Mission 112: The Heart of a Truth Long Lost
Post Count: 56Savannah Yamaguchi comes face to face with her real mother, at long last. After almost thirty years. She uncovers the truth of who her mother is. She learns the truth that separated Kimora Reeves and Savannah Reeves at birth. What Savannah finds out will redefine her in ways that she cannot possibly imagine.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 119: The Cycles of Time
Post Count: 4Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi comes face to face with an issue of family. Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen is fast becoming a grown woman and as such, she requires a little extra care and special handling. Her mother was once in this same position before but Rachael isn't quite up to the task of handling Saki.
Torilla has to step in and handed the matter. She is also stuck introducing Saki to sex. Something most consider an unusual subject for various reasons.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Post Count: 66This is part two of two catchup missions for all the personnel who have been missed since they left the USS Roanoke. What's happened to them?. What have they endured since? It's past time we found out.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes - Who Watches the Watchers.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 121: The Mobius Loop
Post Count: 3When Torilla and her daughter reach Starbase Six-Eighteen on a standard resupply run. The two women run into a temporal anomaly. What will it show for her and for Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen?. Only time itself will tell. However, one thing will be clear from the outset. The destinies of both women as well as their families will be changed, forever.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 122: A Plea to Fate
Post Count: 0During the mission to Starbase 618. Torilla and Rachael both came face to face with several very uncomfortable truths.
Rachael learned that she was the architect of her own destruction. She went to see Paul Harrison about old matters and ended up becoming pregnant. This would destroy her entire family as Ennis left her and took the kids.
Torilla, likewise came face to face with her great-grandson who informed her of everything that had happened to her entire family including herself.
Now she must rally her family together and share this news. So they can face the coming storm, together.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 127: Old Friends and New Enemies
Post Count: 15The old ghosts of the past have returned as an Akurian battlegroup has arrived at Vanguard, mostly for an exploration assignment but also to reunite with old friends. Also, they are here to make new friends and for Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx, they offer her the chance to complete a quest, she had long thought lost to time.
Part of Season 22: The Coming of Shadows
Mission 123: Reshuffles and Realignments
Post Count: 0Starfleet needs to reassign some people for the Enif mission. Several people from the Taurus Reach are reassigned and others are promoted to fill those slots.
There is one person in particular whose departure will cause some serious issues and consequences.
When Nalla Furban departs the scene. It will cause dire ramifications for several other people who were and were not involved with her reassignment.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 124: Across the Stars
Post Count: 0This is the aftermath of the Torilla AI storyline from Mission 8: Hope Found and then Lost.
Whatever happened to that AI program?. Its long past time that we found out.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 125: The Fall of Joseph
Post Count: 0With little time to rest, Starfleet must now face a renewed Tholian Menace and the fall of one of their colony worlds to the Tholians genocidal campaign of terror, they must face this new threat head-on and without mercy.
Part of Season 22: The Coming of Shadows
Mission 126: Hearts and Minds
Post Count: 0The Federations response to the glassing of Joseph and the new warlike mentality of the Tholians. Whats driving this mentality and can it be stopped before the galaxy is plunged into war?.
Part of Season 22: The Coming of Shadows
Mission 128: Not All Who Wander are Lost
Post Count: 0The final fate of the Shedai is revealed in various and fascinating ways. What has become of the Shedai themselves?. What roles will they play in coming Galactic events?. Events at the heart of the Federation will shine a light on a very ugly truth.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 129: Improbable Cause - Part One
Post Count: 0Tensions with the Tholians are continuing to rise. The Federation is going to be holding a final meeting with the Talarians to sign a mutual defense pact and a treaty of alliance between the Federation and the Talarian State. There are rumblings that the Tholians are going to disrupt the meeting. The USS Courageous, the Manticore, and the Grey Wolf will be providing security.
Part of Season 22: The Coming of Shadows
Mission 130: The Die is Cast - Part Two
Post Count: 0While the meeting was attacked, the attackers were held at bay and the alliance was concluded. The Tholians have made a new enemy in the form of the Talarian Republic, the Talarians realize that was is now not only unavoidable, it's also inevitable. What most don't know is that this is the start of the Federation-Tholian War, but it starts with a whimper and not a bang as many had expected.
Part of Season 22: The Coming of Shadows
Mission 131: Civil Defense
Post Count: 0The Federation needs to organize its allies and protectorates into a cohesive group, all working together on the same page.
There will be several meetings held to facilitate this, and one of these meetings will be held on Starbase Vanguard to organize a cohesive defence should the Taurus Reach become attacked.
There are many who oppose this as several independent human colonies resist the idea of working with others and need to be brought on board, lest the Tholian's do it for them.
Part of Season 22: The Coming of Shadows
Mission 132: Maneuvers
Post Count: 0The Starfleet forces in the Taurus Reach has to go provide extra protection for the colonies they set up, those were easy enough but its the independent colonies who must decide how much help they want and who to see about it, will they set up their own defenses or look to Starfleet to protect them? and what role will the Tholians play in all of this?
Part of Season 22: The Coming of Shadows
Mission 133: The Shadows of War
Post Count: 0The Tholians have decided that war is their chosen path, to prevent the Federation from unlocking the secrets of the Taurus Reach and the knowledge locked away inside the Shedai Meta-Genome. The Federation meanwhile has no idea about any of those as no new research has been conducted. The Tholians then attack four Federation bases along the border, one of those was the new Shield-Maiden Anchorage and while the Tholians are stopped, this time the cost will be dear to the Federation. This is the start of the war.
Part of Season 23: No Surrender, No Retreat
Mission 134: Apocalypse Rising - Part One
Post Count: 0The Tholians decide that enough is enough and they launch a several pronged invasion of the Federation. The Talarians respond with a full-frontal invasion of their own, against the Tholians. The Federation Council, tired of endless stalling and prevaricating from the Tholians, decides that this bullshit needs to end and they declare war. This is the formal start of the Federation-Tholian War.
Part of Season 23: No Surrender, No Retreat
Mission 135: Apocalypse Rising - Part Two
Post Count: 0The Federation Council, tired of endless stalling and prevaricating from the Tholians, decides that this bullshit needs to end and they declare war. This is the formal start of the Federation-Tholian War. Vanguard and the rest of Starfleet is placed on a permanent yellow alert,
"As of six o'clock this morning, Paris time, we are formally at war with the Tholians. God, help us all." - Federation Foreign Secretary James Wilkerson
Mission 1: Impact
Post Count: 16Torilla Yamaguchi adjusts to life after being stripped of her command and being assigned to the place when it happened. Starbase 400
Part of Season 1: I, Torilla
Mission 2: Casino Royale
Post Count: 8Torilla and her family adjusts to life aboard Starbase 400. New friends are made and new enemies appear.
Part of Season 1: I, Torilla
Mission 3: Quantum of Solace
Post Count: 20Things develop on Starbase 400. New relationships are forged and old hatreds deepen.
Part of Season 1: I, Torilla
Mission 4: Flashover
Post Count: 15One accident causes more than its fair share of headaches, heartaches, and issues for those aboard Starbase 400.
Part of Season 1: I, Torilla
Mission 5: Skyfall
Post Count: 57Things on Starbase 400 get stupid with a campaign in the offing against an enemy nation-state, as the drums of war thunder. Torilla Yamaguchi must find a way out of this drama.
Part of Season 2: Drums in the Deep
Mission 6: Q-ualty Time
Post Count: 82The war was averted, thanks to some luck and some skill on the part of all involved, now the Q made put in an appearance.
Part of Season 2: Drums in the Deep
Mission 7: Finding My Way
Post Count: 14Torilla and her allies continue to seek redemption in the face of those who have wronged them
Part of Season 2: Drums in the Deep
Mission 8: Hope Found and then Lost
Post Count: 30A shakedown cruise will reveal things for Torilla that is sure to make her blood boil, the consequences will affect her for years to come.
Part of Season 2: Drums in the Deep
Mission 9: Interference
Post Count: 15The mission to Socala Major, who left this advanced technology here in a place where it does not belong?
Jeff Duval must find out, or die.
Part of Season 2: Drums in the Deep
Mission 10: Holding on and Letting Go
Post Count: 29Torilla, her friends and allies must process Jill Sullivan and SIaxx's changed realities aboard Starbase 400, if they don't then the bonds that hold them in this world will surely perish in the flames of hatred.
Part of Season 3: To Have and To Hold
Mission 11: Red VS Blue
Post Count: 60Siaxx and Torilla come face to face with their respective issues and destinies. Torilla brings her pregnancy to term and gives birth to Diamond Yamaguchi while Siaxx faces being an abuse survivor after being assaulted by Phoenix. Both events will affect both women in interesting and terrifying ways.
Part of Season 4: Foundations of Stone
Mission 12: Hitchhikers are Escaped Convicts
Post Count: 54A Freighter Battle severely damages the USS Shadow and pride of the Sovereign class, its easy to see why they were replaced in their role.
Part of Season 5: In the Shadows of Purgatory
Mission 13: The Space Between
Post Count: 63The crew of the USS Shadow bond in interesting and fascinating ways as their mission continues. What happens will test them in profound ways which will affect them for years to come.
Part of Season 5: In the Shadows of Purgatory
Mission 14: Rage Rage Rage Against the Dying of the Light
Post Count: 87Old resentments return, old squabbles reemerge and now all it at risk. Peace and harmony are not easily attained, it must be fought for, for this is a battle that Torilla, Celeste, along with all of their friends and allies must win or all will be lost for everyone else.
Part of Season 6: By Perdition's Flame
Mission 15: Old Ghosts
Post Count: 124Torilla and many of her friends and allies are reassigned to the USS Roanoke, away from Starbase 400, what they face may be worse then what they had.
Part of Season 7: The Virus
Mission 16: Hoist the Colours
Post Count: 23The Roanoke finally departs spacedock on her first mission. It was supposed to be easy but what the crew finds will change them in interesting and profound ways.
Part of Season 7: The Virus
Mission 17: The Drug-Dimmed Tide
Post Count: 54The Engineering crew gets parts of Roanoke working again, what they find will make them with that this ship had stayed dead.
Part of Season 7: The Virus
Mission 18: Aces High
Post Count: 21The USS Roanoke begins to sort out her starfighter situation, her pilots and her birds will need more then a small amount of training to cope with the demands on them.
Part of Season 7: The Virus
Mission 19: Taking out the Garbage
Post Count: 40The USS Roanoke is detailed to clear space garbage from random spots, it was designed to keep Roanoke out of the way... But what Roanoke and her crew find, will cause them headaches and heartaches.
Part of Season 7: The Virus
Mission 20: Outbreak
Post Count: 11A Virus gets loose onboard the USS Roanoke, who will heed their desperate call for help? and will anyone survive?
Part of Season 7: The Virus
Mission 21: The Breen
Post Count: 4The Breen have come to claim their prize. Will anyone from the USS Roanoke survive to deal with this new threat?
Part of Season 7: The Virus
Mission 22: Quarantine
Post Count: 8Those who survived the viral outbreak on the USS Roanoke, now need to be quarantined on Starbase 12 while they heal.
Part of Season 8: Shore Leave Shenanigans
Mission 23: Foundations of Stone
Post Count: 42Zara Tane and the crew of the USS Roanoke, start to work order from the fires of Chaos. By working together, they can accomplish much.
Part of Season 8: Shore Leave Shenanigans
Mission 24: Open Secrets
Post Count: 24The USS Roanoke is presently undergoing rebuilding, as is her crew. The new challenges they prepare to face will test them in various and interesting ways.
Part of Season 8: Shore Leave Shenanigans
Mission 25: Prudes Will Be Prudes
Post Count: 6The USS Roanoke and her crew find themselves confronting the prudish behavior ingrained into many cultures and species, the result between an accident and this culture collision is nothing short of a disaster.
Part of Season 8: Shore Leave Shenanigans
Mission 26: Points of Divergence
Post Count: 31Relationships are created, they are tested and some are broken in this new battle of Wills between the members of the crew of USS Roanoke. The ship and crew find themselves under siege from foes, old and new.
Part of Season 8: Shore Leave Shenanigans
Mission 27: Into the Jungle
Post Count: 14For those who were on leave, they have become trapped on a jungle world, they may be stuck forever as there is a time difference... For them seconds will seem like minutes... as time ticks by, will rescue come in time?
Part of Season 9: Vacation Hell's
Mission 28: Those who Remain
Post Count: 52Those who remain aboard USS Roanoke, must rush her into service to try and find their lost and missing personel before time runs out and those who are lost, stay lost forever.
Part of Season 9: Vacation Hell's
Mission 29: Songs Around the Campfire
Post Count: 22Those Roanoke crew who were lost have settled into life as castaways, hoping for rescue to come. But time is ticking away at rates that are just heartbreaking.
Part of Season 9: Vacation Hell's
Mission 30: All Thats Left
Post Count: 13Now that Roanoke and her crew have been reinforced, its time to find their missing people and bring them home, whatever it takes, whatever the cost.
Part of Season 9: Vacation Hell's
Mission 31: The Ashes of Eden
Post Count: 50The crew of the USS Roanoke has recovered those who were lost, now the task of reintegrating who they lost and their children remains to be dealt with, also the Roanoke must now return to service.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 32: Tales of Tarod
Post Count: 54The USS Roanoke arrives at Tarod, where she will assist the colony with its various efforts. What they learn and find out will change them in profound and dramatic ways.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 33: Losing the Peace
Post Count: 151The USS Roanoke is forced to dig in at Tarod IX, defending the colony from without as Romulan Mauruaders come looking for trouble and from within, as there are many who oppose peace.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 34: Between Two Fires
Post Count: 50The USS Roanoke is forced to continue and even extend her assignment at Tarod. Issues from within and issues from without cause the Roanoke, her crew and the other ships and crews with her to deal with more threats and issues than ever before.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 35: A Greek Tragety in Three Acts
Post Count: 35The problems faced by Roanoke and her battlegroup reach a level that was unexpected by anyone. They must overcome and adapt or their efforts will be for naught.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Post Count: 39Roanoke's issues with crime and drugs come to a boiling point and things quickly get out of hand. Roanoke and her crew must deal with this quickly top keep things under control.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 37: The Troubles and Tribbles
Post Count: 20The USS Roanoke has to deal with a new threat. Tribbles. This threat, if not handled properly will seal the doom on the Roanoke and her crew.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 38: Last One Out, Get the Lights
Post Count: 16The Final efforts to secure the Tarod system and the surrounding area present the USS Roanoke with her newest and greatest challenges yet.
Part of Season 10: To Serve and Protect
Mission 39: By Fire be Purged
Post Count: 37One Accident, One moment in time and one flash of thunder will have profound consequences for the USS Roanoke and her crew, altering the fates of many, forever. "These are the times that try men's souls" - Thomas Paine.
Part of Season 11: Trial by Fire
Mission 40: Thirty Pieces of Silver
Post Count: 56The USS Roanoke and her crew must pull together and guide their crippled ship back to a Starbase, they must heal their wounded comrades and band together like never before or all will be forever lost.
"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." - Thomas Paine.
Part of Season 11: Trial by Fire
Mission 41: The Changing of the Guard
Post Count: 58The USS Roanoke is refitted to be better and stronger then ever,m her crew must withstand the double shocks of people dying and people leaving for other assignments. Some have gained a new respect and others have lost everything. They must heal their wounds and prepare to face the next challenge facing them.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 42: A House Divided
Post Count: 75The USS Roanoke and the other ships in her battlegroup are suddenly finding themselves facing a new threat. One from within, rather than without.
Unless this situation is dealt with, it will bring down the battlegroup and all who serve within it.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 43: Acts of Contrition
Post Count: 19The USS Roanoke, her battlegroup and the personel within, must come together and do it quickly otherwise their foes will become too strong to deal with.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 44: Operation Bedlam
Post Count: 52It's all come down to this. The Issues present within Roanoke's battlegroup come to a head. Its time to fight or die.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 45: Dust and Echoes
Post Count: 21Due to the Fallout of Operation Bedlam, the usage and deployment of Marines is under review. As is the future of the Marines as a whole. Colonel Nye has unleashed a shitstorm of epic proportions with his actions on the USS Argonne.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 46: Picking up the pieces
Post Count: 34The clean up from the various events continues with the marines slowly rebuilding themselves after the chaos of Operation: Bedlam.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 47: A Crack in the Mirror
Post Count: 4Universes sometimes meet and make contact. This event is no different but who will emerge from the other side of the mirror and what are their intentions?
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 48: The Third Pineapple Incident
Post Count: 37The destiny of the crew of the USS Roanoke and of several ships in her battlegroup will be changed forever with the coming of the Third Pineapple event, who will escape and who will be ensnared with it. one thing is certain, all will suffer and all will pay.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 49: The Stars Look Down
Post Count: 82The USS Roanoke is almost ready for service, as is the rest of her battlegroup, the crews, however, will need some serious tender loving care due to the fallout from the events of the Third Pineapple Event.
Part of Season 12: Crucible
Mission 50: This Grey Spirit
Post Count: 41Part of Roanoke's battlegroup must head for star system HD-385784-2395 and find out what happened, both to the system and to their missing ship.
What they will find will have consequences for all concerned.
Part of Season 13: Castle of Glass
Mission 51: Warchild
Post Count: 98The USS Roanoke was sent on a mission to Retep Three, unfortunately, the governor does not seem interested in talking, only with using force.
Part of Season 13: Castle of Glass
Mission 52: The Astral Winds
Post Count: 38With Roanoke and her battlegroup scattered across several thousand light-years, the group must pick themselves up and dust themselves off. Before they come together for their next mission
Part of Season 14: Winters Tail
Mission 53: Last March of the Enterprise-E
Post Count: 17The last mission of the Enterprise-E, and what went wrong.
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 54: Where Snow Meets Sky
Post Count: 72The Roanoke and most of her battlegroup is assigned to handle the developing situation on Niven. It's going to get stupid fast, due to the players involved.
Part of Season 14: Winters Tail
Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Post Count: 29Talon has been presented with a chance to reclaim what was taken from her. She wishes to reclaim her lost child but what will she sacrifice to reclaim her?
Part of Season 14: Winters Tail
Mission 56: Undiscovered Destiny
Post Count: 3The Undiscovered Destinies of time and space. What will Celeste find out when she comes face to face with what could be her son's destiny?. Will she embrace it? or seek to escape it?
Part of Season 14: Winters Tail
Mission 57: The Northern Lights
Post Count: 84The Roanoke and her battlegroup are dealing with the issues at Niven which are more then what they seemed to be, at first.
Part of Season 14: Winters Tail
Mission 58: Revenge Served, the Bolian Way
Post Count: 11Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx has the chance for revenge upon her uncle, the man who molested and raped her when she was a teenager, but what will her revenge cost and how far will she go to get it?
Part of Season 14: Winters Tail
Mission 59: Stirrings of Treason
Post Count: 10The issues facing the Klingon Empire. The lack of any real leadership signifies the start of a major power struggle.
Part of Season 14: Winters Tail
Mission 60: Atlas Falls
Post Count: 23The Fall of the Borg Collective, how they died and what will happen afterward?
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Post Count: 33The Ferasian Rebellion and the war against House Ke'Tevek. Who will be liberated and who will escape?. But who will die? and what will happen to the Empire?.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 62: Its Hour Come 'Round
Post Count: 15The USS Bonhomme Richard and her guest instigates an event that very nearly manages to destroy Roanoke\'s battlegroup,. but will also have some tragic consequences for those gathered here.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 63: Second Nature
Post Count: 80The issues facing the Roanoke and her battlegroup begin to multiply rather than settle down. Roanoke, her crew and others in Starfleet must rise to the challenge or forever lose what they have worked so hard to build and sacrificed to attain.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 64: Mortal's Chiefest Enemy
Post Count: 19The USS Dreamcrusher must liberate a colony of people who have been held as prisoners and then forgotten about by the Federation.
The Klingon Empire must not gain access to these Augments or new issues will appear.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 65: And Death Rained Down
Post Count: 25The Klingons Civil Conflict continues with drama and politics, now a contest of wills that everyone is seeking to win, will turn into a bloodbath that everyone will lose. This is the war of the Four Chancellors.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 66: Double Helix
Post Count: 25A case of a biohazard issue on the Tuanko colony provides more than a distraction. It allows a chance for the Tienn family to answer some old questions and ask some new ones at the same time.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 67: In The Service of Life and the Living
Post Count: 38There are a great many changes aboard the USS Roanoke and among her battlegroup, new people coming in to replace those who are leaving for various reasons. Roanoke and the personel assigned must weather these changes and prepare for the coming storm.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 68: Unsteady is the Head the Wears the Crown
Post Count: 9The War of the Four Chancellors is over, yet the Empire is weaker than ever. J'mpok, the new Chancellor, must restore the empire, by any and all means necessary.
Part of Season 15: Always Face Thy Enemy
Mission 69: Tienn's Fall from Grace
Post Count: 66Tienn Nerra has made many mistakes but this one will cost her most dearly, this is the tale of her fall, her struggles, her redeption and her finding something she never knew she was lacking.
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 70: Children and the Workplace do Not Mix
Post Count: 19What happens when a large number of child orphans and adoptees integrate into new families who have not adjusted to having children present?. Let's find out...
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 71: Orion's Hounds
Post Count: 36The chronicles of the rise of Starfighter command will not be pretty and nor will they be swift, but they will rise. These are their tales.
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 72: T'Would Ring the Bells of Heaven
Post Count: 67Its time for the old order where rank and the slavish adherence to the same must pass away otherwise accidents like the USS Mount Hood will continue to happen, its time for Starfleet to embrace a new way of doing things or they will remain forever stuck in the past.
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 73: Near Misses and Close Encounters
Post Count: 18Because someone on the USS Tranquility said something stupid, Starfleet child-services were called in to forcibly separate a mother and child. Who would do this and why?, lets read and see...
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 74: The War Within, The War Without
Post Count: 24The Roanoke battlegroup and their personel must deal with the issues of the marines aboard the USS Argonne and the USS Lancaster. It seems that the Marines can't get along with anyone, even themselves.
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 75: Through the Looking Glass
Post Count: 12The Roanoke battlegroup and their personel must deal with the second appearance of people from the same alternate reality as Plataea Yamaguchi and her people. What will happen this time and how serious will it get?.
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 76: The Winter of My Discontent
Post Count: 6When Tom Lasky's relationship with Zara Tane finally falls apart, he must resolve the issues between him and various other people, as the demons that he deals with are now closing in around him. He must face these demons or be forever lost.
Part of Season 16: Floodgate
Mission 77: Made Glorious Summer
Post Count: 6The people from the alternate reality who are now stranded here, must settle in and make new homes and lives for themselves here as they can never go home again, on pain of being branded a traitor to the Empire they once served. How will Alex Yamaguchi and her companions settle in and how will they adjust?
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 78: Let's March Without the Noise of Threat'ning Drum
Post Count: 5The Klingon Empire begins their invasion of the Gorn Hegemony, this is the start of a series of cataclysmic events that will define the future of two nation-states and their fate. These are the tales of war, glory, and death.
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 79: Sound Trumpets! Let Our bloody Colors Wave
Post Count: 59The Gorn Government, now under a state of siege, requests Federation and Akurian assistance. After preparing and deliberating among themselves. The Federation sends a large fleet to Goranar to intervene. This is the Federation's first major war in over twenty years but this is a new kind of war with new people to fight it.
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 80: The Arms are fair. When the Intent of Bearing Them is Just
Post Count: 8The crew of the Enterprise-E is rescued by the Akurians and the Super-Heavy Starship Noble. Here, the crew is able to revive most of their dead and they begin to seek a return back to the Federation, these are their tales.
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 81: They Shall Have Wars and Pay for their resumption
Post Count: 13The Roanoke, her battlegroup and everyone in Starfleet, must prepare for the coming storm. the Klingons have gone to war with the Gorn and now the Federation must prepare because they are next.
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 82: It Is War’s Prize to Take All Vantage.
Post Count: 27The Klingons have been driven back from Goranar but a large number of their troops were left behind on the surface. The war rages on on the surface and elsewhere inside the Gorn Hegemony.
Part of Season 17: To Brave the Storm
Mission 83: Gender-Blender
Post Count: 21Someone did not like Lasarra running her mouth so she decides some medical fuckery is in order. What started as a minor lesson in manners, ended up becoming a major disaster for all concerned. The consequences will be more profound and more dire then anyone could have ever imagined.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 84: The Ghastly Echoes of Vietnam
Post Count: 10They say that war is hell, nowhere is that more true than on the ground of Goranar. These are the tales of those who lived... and those who died.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 85: My Soul's in Arms, and Eager for the Fray
Post Count: 40After the Federation turns the tide and liberties Goranar once and for all. They begin the task of driving the Klingons back out of Gorn space. Those who are left, must assess what remains and find a way to carry on.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 86: A Hero Falls
Post Count: 17This is the storyline of the Death of Torilla Yamaguchi. How does her passing affect those who were her kin and family?, how will they adjust to life without her?. These are their tales.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 87: Torilla Returns
Post Count: 13After a week of being dead. Torilla along with several thousand others are revived by the Akurians with their advanced medical technology. Unfortunately, the consequences of Torilla and so many others dying and being revived cause chaos and discord to all... What do you do when those you thought were dead, were anything but?.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 88: We Must have Bloody Noses and Crack'd Crowns
Post Count: 22The Federation and their various allies finish driving the Klingons out of Gorn space. The Federation knows it must end this war and the only way to do that is with an invasion into the Klingon Empire itself.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 89: An Irresistible Force
Post Count: 8The Downfall of the Borg has left many casualties in their wake, many of the more heavily assimilated people including Rachael Yamaguchi will need more help then what was expected, some will need whole new bodies just to survive. How will these Freed Borg live and process their new reality?. Only time itself will tell.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 90: Revisiting a Supernova
Post Count: 16The cataclysmic events of star system HD-385784-2395 still have to be investigated and thus, the Federation and the Akurians return to it, in search of the USS Pinto. What they find, however, is a little more then they bargained for.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 91: The Sum of All Fears
Post Count: 21New horrors come to light as Torilla has bad genes, the full extent of which are revealed and the horror they bring with them, will redefine the destiny of over a dozen people. Friendships are forged and made in blood. The stakes are nothing less than the survival of an entire species.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 92: O War! Thou Holy Son of Hell, Whom angry Heavens do Make their Minister,
Post Count: 6The Klingon Leadership of J'mpok, having been removed, is replaced by Bum'kass, a deranged lunatic of a Klingon who is intent on finishing off what J'mpok started, except he focuses on the Akurians. If he succeeds, then he will win a great victory but if he fails then its civil war and the fall of the Empire, forever.
Part of Season 18: By Tempests Fury
Mission 93: Home Grown Fear and Terror
Post Count: 15Treachery and Treason wear a familiar face as a new version of the Maquis which faced and fell against the Cardassians twenty years earlier. The Human Defense League is a new face to an old problem. Human-centric ideals are under threat as never before and this time, the cost of dealing with this one, will be tragic.
Part of Season 19: Echoes and Ashes
Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Post Count: 95After the loss of the USS Roanoke and the disbanding of her battlegroup, those who remain from the crews of Roanoke and the other ships, must find the strength to carry on, to recognize and adjust once more to a peacetime assignment.
Part of Season 19: Echoes and Ashes
Mission 95: Through the Looking Glass
Post Count: 44The remnants of Roanoke battlegroup and their personel must deal with the third appearance of people from the same alternate reality as Plataea Yamaguchi and her people. What will happen this time and how serious will it get?.
Part of Season 19: Echoes and Ashes
Mission 96: Settling Accounts
Post Count: 98The crew of the ISS Farragut, now stranded in this reality must adjust to living here in this new reality, unfortunately, their coming through has left a portal which will be dealt with another time.
Part of Season 19: Echoes and Ashes
Mission 97: The Fleet Reorganization Saga
Post Count: 30The Fleet Reorganization Saga starts with people being moved around, it also coincides with a large force of Starfleet personel being moved into the Taurus Reach under the command of Fleet Admiral Heather Duval.
Part of Season 19: Echoes and Ashes
Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Post Count: 673The new crew of Starbase Vanguard builds their new outpost on the frontier.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 99: The Dreams of Songs Gone Past
Post Count: 31Starfleet JAG is was made aware of various issues concerning people's ranks and issues with various personel files. Their investigation is now concluded, who will gain and who will suffer for the actions taken before and who will gain and lose now?
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 100: I'm Going to Ruin Somebody's Day
Post Count: 79Torilla Yamaguichi Halucination storyline.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 101: The Restless Shades of the Past
Post Count: 39The USS Pegasus, long thought lost in action, is found, she's crippled and adrift with the majority of her crew in one piece.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 102: Sic Transit Tienn
Post Count: 53The resolution of the Tienn family storyline. In which Tienn Nerra and her kin, along with their spouses, return to Bajor and deal with their family issues once and for all. Along the way, surprises are shared and the various Tienn's fate is changed. Some for better and others for worse.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Post Count: 197All is not well on the USS Solemn Penance as her crew faces a new threat, one that will cost them most dear as this new foe strikes without hesitation and without mercy. Who will fight? and who will fall? in this winner take all battle, to decide once and for all. Just who is in command of one of the Federation's most powerful ships. Will it be Starfleet or the Human Defense League.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 104: Saturn's Children
Post Count: 43Coral and Lee adopting Kosleht and Khalest.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 105: The Mirror, Shattered
Post Count: 87The USS Infinity travels through the rift and visits an alternate reality, what awaits them may determine the future of one species and one reality.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Post Count: 36Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen knows it's time to end the feud between Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx and Tom Lasky, however, these efforts threaten to initiate a conflict that will end all she has tried to accomplish. Also. Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen ends up departing Vanguard for a reunion with her husband and children.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 107: Shades of Siaxx
Post Count: 11The life of Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx and Tressa Brislan take a sudden and nasty turn as various revelations and situations finaly come out and various truths are exposed. The aftermath of these events will forever change the fates of these two women, both of their families and everyone around them. Its gonna get stupid fast.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 108: Grains of Sand
Post Count: 65"In the fullness of time. The cycle shall draw to its end."
Various crews find themselves being parted. Mostly due to assignments and promotions but also due to the rising issues with the Tholians.
Anyone with families is reassigned to Starbases, most without warning.
"These are the times that try men's souls" - Thomas Paine
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 109: The Travelers Path
Post Count: 28Davijaan and Talon Yeager must overcome issues, new and old as new family appear and old threats reemerge. This family must heal their issues and deal with this threat. Or all they have worked so hard to build will be forever lost.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Post Count: 79Dealing with the USS Holland and the USS Queen Mary going rogue.
USS Stalingrad must deal with the consequences of said actions.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 111: The Sorrows of Night
Post Count: 27The Insanity with Elizabeth Yamaguchi being overworked and the issues with her pregnancy affects more than just herself, they affect everyone around her and related to her. The chaos that losing her will be more than most expect when she gets sidelined due to medical issues due to other peoples failures and screwups.
The fallout from these events will shape more than just a few people, they will shape the fate of many on Starbase Vanguard.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 113: By Demons be Driven
Post Count: 12The resolution of the issues plaguing Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar will finally be resolved. Her fate will be decided and now her fate, along with those of her two unborn children, will be decided. Elizabeth and her husband must prepare for what is to come and what might go wrong.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Post Count: 32The resolution of the Halanan medical crisis.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Post Count: 41Shield of Wolves, Tigers Claw, and Hermes go to New Halania to sort out a massive economic and political crisis. Along the way, they uncover evidence of a massive eugenic's program that has drained the Halanan economy and plunged the planet into poverty and anarchy, the Federation is forced to intervene to prevent the destruction of a species. However, the crimes on both sides will mark both, forever.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Post Count: 51This is part one of two catchup missions for all the personnel who have been missed since they left the USS Roanoke. What's happened to them?. What have they endured since? It's past time we found out.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home
Mission 117: A Quality of Mercy
Post Count: 6The final act of the fallout from Galiaan Fordring becoming drunk from drinking a large consignment of Thungwine becomes known.
How will the rest of Starbase Vanguard process Galiaan Fordring's final fate?. The fate of one does affect the duties of those around her.
Part of Season 21: Signs and Portents
Mission 118: The Christmas from Hell
Post Count: 55Starbase Vanguard and her crew decided that it was time to celebrate the new operational status of their new Starbase with a series of festive events. Medical had decided to plan and then organize a Christmas party as the majority of their people were humans from several of humanities colonies. But old ghosts from the past have reemerged. Alongside new issues also rising. It remains to be seen if these events will actually take place in the first place.
Starbase Vanguard and the personnel assigned here must prepare to defend what they have established. Or all could be lost.
Part of Season 20: Building Our New Home