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New Ground - Part Two

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 5:19pm by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Admirals Office - Starbase Vanguard / Starbase 998
Timeline: 1100Hrs - September 1st, 2393

Fleet Admiral Heather Duval tapped the display before her, she slowly blinked her eyes as she tapped the combadge affixed to her left breast. "Duval to Com Center, could you contact Starbase Nine Ninety Eight, I'd like to speak with Admiral Magruder," she commented.

Plataea Lasky's voice came back. "Understood Admiral. I'll need a few minutes to place this call due to the distance," she explained.

"Understood, carry on Plataea," Duval answered quietly as she settled in to wait for the communications call to go through, as Duval sipped her drink that she had replicated earlier. While she did so, the face of Fleet Admiral Matt Magruder appeared on the display before her, "Heather, you are a sight for sore eyes, how are you doing?"

"Mathew." Duval almost purred, she and Magruder were known to each other and the two had a romantic relationship when they were both much younger. "It's been a while," she added. "I'm looking for your blessing to talk to one of your Captains. Rob Connor... I'd like to offer him the job as my new Chief of Staff as I need someone who is capable and qualified."

Magruder regarded the dark-skinned beauty before him, he recalled what her lips felt like and how she was when it was just the two of them, no rank, no responsibilities bu it was the responsibilities and the rank that had pulled them apart, as circumstances outside of either of their control had only caused their relationship to collapse, the two of them had permitted it to take place and they were able to remain as friends rather than have their relationship be completely destroyed. "Okay, Heather. Rob is one of my newer Captains and he has got quite a distinguished record." he paused. "I do have two Captains who can replace him if he accepts your request."

Duval regarded Magruder in silence for a moment. "You are okay with me asking, like this?"

"I am, yes," Magruder answered. "You came to me, you didn't go directly to him without screwing the system..." Magruder answered with a gentle smile.
"Let me contact him, it'll take less time..."

"Thanks, Matt... It's good to you again, you damned sexy man." Duval answered with a wide smile.

"You too Heather, you hot sexy Italian stallion." Magruder then ended the transmission as he sat back in his chair. He raised an eyebrow as he gently rubbed his hands through his hair and over his face. He tapped his combadge. "Magruder to Com Center, contact the USS Massachusets, I need to speak with her Captain," he explained his request.

"Aye sir." came the response. Magruder settled in to wait as a moment later, the screen activated as the face of Robert Connor appeared on the display before him. "Admiral, what can I do for you?."

"Fleet Admiral Heather Duval is looking for someone to handle the job of Chief of Staff, she's after someone who can handle the strange, the weird and the wacky on a daily basis... I want someone with a certain mental maturity and you have that in abundance, I'd like to offer the job to you. You would be an outstanding Chief of staff, it'll also fast track you to your own Admiral's posting if you are so inclined."

Connor raised an eyebrow. "I had not expected anyone to offer me a job like this..." he paused a moment. "Alright, I accept the offer Admiral sir..."

"Alright, I'll make arrangements for you Captain," Magruder answered. "I will send the USS Yuri Gagarin to rendezvous with you, she will carry the new skipper for the USS Massachusetts, I know that your first officer isn't ready for his own command yet... But that's alright."

"Steven Mullen will make a fine exec for my replacement," Connor answered quietly.

"Very well Rob. I'll send her by slipstream drive and this will be done quickly." Magruder answered quietly. "Did something happen between you and your crew?" he asked. "You seemed to agree quickly. Maybe a little too quickly."

"Perhaps," Connor answered. "But no, nothing went wrong between me and this crew," Connor answered. "They are a good bunch of men and women, strong, reliable and loyal."

"Alright, then I'll call Heather Duval back and let her know that you accepted."

"Sounds good. I'll make the preparations on this side of things." Connor answered.

"Very well, I'll leave you to it then Captain. Magruder out." and with that, he hung up as he sighed softly.


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