.

"I'll go talk to Phoenix... and I'll explain my situation to her.... and see what she says." Elizabeth answered.

"Dismissed Beth... go."

About ten minutes later, Elizabeth went into the brig area. "Phoenix... I need your help.." she decided to come right to the point of the matter, rather then beat around the bush.

"I aint allowed out tha brig," Phoenix spoke rather candidly as she continued to pet her dog.

"I know.... but I can get you out... the trouble is... We have an epidemic aboard the ship and Mom..." she stopped as her emotions got to her, she had to take moment to fight to control it. "she almost died fifteen minutes ago..." she explained. "The Doctor's can't save both her and the babies.... There is too much demand on her system.." she paused. "I frankly, have no right to ask this of you... " she inhaled softly. "but I'm asking... Would you be willing to carry my mother's babies to term?" she asked.

"No," Phoenix's response was immediate. The fear of harming another child, as she did Aryssa, took hold of her.

Elizabeth paused. "Oh..." she considered her options. "I have no one else...." she sighed.

"I can't," Phoenix spoke with tears forming in her eyes. Dora pushed her head under Phoenix's hand, to get Phoenix to scratch her ears. "I'm not mother material."

"Jill..." Elizabeth knew she was fighting a losing battle here. "All I want... is for you to carry the babies to term... You don't need to raise them.... because should the worst happen... I'll be the one raising them." she paused as she fought to stop herself from bursting into tears. "I don't wanna go back to sickbay and tell them no..."

There was a very long silence. One filled with Phoenix raging her own personal war, while trying to find comfort in her puppy.

"Very well," Phoenix swallowed nervously.

The relief was so overwhelming that Elizabeth burst into tears, she let out a soft whimper as the tears that had threatened for so long, finally began to stream down her face before she turned. "G-Guard?"

"Yeah Ensign?" the Security guard came over.

"I need Phoenix here released as she's needed in sickbay....for a rather important operation..."

The Ensign regarded the female medical officer who was fully geared for a war. "Alright..." he said softly before he let down the forcefield.

Elizabeth turned back to Phoenix. "We need to get you to sickbay as quickly as possible."

"Fine," Phoenix spoke while she carried Dora in her arms. She was rather numb ad disconnected at this point. It was the only way to cope with her past horrors related to this subject.

A few minutes later, they were in sickbay as Elizabeth went into one of the other rooms to scrub down and change into a new uniform.

Siaxx was standing before the biobed, Tienn was standing there as well, both medical officers were in surgical scrubs. "Phoenix." Siaxx said quietly.

"Don' talk 'bout it," Phoenix spoke rather nervously as she scanned around the room at all the rick bodies.

"Alright... hop on.." Siaxx said quietly. "It'll be okay.." she added. "Nalla?" Siaxx turned to Tienn. "Go on ahead... we won't need you here."

Tienn nodded. "Okay." and with that the Bajoran went off.

"Get me a million milliliter drip of dextrose," Nalla spoke to the nurse beside of her. Then pointed to the dog in Phoenix's arms. "I trust you will take care of the canine, Commander Dvald?"

"Yeah.... I'll look after Dora." Siaxx gently accepted Dora from Phoenix. "She won't go far.... just my office..." she gently reassured Phoenix.

"Sedate her now Nurse," Nalla ordered as she started up the neonatal transfer units in the background. Her nurse did so and Furban was quick to add, "In order to do this properly, I will need need to widen her womb surgically and give her skin grafts to sustain the stage of pregnancy."

Siaxx nodded. "Proceed.... I will assist you." she commented as Elizabeth commented softly. "No... I will assist..."

Siaxx regarded the taller woman. "You think-"

"I'm just as close... but I can assist with an operation... with all respect.. you are needed elsewhere... you've got more experience then I do.. Besides.. I'll be okay..."

Siaxx slowly nodded. "Alright.."

Elizabeth turned to Nalla. "Whats the plan Doctor?"

"I need you to inform me when her BP is low. I need to open her up and enlarge her womb," Nalla spoke rather pointedly, then pointed to the laser scalpel. "Apply the presser now, Ensign."

Elizabeth did so, precisely to where Furban had indicated. "What level should I watch for?" she inquired.

"If is falls below 80 systolic, let me know." Nalla then began to cut, once the coagulant was applied and Phoenix well good and under. "Have the pharmacy tailor-make quad-daily progesterone injections for Colonel Sullivan."

"Yes Doctor." Elizabeth meanwhile did not move as she watched the blood pressure gauge. "Its at Ninty systolic." she added after a moment.

"So long as it maintains or raises, she is in no danger," Nalla cautioned, switched out her tools, and began to gently expand the hip bones. "We made need to add calcium to her diet as well."

"I will make a note of her dietary requirements Doctor." Elizabeth commented, ignoring the fact that her mother was on the next table over.

Nalla continued to work. The skin grafts took the longest to attach too. But once she had the skin set, she looked over to the young ensign and nodded over to Torilla.

"The babies are ready to be transferred, Ensign."

Elizabeth nodded as she turned to the fetal transporter console as she quickly moved the babies from her mother to Phoenix, she ignored the fact that she was in effect stealing the babies from her mother and giving them to someone else but she knew she was doing the right thing and that she had a job to do.

"The babies have been transferred Doctor." Elizabeth reported.

Nalla nodded and stared at the monitors for several long minutes. When she was satisfied with the vitals of all three lives, she gave the orderly close by a nod.

"The colonel should be placed in a private room. And I want a dextrose drip attached to her until she leaves," Nalla told to no one in particular.

"Very well." Elizabeth commented. "I will see to it.."


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