Season 21: Signs and Portents
Starfleet's refocused attention on the Taurus Reach area would trigger issues along the frontier with the Tholians as tensions begin to rise and eventually explode with the glassing of Joseph colony and the deaths of almost thirty thousand civilians.
Some in Starfleet wish to make the Tholians pay for their crimes and others want to work out a peaceful solution. Starbase Vanguard is caught up in the middle of all of this insanity.
January 2394 to November 2394
Group Post Count: 79
Included Missions
Mission 117: A Quality of Mercy
Post Count: 6The final act of the fallout from Galiaan Fordring becoming drunk from drinking a large consignment of Thungwine becomes known.
How will the rest of Starbase Vanguard process Galiaan Fordring's final fate?. The fate of one does affect the duties of those around her.
Mission 119: The Cycles of Time
Post Count: 4Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi comes face to face with an issue of family. Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen is fast becoming a grown woman and as such, she requires a little extra care and special handling. Her mother was once in this same position before but Rachael isn't quite up to the task of handling Saki.
Torilla has to step in and handed the matter. She is also stuck introducing Saki to sex. Something most consider an unusual subject for various reasons.
Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Post Count: 66This is part two of two catchup missions for all the personnel who have been missed since they left the USS Roanoke. What's happened to them?. What have they endured since? It's past time we found out.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes - Who Watches the Watchers.
Mission 121: The Mobius Loop
Post Count: 3When Torilla and her daughter reach Starbase Six-Eighteen on a standard resupply run. The two women run into a temporal anomaly. What will it show for her and for Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen?. Only time itself will tell. However, one thing will be clear from the outset. The destinies of both women as well as their families will be changed, forever.
Mission 122: A Plea to Fate
Post Count: 0During the mission to Starbase 618. Torilla and Rachael both came face to face with several very uncomfortable truths.
Rachael learned that she was the architect of her own destruction. She went to see Paul Harrison about old matters and ended up becoming pregnant. This would destroy her entire family as Ennis left her and took the kids.
Torilla, likewise came face to face with her great-grandson who informed her of everything that had happened to her entire family including herself.
Now she must rally her family together and share this news. So they can face the coming storm, together.
Mission 123: Reshuffles and Realignments
Post Count: 0Starfleet needs to reassign some people for the Enif mission. Several people from the Taurus Reach are reassigned and others are promoted to fill those slots.
There is one person in particular whose departure will cause some serious issues and consequences.
When Nalla Furban departs the scene. It will cause dire ramifications for several other people who were and were not involved with her reassignment.
Mission 124: Across the Stars
Post Count: 0This is the aftermath of the Torilla AI storyline from Mission 8: Hope Found and then Lost.
Whatever happened to that AI program?. Its long past time that we found out.
Mission 128: Not All Who Wander are Lost
Post Count: 0The final fate of the Shedai is revealed in various and fascinating ways. What has become of the Shedai themselves?. What roles will they play in coming Galactic events?. Events at the heart of the Federation will shine a light on a very ugly truth.