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Siaxx Ways from Sunday

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 10:54am by Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval

Mission: Mission 17: The Drug-Dimmed Tide
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1500Hrs - December 15th, 2390

Lt Commander Siaxx Dvald was standing in the bathroom, she was wearing naught but her skin as she felt the wash of heated steam over her skin as a smile graced her lips. "Jill... the water is ready."

"I don' wanna bath," Phoenix spoke from the bed. The tremors in her hands had reached a new speed and she looked like shit. Cold sweat soiling the back of her shirt and under the arms, as well as having dark circles around her eyes from little sleep.

"I wanna drink," Phoenix finally cried out with frustration.

"I know you do..." Siaxx commented softly. "I was going to join you.." she added, Phoenix had been taking care of her and she had been taking care of Phoenix.

Siaxx moved into the bedroom as she gently helped Phoenix out of the bed and into the bathroom. "Easy.... easy..."

The trip was a weird sort of waddle, as Phoenix was physically drained at this point. But by the time they got into the bathroom, Phoenix keeled over the toilet and emptied the chicken noodle soup she'd had for lunch.

"I can'... do this no more," Phoenix cried hysterically. Her body screamed out for any amount or type of alcohol. All her nerves felt she was on fire, and her throat felt it would forever be parched.

"Just a..." Phoenix paused to wet her cracked lips, "Just a small glass of rum?"

"I... I can't.." Siaxx almost whimpered as she gently helped Jill clean herself up after throwing up. "We're making good progress... just a little longer Jill." it was killing her to go through with this especially now. She should have fought harder to do this on Starbase Four Hundred and not now. "I'm sorry Jill..."

"I hate this," Phoenix coughed, knocking a good deal of phlegm from her lungs.

"I know..." Siaxx whispered as she helped Phoenix into the tub before she climbed into the tub herself.

"I don' deserve ya," Phoenix spoke in shame as she reclined in the tub. In some ways it was relaxing, in others ways, it did nothing but fuel need to drink. "...I'm sorry I hit ya."

"Shh..." Siaxx smiled as she gently soothed Jill's frazzled nerves. "Its okay... I got past that long ago... no need to worry about that." as she gently ran her fingertips over the larger woman's skin. "You do deserve me... same as I want you." she said, while leaving out that Siaxx herself was the one who had more to apologize for. "Just relax.... and take deep regular breathes.."

Phoenix tried to, but panic had set in long ago. Her muscles tensed and went rigid while she went through another round of fighting with herself. The need to do anything for a drink. To make the pain stop. An agonized scream erupted from her as she began to go through the roller coaster again.

Siaxx wrapped her arms around her fiancee as she gently held her. "I'm here.... I'm here..." she said soothingly, she had her own issues but she was ignoring them for now.

Phoenix hugged Siaxx very tightly when the next round of painful cravings hit her hard. Did this bath help? Unknown, at least so far as Phoenix knew. But having her fiancee there to hold her made these roller coasters of withdrawal easier to bare.

Once more her muscles tightened and this time she cried in Siaxx's arms, water splattering everywhere as she thrashed ever so often with a very painful spike in her nerves.

"I need..." Phoenix panted, "water."

It seemed like the cravings had stopped for the time being. Partly because Phoenix had started to rock and focus on Siaxx's rocking and rubbing her.

"This... this is too hard," Phoenix added with a very weakened voice. Scratchy from nearly blowing it out.

Siaxx reached over as she plucked a pitcher of water from where it had been sitting as she gently fed some water to Phoenix. "You're doing well.... it'll all be over soon....and then we can help you heal... and I mean really heal..."

Phoenix drank ravenously on her water, but quickly stared at her fiancee as if a blue screen of death was her new existence.

Siaxx gently held her as she gently soothed Jill's pain. "Easy..."

"I shoulder raised Aryssa," Phoenix sobbed into Siaxx's chest. Why that thought came up, was beyond Jill.

"She hates me, since she got told I aint her sister," Phoenix continued to blab. "...Think I failed 'er. An' I have! 'Cause I'm a LOUSY DRUNK," Phoenix shouted out and sobbed again.

Siaxx gently held Phoenix in her arms. "I'm here... and I'm not leaving.." she said quietly. "Shhhh..."

Phoenix sobbed and rocked, and shook madly in Siaxx's arms until became silent as a mouse. She had cried herself to sleep.

Siaxx sat there as she paused. "How do I get out of the tub?" she asked herself as she took a moment to consider carefully just how she was going to go about it. "Dvald to Duval. Yo Gunny?"

The response was instant. "Yo Siaxx... whats up?"

"Could you come down to my place... I got a little issue that I need some help with... when you get here, just come right on in..."

Duval was in his den, doing some paperwork. "Okay. On my way Doc. out." and with that he closed the com and went out the door, then he went down the hall.

He reached his destination, he entered the quarters. "Siaxx?" he called.

"In here."

Duval came into the bathroom as he raised an eyebrow. "Oh..." he saw two naked women in a bathtub. "You didn't call me for anyhthing erotic... did you?"

"No Gunny... I'm stuck in here..." Siaxx commented. "Help me out would ya?"

"Ahh." and with that, Duval peeled off his shirt and undershirt, revealing his massive chest and arms, before reaching into the scalding hot water and with a grace and gentleness one would have had to see to believe, he lifted Phoenix out of the tub. "Thanks.."
Siaxx said as she stepped out of the tub.

Duval gently placed her on the bathroom floor, clearly at ease with he situation as Siaxx gently placed some towels next to the nude woman with the DT's, then Duval moved her so they both could dry her off.

A short time later they both had gotten Phoenix into the bed as the massive man looked down at the smaller Bolian. "I'm...err... Sorry for ... what I did to you the other day.."

"Don't worry Gunny.." Siaxx commented. "I was the one to started it.. you simply gave me what I wanted.." and with that gently kissed him on the cheek. "Even if you were gentle... well as gentle as a guy your size gets with a girl my size... "

Duval nodded as he dried himself off and then pulled his undershirt then his shirt back on. "Alright... well do you need me for anything else?"

"No... thanks for coming to help me.." the Bolian smiled at him before he took his leave as Siaxx turned and went into the bedroom, before curling up next to Phoenix in the bed.


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