A Late Breakfast - Part Two
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 5:45pm by Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Marcus Solusar
Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - Utgarde IV
Timeline: 0930Hrs - February 3rd, 2394
Nicole picked up a plate and began helping herself to some of the breakfast presently arrayed on the table. It was a truly impressive collection of food. Enough to feed a dozen or so people, but Nicole knew it would all be eaten by the people present. She began helping herself with the eggs and bacon. Nicole was desperate to try the bacon and after helping herself to a small bite, she sighed softly as a smile appeared on her face.
"Problem?" Kadian asked.
"Kadian, keep this guy. He knows how to cook real bacon. Not burn it to ashes." Nicole commented. She knew that Marcus could hear every word she said. "My compliments sir."
"The lady is too kind," Marcus answered with a smile on his face. "Still. I do appreciate it," he added.
Nicole finished heaping food onto her plate before she began to get stuck in eating it. She ate in silence as Kadian turned her attention to the drink before her, she drained her glass slowly. She knew how mealtime went in the Paris household. The eating was done in silence.
Nicole appreciated Kadian letting her eat her food in silence. Kadian went over to the master display in the kitchen. "So. Marcus. Did you check the weather today?"
"I did, the storm will taper off and end tonight but until then. We're under a storm warning." Solusar explained. "It's why I prefer my living accommodations in the basement. Less hassle and less fuss to deal with."
Kadian smiled, despite herself. "So we will end up with another three feet of snow to contend with then," she commented aloud.
"Hey guys." Thats when Stephanie Paris strolled into the room, wearing a simple t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts, much like Kadian, except her shirt was larger and designed for going out in. "Wow, the weather looks like crap. Kadi, you never said this place was the Arctic." Stephanie commented without angst or annoyance in her tone of voice.
"I never said anything at all. You two were way too tired to bother with such details anyway." Kadian answered with a smile on her face. "Help yourself to some breakfast. Nicole is already in love so get some before she eats it all," she added, a wide grin on her lips.
Stephanie laughed before she did as she was told without protest. She was soon eating breakfast as her sibling was doing the same. Kadian shifted her attention back to the display. "Looks like quite a storm brewing out there," she commented.
"Yeah," Solusar answered with a nod. "Will you have issues getting up to the Starbase later?"
"I took a week off. It started today so yes I will have issues getting to the Starbase." Kadian answered, a soft grin on her lips. "I wanted to have the time to spend with these two." she indicated to her siblings who were busy eating their breakfast to notice what Kadian and Solusar were discussing.
Solusar smiled. "Nice," he answered with a nod of his head. "It'll give these two a chance to bond with you," he added in a soft tone of voice.
Kadian nodded in agreement. "Your right, it will. Thats why I decided to take the time off before you brought it up," she explained with a smile. "Vanguard can do without me and these guys need me more than work does."
Solusar slowly grinned. "Good. I was wondering if I had to mention it. Or did you hear me thinking it and act accordingly.?" he inquired.
"Oh no. As a rule, I try to avoid reading minds." Kadian explained. "It's often more trouble than it's worth. Now if someone is touching my mind, then thats different. As Nicole over there did to you earlier."
"I had no idea I could detect her so easily," Solusar admitted. "That was a heck of a surprise," he added.
Kadian grinned. "One she won't forget any time soon, either," she commented.
Meanwhile, Nicole finished her food as she rose to her feet, she then came over and gently placed her plate into the sink, for cleaning. "Thanks, guys, for this repast. My compliments to the chef," she added.
"No worries. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Solusar answered with a smile on his lips. "Did either of you have any issues with the bacon?" he added.
Nicole smiled. "It tasted better than most," she answered. "I hate hard bacon. Tastes like burnt rocks," she added. Stephanie nodded. "It was soft and chewy. I was expecting burnt and fried. It was a nice change. Thanks for cooking for us." she added.
Nicole regarded Kadian. "Lest I forget, Mom wanted us to get on with the homework. She didn't want us..." she let out a sigh. "She was afraid we might turn to you about it."