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The Return of My Woes - Part One

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 3:26am by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 1930Hrs - June 9th, 2393

Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar was due to start working for medical the following morning and she was not at her best, she was visiting Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx and her family so she could pick up her baby boy. Elizabeth moved down the hallway as she knew her husband would be heading back to their home to get things ready for a crying infant.

Yamaguchi-Solusar was half dreading this and that alone offended her as she reached her destination. The tall female tapped the door chime before she let out a loud sigh.

The door was answered by a blue-skinned child who looked about seven or eight years old, he was bald, like everyone else who was related to him, but then he was a Bolian male. The boy looked up at her while Yamaguchi-Solusar recognized him as Zhan, Siaxx's youngest child who was able to answer the door. "Hello, Ms. Yamaguchi-Solusar. You are expected." he then slowly smiled. "Please come in." as he turned and led Yamaguchi-Solusar into the main sitting area. Siaxx was reading a PADD while she was curled up on the sofa as Vaxx was seated nearby doing paperwork but what struck Yamaguchi-Solusar the most was the silence. "Hey, guys. Why is it so quiet?" Yamaguchi-Solusar frowned.

There was another child who was reading a book. "Ssshh." came the instant response as the boy smiled. "Robbie and Heraxx are both sleeping," Ma'haat added, in a quiet tone. The Thirteen-year-old smiled as if sharing a secret.

"What?." Yamaguchi-Solusar sounded shocked. "Wait. How did you manage that?" Yamaguchi-Solusar sounded truly mystified. "I was expecting the screams of crying infants with one of you at the door waiting to demand I take him back and never darken your door ever again." the tall female explained.

Dvald-Vaxx suddenly grinned before she looked up at Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar, she then chuckled softly as she lowered the PADD in her hands. The smaller then average Bolian female giggled softly as she looked up at her old friend and former student. "As soon as you left, I fed him then put his down for a nap, he sleeps a lot." the small Bolian female explained evenly. "Heraxx likes having him around. As to why that is, I cannot say." she then shrugged. "I feel cheated by the way." she then looked up at Yamaguchi-Solusar who was over a foot taller then she herself was before the older female grinned widely at Yamaguchi-Solusar.

"Why's that?" Yamaguchi-Solusar responded evenly.

"You said he cried a lot, he's actually been a real delight to have around, he's almost quiet all the time. Except when he's hungry or demanding a new diaper." the small Bolian female explained. "He's been mostly quiet, it's really quite strange." the Bolian female then shrugged.

"Not for me. He was always crying and we could never figure out why." Yamaguchi-Solusar sighed softly.

"Elizabeth, he was colicky," Dvald-Vaxx explained in a gentle tone of voice. "Plus his bed did not help," Dvald-Vaxx answered. "Come on over here Elizabeth. I don't think Chen will bite, too much." he couldn't resist teasing her husband with that statement.

Vaxx raised an eyebrow. "I protest," he commented. "Are you hungry Elizabeth?" he added a moment later.

Dvald-Vaxx regarded her husband with a rather evil smile on her lips as she opted to not say anything else on the subject. Yamaguchi-Solusar sighed softly to herself. "Chen made pizza Beth. It's really quite good." the small female explained.

Yamaguchi-Solusar sighed as she had been thinking about sex, the undertones between Siaxx and her spouse made that fact quite obvious, even if their children were oblivious.

"Sure. I'll just have one slice. If I eat too much then I'll be up all night." the tall female explained evenly before she moved over to the table where a large pizza was presently sitting, she gently lifted one slice before she took a bite, she was not sure of what to expect but it tasted great. "Mmm. Nice."

"I decided that a pan-baked pepperoni pizza was the way to go. Siaxx and the kids didn't mind." Chen explained with a smile. "I usually handle the cooking duties in this household." the massive Bolian male explained, he was almost twice Siaxx's size and more than that in terms of mass.

"We sure could have used you on our last assignment together," Yamaguchi-Solusar commented as she quickly finished off the slice. "Mind if I check on him?" Yamaguchi-Solusar inquired, referring to her son who was being oddly quiet.

"Sure, right this way." Dvald-Vaxx rose to her feet and led Yamaguchi-Solusar into the master bedroom where two cribs had been set up and where both children were fast asleep. Yamaguchi-Solusar was speechless at the sight of her child, fast asleep. "That's something.. I never expected.. to ever see." the tall female admitted in a quiet tone of voice.

Dvald-Vaxx looked up at the female who was a foot taller then she herself was. "Well, what do you say we leave them be for a little longer?" the small Bolian female explained. "I mean it can be a right old chore getting babies to sleep." as she turned and moved back into the main living area, Yamaguchi-Solusar followed in silence. "Yeah," she spoke up a moment later. "Alright then. I'll hang out with you guys for a while then." she smiled.

Herar smiled as he lifted a slice of pizza from the table and he took a seat at the table as Yamaguchi-Solusar slid her massive form onto a chair. "Well then, tell me about yourselves guys. I'm only just meeting you both now and your mom did not tell me that either of you existed." the tall female commented to the three boys before her. Herar looked more like his dad while Ma'haat looked like his mother but the other one, Zhan was a curious mix of mom and dad, in terms of looks.

"Mom didn't?" Ma'haat answered. "Why?" he inquired.

"Your mom had her reasons." Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled. "She didn't know me at the time and she was dealing with issues and problems. Hell, your mom should have been a Commodore by now, commanding her own squadron of ships and she's only just making Captain now." Yamaguchi-Solusar explained. "That set her back because she was punished for something she didn't do and they were too harsh with her because others told them to be harsh with her."

"I don't understand," Ma'haat answered. "That makes no sense to me." the child added.

"Your mother was blamed for the misdeeds of others," Yamaguchi-Solusar explained. "It's an imperfect system, designed by imperfect people but your mom was blamed deliberately to cover the tracks of evil men."

"That sounds wrong," Ma'haat responded a trifle hotly.

"It is Ma'haat," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered with a gentle smile on her lips. "However they could not break her."

"Like in Durin's song of old?" Herar inquired, in a cheery tone.

Solusar-Yamaguchi knew the song well as she and Siaxx had sung that tale together many times but Rachael was the one who could sing that tale in Bolarus as well as English and the tongue of Greywolf whom she still missed. Elizabeth had never known the depth of her sister's pain or that of Siaxx for their lost friend who had died to give Siaxx and Rachael the gift of living. "Yes son, just like in Durin's song of old."

"Do you know it?" Vaxx inquired of Yamaguchi-Solusar.

"I know it well. Siaxx and I used to sing it often for talent night in the lounge." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered, a wide grin on her lips. "Those were good memories on that ship which had very little else that was good," she explained.

Vaxx nodded his head. "Siaxx told me all sorts of horror stories. I was hoping to compare notes with you about it."

The two adult females shared a look. "Actually, I think Siaxx left more than a few horror stories out of her tale. Did she tell you about the nudity protest that got all of the sickbay arrested?"

"Nope," Vaxx answered. "Siaxx?"

"I'll tell you later. There are some things about that ship that I do not wish to think about." the small Bolian female explained.

"Or the time my youngest siblings almost died because the security chief of that flying circus was a brainless-" Yamaguchi-Solusar quickly coughed before she added in passable Bolian "an empty-headed imbecile." she then raised both eyebrows in a manner that said 'think on this guys.' "Draw your own conclusions guys as to why your mother wanted you all present for this assignment." she turned. "Did you ever sort things out with Phoenix?"

"No, I'm leaving that one cool off, I think she's knee deep in flight training anyway for some new bird that's going to be deployed to the fleet in the next year or so." the small female explained.

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded her head. "Ahh okay." she sighed softly as she settled into the chair. The two Bolian boys regarded her in silence as they likewise sat down at the table, they both helped themselves to another slice of pizza each as Ma'haat inquired. "So tell us about yourself... Mom doesn't say much." Herar added.

"That's because your mother and I are friends, she knows that if you guys had questions, you'd ask me yourself rather then ask her about me," Yamaguchi-Solusar responded. "I was your mother's student at one point, she was my instructor and our time together was interesting." as the tall female proceeded to launch into her explanation.

Dvald-Vaxx chuckled softly at hearing that statement before she began laughing.

The three boys regarded their mother in confusion. "What's so funny.?" Ma'haat inquired.

"Its the fact that she's being very very polite boys." Vaxx was the one who answered the question instead of Yamaguchi-Solusar who was regarding the small female Bolian who was laughing hysterically. "I didn't think it was that funny," Yamaguchi-Solusar commented with a smile.

Dvald-Vaxx continued to laugh for a few more moments until the small female ran out of the air and she was forced to calm herself down. "Mmmm.." she sighed softly.

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded her friend in silence. "As I said, our time together was interesting and educational." she suddenly smiled. "Many of these tales are a bit tall at times. But I can tell you some of the kid-friendly ones. The rest will need to wait until you're older."

"Why?" Herar inquired.

"Because your mom and I both saw a lot of things that were bad. We saw a lot of people get hurt and even killed in all sorts of terrible ways." Yamaguchi-Solusar sighed. "For that was the nature of our work, we were part of the medical staff and we saw the weird, the wacky and downright weird quite often," she explained. "Plus, our skipper was a bit of a moron. Let me tell you about her." as the tall human-looking female launched into her explanation, as she did so, the two-bedroom doors opened and out came Siaxx's fourth child who looked almost identical to Zhan, one of them came over to Elizabeth who reached down and gently picked up the small boy. "Hey little guy." she grinned at him.

"Yay.!" Xiral grinned at Elizabeth. "You mom's friend right?" the small child asked of her.

"Yep. Your mom is not just my friend, she is also kin to me." Yamaguchi-Solusar responded. "Siaxx. I'll let you explain that one."

"Oooh no. You said it." the small Bolian female suddenly grinned. "You explain it."

"Alright... then I will." as the four children proceeded to gather around her, Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded them all in silence a moment, they all looked like Siaxx and that fact, for some reason, made Yamaguchi-Solusar happy, as she started her explanation.


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