Season 22: The Coming of Shadows

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The Tholians resolve the problems with Starfleet and the Federation by launching an invasion of Federation space, they conquer several non-aligned worlds and then they lay siege to Cantrel Five and then to Vanguard itself. When the fight comes, Starfleet must be ready to answer wars clarion call.

November 2394 to January 2395

Group Post Count: 15

Included Missions

Mission 125: The Fall of Joseph

Post Count: 0

With little time to rest, Starfleet must now face a renewed Tholian Menace and the fall of one of their colony worlds to the Tholians genocidal campaign of terror, they must face this new threat head-on and without mercy.

Mission 126: Hearts and Minds

Post Count: 0

The Federations response to the glassing of Joseph and the new warlike mentality of the Tholians. Whats driving this mentality and can it be stopped before the galaxy is plunged into war?.

Mission 127: Old Friends and New Enemies

Post Count: 15

The old ghosts of the past have returned as an Akurian battlegroup has arrived at Vanguard, mostly for an exploration assignment but also to reunite with old friends. Also, they are here to make new friends and for Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx, they offer her the chance to complete a quest, she had long thought lost to time.

Mission 129: Improbable Cause - Part One

Post Count: 0

Tensions with the Tholians are continuing to rise. The Federation is going to be holding a final meeting with the Talarians to sign a mutual defense pact and a treaty of alliance between the Federation and the Talarian State. There are rumblings that the Tholians are going to disrupt the meeting. The USS Courageous, the Manticore, and the Grey Wolf will be providing security.

Mission 130: The Die is Cast - Part Two

Post Count: 0

While the meeting was attacked, the attackers were held at bay and the alliance was concluded. The Tholians have made a new enemy in the form of the Talarian Republic, the Talarians realize that was is now not only unavoidable, it's also inevitable. What most don't know is that this is the start of the Federation-Tholian War, but it starts with a whimper and not a bang as many had expected.

Mission 131: Civil Defense

Post Count: 0

The Federation needs to organize its allies and protectorates into a cohesive group, all working together on the same page.
There will be several meetings held to facilitate this, and one of these meetings will be held on Starbase Vanguard to organize a cohesive defence should the Taurus Reach become attacked.
There are many who oppose this as several independent human colonies resist the idea of working with others and need to be brought on board, lest the Tholian's do it for them.

Mission 132: Maneuvers

Post Count: 0

The Starfleet forces in the Taurus Reach has to go provide extra protection for the colonies they set up, those were easy enough but its the independent colonies who must decide how much help they want and who to see about it, will they set up their own defenses or look to Starfleet to protect them? and what role will the Tholians play in all of this?