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The Clean up

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 1:48pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 12: Hitchhikers are Escaped Convicts
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 1800Hrs - Febuary 17th, 2390

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi paused as she took a moment to look around,
the dregs of the wounded were all gone and now the medical staff who were rested
as well as a few Marines and Security personnel on loan to her were now cleaning
up the refuse of the battle to save almost four hundred lives.

The blood was everywhere, on furniture and equipment, on beds and had pooled on the floor, she sighed softly as she realized just
how badly it had stunk as she looked down at her ruined uniform, she was half covered in blood.

Yamaguchi turned and went into her office, before slipping off her jacket to reveal the tank top she wore over her frame as she
decided to cram it into the replicator, she then tapped the recycle button, a smile appeared on her face as she watched her ruined
jacket vaporize, bring turned back into energy to be sent elsewhere aboard ship.

She went over to where she had left her second overcoat as she slipped it on, now nobody would be any the wiser that her uniform
was changed as she sat down to start writing out the death certificates, it was this part of her job that never failed to enrage her,
today would be no exception as the plucked an empty PADD off of her desk, then she hurled it into the bulkhead, it shattered upon
impact as she felt a wave of rage pass through her.

Just then the com system beeped at her. "Attention all personnel, we have arrived at Starbase 400."

Celeste plucked a PADD off the small pile as she began to jot down notes as she felt a soft tremble flow through the ship, she then
quickly realized that the USS Courageous had cut the Shadow loose but knowing Jake as she did, he would remain on station just in
case the Sovereign-class ship ran into trouble, it was also a very serious display of respect from one Captain to another.

Celeste knew what the Captain would want, a casualty report of personnel killed, wounded and missing in action. a sigh escaped her lips as she jotted down the list of the eighty or so personel that had become casulties over the course of the mission, most of them had been wounded and just about everyone who had been killed had been engineers with the exception of a few security officers, Yamaguchi herself had lost one medical officer, killed when a plasma conduit had blown out in engineering, it had been shrapnil which had cut the young woman down, she had saved a dozen others from projectile wounds but it was no consolation to Celeste herself or to anyone else as Ensign Sarah Harper was still dead.

She finished the list as she rose to her feet and marched off out the door, her destination was wherever the Captain was located.


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