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Shadows of Regret - Part Four

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 6:27am by Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Gym - Utgarde Colony
Timeline: 1900Hrs - August 5th, 2393

Captain Ouros Yamaguchi smiled as she closed the locker before she slipped the lock onto the door, she then quickly reset the keycode before she turned and went into the shower area. The tall female was wearing a simple mesh cut black one-piece bathing suit which covered everything it needed to hide. Ouros gently tapped the shower start button and she felt a sudden surge of water wash over her, she smiled as the tall woman let out a sigh. She stepped into the pool area as she looked around at the various men and women present, she noted that a lot of people started looking at her, many more started thinking of her as she went over to one of the jacuzzi's and slid her form into the small and hot bubbling pool.

Ouros let out a soft moan as she felt the water work at her skin across her entire body.

"Enjoying the water Ouros?" Daisy asked as she slipped into the other side of the pool.

Ouros flinched as she tried to move backward, only realizing she couldn't go anywhere. "Ummm Yeah... I'm sorry Major, I wasn't expecting to see you." she paused as she regarded the Klingon female before her with a funny look. "I didn't know you liked to swim..." she added quietly a moment later.

"I love swimming. It's a great way to work out your entire body." Daisy replied. "And we are off duty, call me Daisy."

Ouros had the aspect of a startled and trapped animal. "Ummm Okay. Daisy..." she paused as she breathed in and out. "May I speak freely?" she inquired of the Klingon-looking female before her.

"Ouros, you're in Starfleet now. You should always speak freely, no matter how much you think you're going to piss me off." Daisy replied.

Ouros paused as she mentally felt her brain break. "You will not like what I have to say then." she paused as she gently leaned forward. "In my reality of origin. The Klingons were the enemy and I watched them glass entire worlds..." she paused. "I joined as soon as I was old enough. I wanted to prove I had what it took to be a good soldier, I saw a lot of combat and I grew to enjoy the thrill of battle and now in this reality, I am told that the Klingons are not my enemies anymore, they are 'our' friends." She inserted virtual quotation marks around the word 'our', referring to the Federation as a whole and not herself. "Oh. I must work with them and set my hatred for them aside, regardless of my feelings on the matter." the large female answered quietly. "My brother is just as lost as I am but Selendis not only succeeded at integrating, she found someone for herself." as she gave the other woman before her a rather evil glare awhile she spoke. "I've seen very little that's different between your marines and my reality of choice, the only difference being that the marines don't accidentally try to violate me." she then shrugged as if she didn't seem to care on the matter.

"Your right, I didn't like what you had to say," Daisy admitted. "With that in mind, I'd rather you were honest with me. I think you're also wrong about the marines here. When you were lost out in the desert, they followed your orders, did they not?"

Ouros regarded the other woman. "The marines followed me only because I was the senior guy left. The man who caused the issue has yet to be dealt with, his family will protect him... and he will get away with it." she shrugged, in a manner that said it was unimportant to her. "As for the marines... I am not wrong," she answered in a manner that left little room for guesswork or questions. "You should hear what they think of you. I'm the side dish... You are the main course."

"No, you're wrong. Gunny Vaal was going to take over and the marines would have followed her. They have before. No, she saw your potential and let you lead. She spoke highly of you and Vaal hates officers." Daisy told Ouros.

"Vaal hates almost everyone and she and I have had screaming matches before. You should hear some of the shit that comes out of that woman's mouth, she can make a solder from my home reality blush." Ouros answered. "But I had hoped for this reality... I had assumed that here, it would be different... here I'd be able to do... something new... but no. Stern-whatever-his-name-is ruined it for me, he was not so unlike the Internal Police forces of the Empire." as she regarded Daisy with a rather odd look. "I hear that General Garibaldi couldn't get him shitcanned either."

"It's true, Vaal does get into pissing matches with everyone. That doesn't mean she doesn't respect you. She respects you more than just about any other officer in the division. And the other marines respect you too." Daisy stated. "As for Sternwald, our justice system takes time. He was sent packing back to the core worlds. Right now, he is sitting back on Titan."

Ouros sat in silence, the hot water working its magic on her skin, getting her to relax and unwind. "So him being free is just a rumor." she slowly smiled. "That's good to know." she sighed. "I used to be special forces... Now I'm a Marine and I love it... I get to break things for a living." she paused. "I dunno..." she admitted.

Daisy lowered her voice. "Have you seen a counselor since you've been with us?"

"No," Ouros answered quietly. "They want to talk about things I am not ready to discuss..." she regarded the other woman. "They tend to pry, I hate that," she added. "They also can't connect with me..."

"Alright, fair enough," Daisy replied. "Just keep in mind we are all required to seek mental health care."

"The counselor I saw was rather pathetic, kept asking me leading questions, what I'd endured and how sorry he was for me," she answered. "I do not want other people's pity for what I endured at the hands of textbook shitheads. Admiral Yamaguchi can never atone for what he did to me..." Ouros sighed. "The original. not the one in this reality. Which honestly is even more confusing to me..."

"Admiral Jake Yamaguchi?" Asked, a bit stunned. "What did he do?"

Ouros regarded the other woman with a dark glare. "The Jake Yamaguchi of my home reality... Yes..." as her self control melted down. "Fine... He raped me, you happy now..." she glared angrily at the other woman. "A lot has changed in coming to this world. The subtle differences, the gross changes. He who is dead there is alive here, my enemies are now my enemies..." she paused. "Have you ever faced such an enemy... An enemy I can't kill..."

"You have some bad demons that need to be exercised. You went through things that a person shouldn't have to suffer." Daisy told Ouros.

"I deal with a demon I can't kill," Ouros answered quietly. "None of the women in my family can relate. Elizabeth was sexually assaulted and Lasarra, err Nebris was beaten as a child. Selendis was ignored and neglected and look how she turned out." she sighed softly.

"You're dealing with issues that are beyond my scope of understanding. What I do know is that you're in a different place now. There are people here that want to help you." Daisy told Ouros in an even voice.

"Help me..." Ouros regarded the other woman with a dark glare. "How can you possibly help me when you do not understand what I deal with on a nightly basis..?" she glared angrily at the Klingon woman before her. "Have you met Jefferson Duval yet?"

"No, I can't but we have a lot of people that can. That is, if you give them a chance. And yes, I have meet Sergeant major Duval." Daisy replied.

"No. His brother. Commander Ethan Duval. He's in Starfleet." Ouros answered quietly. "I actually miss training with him," she admitted. "Maybe your right... Maybe I do need therapy... At least it can't hurt more then life already does." Ouros admitted while she stared off into the distance, it was just the place she just so happened to be staring was right through Daisy's chest.

"You may have tried to integrate our culture too soon after leaving yours. You need time to get your head together." Daisy warmly told Ouros.

"I thought I could do it... Selendis seems to fit in great... She found a boyfriend whos Klingon no less, she's engaged to be married and has a baby on the way... " Ouros answered quietly. "I am so envious of her, she makes fitting in look so easy..." as she sat back in the pool, clearly wanting to enjoy the water. "Still... I've got some work to do..." as she let out a deep sigh.


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