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A Late Breakfast - Part One

Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 2:46am by Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Marcus Solusar

Mission: Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - Utgarde IV
Timeline: 0900Hrs - February 3rd, 2394

Nicole blinked open her eyes as she slowly woke up. She took a moment to look around before she reached out with her mind. She gently touched the mind of her sibling who was still asleep. She felt Marcus Solusar's mind as he was in the kitchen. She felt him look up as if to look directly at her. Then she sensed his touch coming back to her. 'Morning sleepyhead. We prepared a feast in your honour. Come get some.'

Nicole had not expected Kadian's boyfriend to be psionically sensitive. But his reaction to her touching him had taken her completely by surprise as she let out the equivalent of a psionic shout. But it was no matter. She smiled as she thanked him for his efforts and that she would be down shortly. Nicole then gingerly pulled aside the heavy covers before she climbed out of bed. Nicole was awake and she was not getting back to sleep. She also knew that both of her siblings were now aware of something happening as Stephanie woke up and Kadian called her.

'I'm okay ladies. That will teach me for my impudence. But I'm okay. Really.' She said to both of her sisters. 'I'm up now anyway.'

Nicole often slept nude except for a night dress. This was something she would not change for anyone or anything as she liked being nude. She went out into the hallway and into the nearby bathroom, where she went about her morning routines. Taking care of them in short order. This included going to the bathroom and then taking a shower. Before tending to the shaving and skin issues that the average woman had to deal with in the morning.

Nicole then donned her nightie before she went back to her room to dress. Having taken care of those details. She then went down to the kitchen and main living areas. She found Kadian Paris sitting in the middle of the living room floor. She had her eyes closed and sat cross-legged, and she was clearly meditating. "Lo Nicole. Breakfast is right over there. Help yourself."

Kadian's eyes opened before she slowly stood up, she was wearing a simple pair of T-shirt and shorts. Kadian ambled over to the dining table before she sat down next to her sister. "Sleep well?"

"I was out cold the second my head hit the pillow." Nicole smiled. "The weather sucks though." she indicated the dark grey wall that doubled as a window. It was a complete whiteout in terms of a blizzard.

"Yes, thats normal for this place." Kadian smiled. "We are coming to the end of winter though. It'll be another month or so before things start to improve and warm up," she added. "Then I can make use of the hot tub," she added, a rather disturbingly wide grin on her lips.

Nicole blushed as she smiled back at her big sister. "Well, that sounds like fun," she commented with a gentle smile. "Do you think we would have anything like that at our place?"

"Oh, probably. Since mom rates Captain level accommodations, and her spouse is also a Starfleet Captain." Kadian commented. "I expect your new home to be bigger than this place. I also expect it to be far better appointed too," she explained. "Probably more rooms. Better furnishings. A much bigger garage. A more powerful computer system and some very serious home defences." Kadian then considered it. "I'd expect a hardened computer system, in addition to being more powerful. Also, I expect that your home might have an expanded machine shop as Mom is a career engineer. Dad's got some engineering skills too."

"Wow," Nicole answered. "You really think so?"

"Oh, probably. They know mom is married so she'll get a set of family accomodations so Dad can have his own space as well." Kadian commented. "Nikki. When people settle onto ground-based assignments. The odds of them going back into the field start dropping back to zero quite fast. Maybe within a year, they never want to leave. This is why the fleet has issues retaining people." Kadian then shrugged. "Sure, living in space is one thing but it's also demanding on people. Having a ground-based assignment can really break up the nastiness of space assignments."

Nicole regarded her big sister with a confused look on her face. "But you said you'd never settle down on a ground-based assignment, like ever."

Kadian smiled as she nodded her head, she recalled the event quite well. "Indeed." she picked up a slice of toast. "But I was still wrong honey," Kadian added. "Can you accept the fact that I was a stupid, ignorant child when I went to the academy?" she inquired of her sibling. "It took a bit but I was soon cured of my ignorance issues," Kadian commented.


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