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An Unusual Encounter

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 1:49pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 12: Hitchhikers are Escaped Convicts
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 1500Hrs - Febuary 16th, 2390

Rhiana was working in Engineering keeping things running smoothly when she heard the doctor ordering her to Sickbay for a checkup. She sighed not liking doctors and really thought it wasn't necessary for her to go through a check up every time there is a new doctor. But she complied and walked down to sickbay not very happy.

As she walked in she looked at the doctor, "Well lets get this over with I have a lot of work to do." Stated the young Romulan Officer.

Celeste Yamaguchi was reading a PADD about Andorian cuisine as she heard a woman with an odd accent speak to her. "As do we all, my dear.. as do we all." she then looked up as she regarded the Romulan or was she Vulcan, she smiled. "Well... have a set and I will have my way with you.."

She just looked at her and then sat down, she was wearing her Romulan uniform since she wasn't exactly Starfleet but an exchange officer aboard the ship. She wasn't apart of the Romulan Empire...or what's left of it. She wanted to get away from all that and this was where she could do some good.

Yamaguchi produced her medkit as she looked the Romulan over, it was the uniform that spoke of who this woman was to Yamaguchi. "Any unusual aches or pains recently?" she frowned. "Mmm... are you eating enough?" she regarded the Romulan woman with a critical eye.

She looked at her, "No to your first question, and I eat when I am hungry" Rhiana stated looking at her. "I keep in shape by working out regularly." She added looking at her. "Please don't treat me any different then any other officer here just because I am a Romulan. I am not a monster...." She said looking down for a moment.

"I treat everyone the same Lieutenant. from the Captain down to the children aboard ship." Yamaguchi explained. "No exceptions." she added as she regarded the other woman with a smile. "I don't care who you are or where you're from, I don't care of the colour of your skin or the colour of your blood, what I do care about is the content of your character..." Yamaguchi explained as she plucked a PADD from where it was sitting. "and you.. are five pounds underweight." she smiled. "you need to eat more."

She looked at her, "I do eat alot, but my body doesnt store fat, as you humans would say so i can hardly gain weight as needed." Rhiana admitted. "No doctors can figure out why...or wants to even help me because I am a Romulan." She sighed looking down.

"Some people are just born stupid." Yamaguchi commented without smiling. "Others grow into it. Myself... I try to keep an open mind.. Now let me see why you can't store fat....but before I go poking and prodding your body... do you have any ideas as to why?"

"I have no idea," Rhiana stated looking at her. She still wasn't sure what was going on she didn't feel sick or that she was starving herself. She ate normally if not more then normal.

"You are malnourished Lieutenant." Yamaguchi explained bluntly. "You're not getting enough nutritional foods."

"That's what they all seem to say...I do..." Rhiana said as she looked away seeming that no one seems to care. She was getting frustrated and was about to leave. Seems to her that no one really cares about her.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Wait... others have noticed this and they didn't bother doing anything about this?" Yamaguchi inquired, on the outside she was calm and in control where as on the inside, she seethed with black rage. "Well... I'm going to get this sorted out once and for all." she growled as she turned her head. "Nurse!" she barked loudly.

An Asian looking woman came over. "Yessir."

"I need help with a full check." she indicated the Lieutenant. "She has undiagnosed issues and someone fouled up... once I find out what's wrong... her last CO is going to wish he was dead when I get through with him."

The Asian woman smiled as she proceeded to crack her knuckles. "Sounds good."

She sat there maybe finally going to get some answers. At least someone is taking her seriously.

Celeste fixed eyes with the nurse as both Medical officers worked. "Okay... you have a nutritional issue caused by a blood issue." she explained as her eyes opened wide. "Oh crap..." she paused. "You have a parasite feeding on you.... I'm going to have to operate."

She looked at the doctor almost in shock, "huh? operate? what?" is all that could come out of her mouth at the time.

"Stay calm Lieutenant. The Parasite in question is just feeding off of you, its not causing any serious damage... so you might have acquired it recently or you might have had it a long time, I need to run more tests.... but that little guy needs to come out before he reproduces... I'll know more when I run some tests."

"Alright," Rhiana said as she sat there not knowing what to think at this moment bet let them do the tests.

Yamaguchi proceeded to take a few samples from her patient as she handed them off to the nurse. "Take those to the lab and tell them to get me the results RFN."

The nurse grasped the items, she nodded. "Yes Doctor." and with that she turned and fled, as if fleeing some imaginary monster. "Well... the little guy inside of you is something you've clearly had for awhile.... the question is... where did you acquire him.... any thoughts?"

She thought for a moment, "The only planet other then Earth I been to in the past two years would be Romulus before it was destroyed. I don't remember any other planet I have been to since then." Rhiana said as she was lost in thought trying to think.

"You're absolutely sure of that?" Celeste inquired as she ran her tricorder over the Romulan woman's abdomen. "Well.. looks like we caught it in time."
she added.

"I can't remember anywhere else, there could be but I just don't remember." Rhiana said as she looked at her.

Celeste nodded. "No worries..." she commented as she ran a quick physical. "Well I have good news and bad news."

She sighed, "What is that?" Rhiana stated as she didn't like that idea very much.

"Good news is.... you're doing quite well, bad news is I have no idea as to what makes him tick.... I'm waiting on the results for him.... so I can operate without harming you."

"Very well, lets just get this over with." Rhiana stated looking at her.

"I need the test results so he doesn't do weird things like inject you with some funky poison." she explained as a nurse came over with a PADD in hand.
"Doctor. Lieutenant Bond sends her regards and has your results." the nurse handed Celeste the PADD.

The larger doctor smiled. "very well. lets go gear up... prep for surgery."

She nodded, "lets get this over with," she stated as she looked at her.

Yamaguchi nodded as she looked at the Romulan and then at one of the other nurses. "Tell Surgical team Six that today is their lucky day, gear up and move the Lieutenant here into whichever operating room is available, I want that bug out of her and I mean now."

"Aye Doctor." the young man turned as he began waving his hands in various hand signals to several nearby medics who swung into actions without noise, words of complaint or anything else really.

She just laid there watching everything go on until she felt a hypo press against her neck and she was asleep. Now she had to trust the doctor to help her.

Yamaguchi proceeded with the operation, it was a relatively simple process except the biotoxin which the parasite injected into the Lieutenant however Yamaguchi caught it in time and she was able to remove the toxin. "That was close."

She just continue to lay there until the operation was over. She was having weird dreams in the process but couldn't wake up to get them out of her mind.

Celeste finished with the operation as she proceeded with clean up. "Alright,. Nurse take her to recovery two and keep an eye on her..."

"Yes Doctor." the nurse commented.

She slowly woke up and looked around, she was still groggy. She seen a nurse and looked at her. "Did everything go alright," She asked sounding groggy.

Yamaguchi nodded as she smiled. "Yes, all is well... you should now process food normally again... I'm going to keep you overnight for observation, to make sure all remains well with you." the taller human woman explained.


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