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Infinity's Arrow - Part Two

Posted on Tue Mar 16th, 2021 @ 12:54am by Captain Sarah Horner & Commander Morae Stormstout & Commodore T'Shaamet 'Runt' Antilles

Mission: Mission 108: Grains of Sand
Location: Various Locations - USS Infinity
Timeline: 0930Hrs - October 21st, 2393

Commodore T'Shaamet Antilles regarded the larger female sitting before her, but then she had come to rely upon this particular officer before her for dozens of critical decisions and in all of the missions that the USS Infinity had undertaken since she had taken command of the ship in question and her predecessor, the USS Song of the East. Commander Sarah Horner was entitled to wear the rank of Captain now, with four pips rather than the three she was still wearing, clearly, she was in no rush to conform to the changes in her uniform when she had been promoted to Captain five days earlier. "So, the changes look good," Horner commented as she read from the PADD in her hands. "We've got a new Security Chief so I don't need to worry if Morae goes off with me or with Kayden. But I've not asked her yet... I was going to ask Kolar. Would you be alright with that.?"

"Of course. Kolar has earned a chance to step out of the shadows, same with Alyssa, both have worn their ranks for years and both had had time in Infinity's center seat as well as the center seat of Song of the East and the Courageous on more than a few occasions. I am happy that you could consider Kolar for
this." T'Shammet answered with a nod of her head. "Neither you or Kayden need feel that I will oppose you, I know you will select from the senior staff and that's perfectly reasonable." the small-framed Vulcan explained. "You and the rest of this crew have been a blessing to me in so many ways..."

Horner smiled. "Well, we do what we can... But you have had a lot to deal with, almost all at once, no less..." Horner paused as she turned ever so slightly in her chair. "Have you selected your new first officer yet?." she inquired in a gentle tone of voice.

"No. Not yet... I wanted your perspective on the matter before I decided." T'Shaamet answered.

"Ahh, very wise," Horner answered as she knew that the Vulcan sitting before her was conflicted. "So, we're looking from within the senior staff or outside of it?"

"I'd prefer to promote from within," T'Shammet answered.

"Let's see... Since we're looking at losing at least six to other assignments and promotions. That doesn't leave us much... I'm out, so is Kayden, so is Tressa and McTaggert along with Walking Bear. Tressa is heading for the Valhalla while McTaggert and Walking Bear are heading for planet-based assignments." she's heading off to the Valhalla. So that leaves four people... Alyssa, Kolar. Morae and Shaalari. Meslina doesn't have the rank. Shaalari has just been promoted and Jackson won't do it." Horner explained. "Jackson would never get it as a husband and wife XO-Co team does not work. It causes way too many issues."

"I know. That's why I never considered him... Jackson isn't interested anyway, he told me as much." T'Shaamet answered softly.

"I'm not suprised. Jackson has been through too much to want to be a good Exec, he feels a certain debt to you." Horner explained in a light tone of voice.
"Considering he feels he abandoned you."

"What do you mean by that...?" T'Shaamet regarded the other woman before her.,

"Well, I was hoping we might gloss over that detail?" Horner commented, her tone did not change.

"Keep hoping," T'Shaamet answered. "Details. Out with it Sarah." she inquired of the larger human woman before her.

Horner held her silence for a moment. "Jackson did not tell you this... Did he?" she inquired.

"No," T'Shaamet answered quietly. "Go on.?" as she regarded the other woman before her.

"Jackson blames himself for what happened," Horner explained. "He was kept as a slave... His dignity kept from him, his pride, taken from him. He was stripped of everything that made him a living breathing person. He was forced to rely upon hope..."

"Jackson is not the type to rely on hope, he deals in facts and not theories..." T'Shaamet answered. "But Sarah, you betray no secrets... I already knew all of this," she commented. "I share a bed with him... I've shared his mind with him..." the small Vulcan explained. "So... Anyway, on with the task at hand... Who do you think would make a good choice for Exec.?"

"Alyssa or Morae," Horner answered with a smile.

"Alyssa is a good choice," T'Shaamet answered with a nod. "But I want to see Morae first."

Horner tap[ped her combadge lightly. "Horner to Stormstout?" she inquired via way of the ship's com system.

The answer came back almost instantly. "Go ahead, ma'am.?"

"Could you come in here please...?" she asked. "The skipper and I would like a moment of your time."

Morae raised an eyebrow, she rose to her feet as she was presently looking after the watch, most of the crew was on leave and thus, there was really no point in manning a watch but Stormstout almost never took time off. She turned. "El-Tee, you got the bridge." as she made her way into the Commodores ready room. she still knocked despite the fact that she was requested to come and see T'Shammet and Commander Horner.

"Captain, you asked to see me?" Stormstout inquired of Horner.

"Yes. We're looking at new First Officer candidates and you were the first on our list... How would you feel about taking over as this ships Exec?" T'Shaamet inquired of the massive woman before her.

"I'd like it very much," Stormstout answered with a nod of her head. "Am I being offered the posting?"

"You are," T'Shaamet answered evenly. "Now that that's been sorted out, you are out of uniform Commander. Make sure your paperwork is in order for your replacement... Which hopefully with be Meslina.?"

"Meslina has expressed interest in moving to security, she feels her skills are wasted in Operations... She was hoping I would mention it to you."

"Consider it handled. Meslina can have security if she wishes it. She just got moved to next on my to-do list." as T'Shaamet smiled at the Vrykul female before her. "Congratulations Commander."

"Thank you, Ma'am..." Stormstout answered.

"You can call me by my first name, Its something I prefer with all my first officers..." T'Shaamet answered with a nod of her head.

"Okay then T'Shaamet," Stormstout answered before she turned her attention to Horner. "I can only succeed you, Sarah."

Horner smiled. "You will do well Morae." the human female commented. "You already know what you need, heading into this job..."

"Thank you Sarah..." Stormstout turned back to T'Shaamet. "Do you require anything further of me T'Shaamet?"

"No. Thanks for coming in. On your way..." Stormstout turned and departed in silence. Her business in this affair was concluded.


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