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Exodus - Part One

Posted on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 7:58pm by Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Ensign Paul Harrison
Edited on on Sun Feb 23rd, 2020 @ 8:01pm

Mission: Mission 3: Quantum of Solace
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 400
Timeline: 1900Hrs - July 28th, 2388

Racheal Yamaguchi was sitting in the middle of the living area,
cross-legged with her hands on her knees, facing palms up as
she looked the very picture of serenity in all areas except one,
the look on her face.

She opened her eyes. "Ahh... I still can't get it..." she sighed softly. "I can't control my emotions while trying to meditate."

Paul observed, "You had me fooled. You look like you easily did."

"I am twelve... I know I make it look easy..." she indicated the
floor before her. "Okay... would you say you had an anger
management issue?" she regarded him with a gentle smile,
the kind she had seen her siblings and parents use when
delivering bad news.

Paul shook his head, "Not that I am aware of."

Racheal gently placed a hand on his massive shoulder. "Mind if
I put my counseling hat on?" she inquired. "My family is all very close and there are few secrets between my kin... but I'm going
to share with you a lot... you won't like it but.." she paused as she
considered what she was going to say. "Paul, you seem to repress your anger the way Vulcans do, I'm empathic... I inherited some of my mother's gifts... I can sense strong emotions and I feel it in
you... the conflict... the need for control of oneself."

"Really? Are you sure you're not sensing something else? I mean,
I don't feel conflicted. Like I said, I'll never be like my dad."

"Your goals are noble but.... they are stifling your development...
as for me... I'm the exact opposite of you, I indulge my emotions
and feelings...."

"Well, they do say that opposites attract." He joked. "Look, Racheal, where you are from, I'm sure they accept that kind of thing. But we're not Hallian like you. Humans think that it isn't acceptable to show your anger outwardly. They think when you do that you are a hothead and need anger management. I want to be a Starfleet Officer and I don't want to be known as a hothead. No one will want me on their ship."

Racheal looked at him, her eyes locked with his. "Paul... you repress it," she
commented. "You say you won't turn into your father..." she paused as she looked away. "I..." she paused.

He gently turned her head back to him, "You what? You can say anything to me, you know that." He reassured her.

Racheal looked at him. "Was he abusive to you?" she inquired gently. "I realize its not my business..." she hesitated as she was suddenly intimidated. "but I'm concerned... you try so hard to earn your mom's approval."

He frowned, "My father was never abusive to me but he was to my mom, mostly verbal abuse. I only saw them together a few times when I was older but I was too young to remember the earlier times. But he never had a good thing to say about her or to her and I'm not trying to get her approval, I already have it. I guess I just want to be respectful when it comes to her because she deserves it. I want her to see that he didn't rub on me."

Racheal sighed softly as a smile appeared on her face. "Oh good," she responded. "That's good to know... but don't forget that we don't know each other that well..." she turned her head. "Someone is approaching," she added but she did not move.

"That's probably my mom. It's about time she got home." Paul chuckled, "Relax, you look like you are about ready to see a ghost." He got up and went to the door. When it opened, his mother was surprised to see Paul standing right there.

"Paul!" Alex hugged him, "Ooh, I missed you." As she was hugging him, behind Paul, she saw a young girl, "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Paul turned a little red, "Um, this is Racheal. We've out with each other while you've been gone."

"I see." Alex walked in the rest of the way and approached the little girl in her living room, "Hi Racheal, I'm Alex."

Racheal by now had moved so she was standing up. "Hello Alex. I'm happy to meet you at last... " she smiled up at the larger woman who almost towered over her yet she wasn't intimidated in the least as the two shook hands in the human greeting "I come with an open heart and hands," she added in Halanan. "Paul and I were discussing family... He handled meeting my siblings well... especially Beth.." she then grinned up at the other woman.

"He did? Wow, Paul, you've certainly been busy. Well. I'm glad you found a friend. It's nice to meet you. So, who is your mother? Alex inquired.

Racheal looked up at the imposing woman who was getting into her space. "Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi," she responded. "General pain in various body parts.." she added. "Well Paul here has been showing me around the base and generally keeping me out of trouble.." she paused. "May I help myself to the replicator?"

"Sure." She continued to talk, "Your mom was on the Essex with Admiral T'Lar. I haven't met her yet but I'm sure I will at some point."

Racheal moved over to the replicator as she ordered herself a glass of water, she lifted the beverage to her lips as she drained the contents in one lengthy swig. "Mmm.." she smiled. "Well Paul survived my sister hitting on him..." she chuckled softly.

"Your sister hit on him? Your sister has good taste." Paul rolled his eyes at her comment. "I always knew he was a stud" she joked.

Racheal chuckled softly. "Well Beth is more aggressive then I am.... her luck with men is also extremely lousy... her last boyfriend was... how do I say this?" she inquired. "Less then honorable... he tried muscling her around, she made him eat concrete and a plate glass window. My parents taught us well." and with that, she smiled. "As Paul observed a few days ago on the holodeck."

"A girl after my heart." She chuckled, "So what exactly were you doing in the holodeck?"

"I was showing him one of my various programs," Racheal explained. "We came across an undead monster and... well I broke it."

"Ah, I see." She looked over at Paul, "So how did you do Paul?"

He shrugged, "Let's just say that I have a lot to learn."


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