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Offer to go to Kal'Hyah

Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 10:56pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval
Edited on on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 6:08pm

Mission: Mission 6: Q-ualty Time
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 1030Hrs - February 11th, 2389

Captain Jake Yamaguchi sighed softly, there was something about being close to his wife which he greatly relished as he missed her company and he didn't care who knew it as he knew he needed to see her for and his youngest daughter for dinner as he was taking a few days for some family time, he had neglected his spouse and daughter, now he would make it up to them.

He had ran into an old friend, Master Sergeant Duval as both men had clasped arms in greeting then they had given each other a hug. "Ahh Jake, you look rested and bored."

"Command seems to agree with me, though... I did keep in mind what you taught me..." Jake smiled warmly at the older officer.

"Good, you still keep sharp... I can tell that from your wife and child.."

"You've met Torilla and Rachael?"

Duval chuckled. "If you mean with the two of them fighting like they wanted to kill each other in the gym then yes.... Rachael's control is improving though..."

Jake caught sight of another officer as he made his way through the throng of people as he waved. "Colonel."

Col. Hurd noticed the voice, and said, '' Captain Yamaguchi, it is a pleasure to see you.''

"Its been a long time.... but I hear congratulations are in order for you."

Duval snapped off a salute to his Commanding Officer. "Colonel, sir." he greeted Hurd.

Snapping a sharp salute back, Col. Hurd said, '' Good to see you Duval.''

"A Klingon affair... indeed?" Jake chuckled softly. "Only for the men eh... the men suffer while the women party." he commented. "nevertheless... I will meet you at the end of your journey to Kal'Hyah"

Pausing for a moment, he replied, Lenoxx, buy i am still one person short.''

Yamaguchi nodded. "So...who will be part of your honor detail....?"

Hurd Replied, ''I have not considered that.''

Duval raised an eyebrow but he said nothing else.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Torilla has told me much of you Colonel." he commented.
"You ready for married life?"

Col. Hurd smiled, and said, ''Yes i belive i am.'' I love Jewel very Much.''

Jake chuckled softly. "Well... a word to the wise if I may?" he inquired. "Don't rush headlong into it...." he paused. "but for your party... am I correct in assuming its time critical?" he inquired. "Why not ask him...?" he indicated Duval.

Col. Hurd let out a rare smile, and said," i will take that under advisement."

Duval raised an eyebrow. "I will deliver my wedding present to you later Colonel." he commented.

Yamaguchi nodded as he crossed his arms. "As will I."

Col. Hurd smiled, and said, ''Well, what do you think Duval, will you join me on the path of Kal'Hyah?''

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as the request was unexpected, he had been offering a solution but this was something he didn't see coming, he raised an eyebrow as he looked at Duval who raised an eyebrow in the Vulcan fashion. "I would be honored Colonel." he commented.

Col. Hurd smiled, and said, '' I am glad. ''And it should be fun.''

Duval nodded his head. "When does the journey begin and where do we assemble?" he inquired. "Should I bring anything special?"

Col. Hurd smiled again, and said, ''The journey will begin soon, and as for what you should bring, i would advise courage, strength, and a strong stomach.''

Duval raised an eyebrow. "I will be ready." he commented evenly.

Col. Hurd replied, ''Of that Duval, i have no doubt.'' ''You are one one of the most trustworthy, honorable men i know, and it is a great honor to know you.''

Duval raised an eyebrow. "You are too kind sir.... when does the party start?" he inquired evenly.

Col. Hurd Replied, ''I would imagine here soon.''

"Then I will join you on the road to Valhalla." Duval commented. "It will be fun."

Nodding, the Colonel said, ''That it should be my friend, that it should be.''

Yamaguchi's combadge beeped. "Yamaguchi to Yamaguchi, Dad... this a bad time?" it was a male voice as a wide smile appeared on Jake's face. "Ahh... my kids are here...." he tapped his combadge. "Yamaguchi here, nope.... that you Gabe?"

"Yeah... I brought Savannah... but don't tell Mom... we're hoping to surprise her."

"Copy that, where are you.?"

"Elizabeth, Savannah and I are at docking port ninety four..."

"I'm on my way..." he commented. "Will you gents excuse me... I have family matters to attend to."

Col. Hurd said., '' Of course Captain.''

"Of course sir." Dural answered as he turned to Hurd. "A shame you can't take Gabriel Yamaguchi with us, he would have much to share with you two have much in common."

Col. Hurd cracked a small smile, and said, '' How so?''

Duval paused a moment. "Cadet Gabriel Yamaguchi is expecting his first child in a month or so." he commented. "Which means Captain Yamaguchi is going to become a grandfather.... so do be nice to Torilla the next time you see her, she might be distracted.."


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