A Late Breakfast - Part Three
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 5:45pm by Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Marcus Solusar
Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - Utgarde IV
Timeline: 0945Hrs - February 3rd, 2394
Kadian regarded her two sisters. "I know what mom wanted. But there is what she wants, and there is what I want," she commented. "You two can have your schoolwork at another time. You do not need to be slaves to the system. I mean, look at me. I never once bothered with homework and I turned out alright."
Nicole regarded her big sister. "I could never figure out why though," she admitted.
"Thats easy, honey. Homework is designed to make obedient and loyal workers, not people who can think for themselves." Kadian explained. "It's a form of indoctrination. One that refuses to die the violent death it's been in desperate need of for the last several hundred years." Kadian added. Her opinion on homework was well-known.
"So, why did you rebel?" Stephanie inquired.
"Because I refused to conform. I didn't have any issues ladies with the workload at the academy, if that's what you are wondering about." Kadian explained. "I'll go get your schoolwork, but not right this second. I don't need you two camped out at the kitchen table, with tons of homework. Okay?" she inquired.
Nicole nodded. "Okay," she answered with a smile. Stephanie regarded her sibling. "I could ask why?"
"The why is simple. You two do not need to worry about details that you won't care about years from now. The academy doesn't look at homework. They only look at your overall grade." Kadian then shrugged. "If you wanted to join Starfleet, you could always enlist and remain as an enlisted person, rather than get a commission."
Nicole nodded as she processed what she was being told. She knew her sibling was doing the same.
Kadian shrugged. "You could always go get the career certification you want, get the degree from a civilian college or university, then join Starfleet and go down the warrant ranks. Some of those guys are our best people. Or you can go get a commission. All three options are open for anyone that wants them." she explained.
Solusar nodded. "Or you could remain as a civilian and work with an agency that liaises with Starfleet on various matters," he explained. "Thats what I do. I work with Starbase Vanguard's medical guys on various matters of state," he added. "But mostly these days. I work at a private practice here in town," he added. "I booked two weeks off before I head back to work. Mostly as a researcher." He added. "Oh. I'm not a Doctor like Kadian here or a few of her colleagues," he added with a wide smile.
"Oh," Nicole answered. "I didn't know, so I didn't want to make assumptions," she added after a moment. "I was always told that it was unwise," she added.
Stephanie went over to the replicator and ordered a glass of Coke cola. She then went back to the table in silence. It was clear that she was not the chatty type. Preferring instead to let her sibling do all of the talking. She placed her drink on the table before she sat back down. She then went back to work on demolishing the food on her plate. She ate her food slowly, taking the time to enjoy the food she was consuming. She sipped her drink while Nicole looked at her older sibling. "Why did you leave like that?"
"You guys were young. I wanted my own peace and quiet. I couldn't do my work while demanding children wanted what it was they wanted. Mom was overwhelmed dealing with you guys, she didn't have much time to deal with the four of us. Plus six children is a lot to handle at one time." Kadian explained. "You were seven when I left. She was eight," she added as she indicated Stephanie who was still eating. "James and Julian were twelve and Heather was eleven," she added.
"So, we drove you out?" Stephanie inquired.
"No," Kadian answered. "Neither of you or our siblings did that. It was always my choice to join Starfleet. I wasn't planning on the medical track. My skillset and aptitude said thats where I was best suited so I decided to listen to someone else for once. So far, it worked for me."
"Oh," Nicole answered. "We always assumed it was us that drove you out," she explained.
"No, honey. None of you guys had anything to do with it." Kadian then sighed. "I see mom didn't bother to explain it, or if she did, then she failed quite spectacularly." Kadian then huffed a sigh at her two sisters. "Lovely. I will try to explain this to Heather and James when I talk with them later. You two can say Hi to them with me if you want."
"I do." Nicole paused. "It'll be good to see them again." she grinned at her sister. Stephanie simply smiled while she nodded her head.