Season 19: Echoes and Ashes

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The aftermath of the Gorn War is a story that's confusing and complicated. Those who remain from the USS Roanoke must now find their way to the future without the Roanoke. Roanoke's Battlegroup has been disbanded and the ships all reassigned elsewhere.

Group Post Count: 282

Included Missions

Mission 93: Home Grown Fear and Terror

Post Count: 15

Treachery and Treason wear a familiar face as a new version of the Maquis which faced and fell against the Cardassians twenty years earlier. The Human Defense League is a new face to an old problem. Human-centric ideals are under threat as never before and this time, the cost of dealing with this one, will be tragic.

Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords

Post Count: 95

After the loss of the USS Roanoke and the disbanding of her battlegroup, those who remain from the crews of Roanoke and the other ships, must find the strength to carry on, to recognize and adjust once more to a peacetime assignment.

Mission 95: Through the Looking Glass

Post Count: 44

The remnants of Roanoke battlegroup and their personel must deal with the third appearance of people from the same alternate reality as Plataea Yamaguchi and her people. What will happen this time and how serious will it get?.

Mission 96: Settling Accounts

Post Count: 98

The crew of the ISS Farragut, now stranded in this reality must adjust to living here in this new reality, unfortunately, their coming through has left a portal which will be dealt with another time.

Mission 97: The Fleet Reorganization Saga

Post Count: 30

The Fleet Reorganization Saga starts with people being moved around, it also coincides with a large force of Starfleet personel being moved into the Taurus Reach under the command of Fleet Admiral Heather Duval.