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The Master and the Apprentice

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 12:57pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight
Edited on on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 12:57pm

Mission: Mission 19: Taking out the Garbage
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0900Hrs - December 24th, 2390

Just outside the holodeck, the two men looked cheerful even if for the last hour or so they had been trying their best to kill each other. "You have been well trained in the martial sciences Foehammer..."

"Thank you Boomer. You're dangerous yourself.

Boomer chuckled softly. "Its a nice change of pace when I meet someone who can kick my ass for a change."

"Well.. you did get sloppy.. " Foehammer responded. "That gave me my opening..."

"Oh, excuse me." Daisy told the pilots. "I didn't know you people were in here."

"Captain" Boomer greeted her as turned to Boomer. "Same time tomorrow.?"

"I look forward to it." and with that both men bowed to each other, and with that boomer turned and departed. "Captain... Are you after this holodeck?" he inquired of Daisy

"Yes, eventually." Daisy replied. "I need to have some training done with the marines."

"Fair enough..." he paused. "What sort of combat training do you have?" he inquired

"We are going to have a counter intruder exercise." Daisy told him. "A boarding party will land on the carrier deck and we have to stop them before they destroy the fighters."

"May I join you for the exercise?" he inquired with a smile. "I feel I could benefit from the training.."

Daisy looked a little surprised. "Sure, we could always use more personnel." She told him. "Do you have any formal training or experience?"

"I have .... some experience." as he gave her a enigmatic smile as he turned before drawing his collapsible bo, he tapped a button as it extended to its full length. "If you'd like to see... I can show you"
his accent sounded odd, like across between New Zealand and London.

Daisy looked at the bo "Impressive kit." she told him. "Thank you but I don't need a demonstration." Daisy smiled at Kam. "What I would like to know is have you ever led a marine team or squad. If you haven't that is okay. I just need to know your skill level."

"No..." Kam admitted. "I've not had anything near that level of experience..." he explained. "Sorry Captain."

"Nothing to be sorry about." Daisy told Kam. "If something like the scenario we are training for happens, a lot of people will be looking to you as an officer to lead them. If you want to participate the first go around you will be a squad member so you can see how things run. On the second go you will act as a squad leader." Daisy told him.

He regarded her with a look akin to affection. "That sound great Captain." he commented. "I'm going to enjoy this.."

"After Gunny Duval pulls you through his training ringer you probably be singing a different tune." Daisy told him.

"Of that I have no doubt." Solusar agreed with her.

"Good, make sure to get your commanders permission and be here at oh nine hundred tomorrow if you want to participate." Daisy told Solusar.

"Yessir." he commented. "I'll do that."

"Alright, I'll tell Gunny you'll be training with us." Daisy stated.

"Oh Nine Hundred. I'll inform Ironhide and I'll see you then."


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