Season 20: Building Our New Home
The Federation has returned its interests and its attention back into the Taurus Reach area. These efforts all started with a new Starbase, named for its ancestor, along with the same old number. Forty-Seven.
September 2392 to January 2394
Group Post Count: 1695
Included Missions
Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Post Count: 673The new crew of Starbase Vanguard builds their new outpost on the frontier.
Mission 99: The Dreams of Songs Gone Past
Post Count: 31Starfleet JAG is was made aware of various issues concerning people's ranks and issues with various personel files. Their investigation is now concluded, who will gain and who will suffer for the actions taken before and who will gain and lose now?
Mission 100: I'm Going to Ruin Somebody's Day
Post Count: 79Torilla Yamaguichi Halucination storyline.
Mission 101: The Restless Shades of the Past
Post Count: 39The USS Pegasus, long thought lost in action, is found, she's crippled and adrift with the majority of her crew in one piece.
Mission 102: Sic Transit Tienn
Post Count: 53The resolution of the Tienn family storyline. In which Tienn Nerra and her kin, along with their spouses, return to Bajor and deal with their family issues once and for all. Along the way, surprises are shared and the various Tienn's fate is changed. Some for better and others for worse.
Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Post Count: 197All is not well on the USS Solemn Penance as her crew faces a new threat, one that will cost them most dear as this new foe strikes without hesitation and without mercy. Who will fight? and who will fall? in this winner take all battle, to decide once and for all. Just who is in command of one of the Federation's most powerful ships. Will it be Starfleet or the Human Defense League.
Mission 104: Saturn's Children
Post Count: 43Coral and Lee adopting Kosleht and Khalest.
Mission 105: The Mirror, Shattered
Post Count: 87The USS Infinity travels through the rift and visits an alternate reality, what awaits them may determine the future of one species and one reality.
Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Post Count: 36Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen knows it's time to end the feud between Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx and Tom Lasky, however, these efforts threaten to initiate a conflict that will end all she has tried to accomplish. Also. Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen ends up departing Vanguard for a reunion with her husband and children.
Mission 107: Shades of Siaxx
Post Count: 11The life of Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx and Tressa Brislan take a sudden and nasty turn as various revelations and situations finaly come out and various truths are exposed. The aftermath of these events will forever change the fates of these two women, both of their families and everyone around them. Its gonna get stupid fast.
Mission 108: Grains of Sand
Post Count: 65"In the fullness of time. The cycle shall draw to its end."
Various crews find themselves being parted. Mostly due to assignments and promotions but also due to the rising issues with the Tholians.
Anyone with families is reassigned to Starbases, most without warning.
"These are the times that try men's souls" - Thomas Paine
Mission 109: The Travelers Path
Post Count: 28Davijaan and Talon Yeager must overcome issues, new and old as new family appear and old threats reemerge. This family must heal their issues and deal with this threat. Or all they have worked so hard to build will be forever lost.
Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Post Count: 79Dealing with the USS Holland and the USS Queen Mary going rogue.
USS Stalingrad must deal with the consequences of said actions.
Mission 111: The Sorrows of Night
Post Count: 27The Insanity with Elizabeth Yamaguchi being overworked and the issues with her pregnancy affects more than just herself, they affect everyone around her and related to her. The chaos that losing her will be more than most expect when she gets sidelined due to medical issues due to other peoples failures and screwups.
The fallout from these events will shape more than just a few people, they will shape the fate of many on Starbase Vanguard.
Mission 112: The Heart of a Truth Long Lost
Post Count: 56Savannah Yamaguchi comes face to face with her real mother, at long last. After almost thirty years. She uncovers the truth of who her mother is. She learns the truth that separated Kimora Reeves and Savannah Reeves at birth. What Savannah finds out will redefine her in ways that she cannot possibly imagine.
Mission 113: By Demons be Driven
Post Count: 12The resolution of the issues plaguing Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar will finally be resolved. Her fate will be decided and now her fate, along with those of her two unborn children, will be decided. Elizabeth and her husband must prepare for what is to come and what might go wrong.
Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Post Count: 32The resolution of the Halanan medical crisis.
Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Post Count: 41Shield of Wolves, Tigers Claw, and Hermes go to New Halania to sort out a massive economic and political crisis. Along the way, they uncover evidence of a massive eugenic's program that has drained the Halanan economy and plunged the planet into poverty and anarchy, the Federation is forced to intervene to prevent the destruction of a species. However, the crimes on both sides will mark both, forever.
Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Post Count: 51This is part one of two catchup missions for all the personnel who have been missed since they left the USS Roanoke. What's happened to them?. What have they endured since? It's past time we found out.
Mission 118: The Christmas from Hell
Post Count: 55Starbase Vanguard and her crew decided that it was time to celebrate the new operational status of their new Starbase with a series of festive events. Medical had decided to plan and then organize a Christmas party as the majority of their people were humans from several of humanities colonies. But old ghosts from the past have reemerged. Alongside new issues also rising. It remains to be seen if these events will actually take place in the first place.
Starbase Vanguard and the personnel assigned here must prepare to defend what they have established. Or all could be lost.