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Hitchhikers May be Escaped Convicts

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 1:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 19: Taking out the Garbage
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1600Hrs - December 24th, 2390

Lieutenant Kam Solusar, Callsign Foehammer sighed softly. "Elizabeth, why are you in the brig hon.. this isn't you... you were always the good girl..."

"I changed... James Slone tried to kill me Kam.."

"I know... I was there remember Beth.... you were always too hard on yourself.."

"If I'm not... then who will be?"

"Elizabeth... whats going on with you and your family..?"

"Its complicated Kam..." she sighed. "my sister is further ahead then I am... my mother was in bed with another woman and I can only imagine how Dad is going to feel when he finds out."

"Ouch... thats rough." Kam responded. "I heard you mindfucked the Captain."

"Yep... and I've become public enemy number one... " she srugged. "like how everyone reacted with James Slone at the academy, this is nothing new..."

"Beth.. please." Kam responded. "I'd like to help you if you'll let me."

Elizabeth looked at him. "Alright... you win.." she commented. "As soon as I get out..." she sighed. "I could be in here for awhile...."

"You could," Tane spoke from the doorway of the security office. "But you wont. At least, that's if I like your explanation to this series of events."

Kam looked at Tane. "Captain, my apologies."

"None taken," Tane shrugged and began to eat cashews from her hand while she watched Elizabeth.

"Of course.." he turned to Elizabeth. "I'll be right outside." and with that he departed, leaving the two women alone.

Elizabeth Yamaguchi faced the woman she named as the greatest threat to her family. "Captain..." she paused. "I honestly don't know of how to explain this.... but the last time I saw my mother, she was a Lt Commander, in Strategic Operations, assigned to a piece of crap Starbase and.... she was not pregnant..." she paused as she sat down. "and there's my sister.... last time I saw her.... she was just a happy-go-lucky kid.... now she's so far ahead of me, its not even funny.... and she's going to become a mother.."

Zara listened. Quietly. Despite her rage from what was done to her, Tane truly understood this woman's pain.

"You were bedding my mother..." Yamaguchi slowly shook her head. "I don't know..."

"My mom never took me in after my dad died. I was very young too," Zara began, popped a nut in her mouth, and continued. "When I reconnected with her a few years ago, I met my half-brother. A teen. Like your sister. And it enraged me. Cause I thought Mom moved on. Didn't love me."

"Mom..... she moved on..." Elizabeth commented quietly. "My sister.... is about to become another in her own right.... last time I saw her, she was just a kid...... now she's on the verge of motherhood... she's got her wings... at fourteen and... she is almost an officer and a member of starfleet.." she sighed. "and I'm here... being left behind.."

"You're not behind. Just out of the loop. And it took me a while to realize that myself, with my mom," Zara explained as she let the force field down and sat beside the girl. "Once I talked to my mom and learned that she wanted to reconnect with me and I could tell she meant it... Well... I never stopped wanting to talk to her and get to know my half-brother. And I learned that my half-brother never replaced me. So I know you are not replaced either."

Elizabeth felt miserable. "Mom and I more or less severed those ties.." she sighed. "I tried telling her... she told me it was just excuses...." she regarded Zara. "I'm sorry....for what I did to you."

"Accepted," Zara spoke simply. "But we both know a line was crossed and I dropped the charges against you. That's not something Commander Saint was happy of. So there will still be repercussions and your record stays clean. And you and I start clean, with the first fact of knowing that your mom and I are not in love with each other. We're just friends."

Elizabeth blinked, she looked at Tane as she had no idea of what to say. "Captain... I don't understand... what I did was unforgivable..." she said quietly. "Mom, Rachael and I need to talk...." she paused. "But I promised Kam Solusar a lunch date..." she paused. "What is my punishment?"

"Let's just say that when people ask you if you have plans for the weekends, that they'll be full." Zara looked at her with a hint of anger, but mostly sympathy. "Reconnect with your mom and sister. But on the weekends, you're in waste extraction."

"Waste extraction." Elizabeth commented. "Okay..." she responded without asking how long this was going to be.

"You ever do this again, it goes on your record and even so, you could be looking at prison," Zara spoke quietly. "And I can't deny Commander Saint if he wants to push it."

"Yessir." Elizabeth commented quietly.

"You can go now," Zara insisted and gestured a hand out the cell. "Go talk to your mom and call your dad. Get things squared and on the same page."

"Alright.." Elizabeth slowly stood up as she plucked her uniform jacket off of the bench before she slipped it on. "Dad and I do need to talk..." she paused. "but first... I need a shower... I stink.."

"Yeah," Zara agreed and left the cell.

Elizabeth walked out of her cell, the unreality of the last ten minutes had now started to sink in. "Am I just hallucinating..?" she commented to herself as Kam Soluar came around the corner. "Beth.. come on... lets go.."

"Back to my place.. I need a change of clothes and a shower.... I reek of sweat.."

"Alright.." he commented. "Dinner at your place?"

"Yeah..." Elizabeth admitted with a smile. "I've missed you.... you know that?"

"No... but its nice to hear you say it.." Kam's voice trailed off as he and Elizabeth both departed the bird area.


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