
  • 23 Mission Posts

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Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 5:45pm

Marcus Solusar

Name Marcus Solusar

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human - Colonist
Age 29
Birthdate December 17th, 2364
Birthplace Asimov City - Mars, SOL

Physical Appearance

Height 5'12
Weight 190lbs
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall and muscular but not obnoxiously so.
his body physique speaks well of his martial arts training.


Spouse None
Children None
Father General Ranik Solusar - Commanding Officer, Marine Forces, The Taurus Reach
Mother Captain Jessica Solusar - Starfleet Corps of Engineering - Starbase Vanguard
Brother(s) Lt Commander Kameron 'Foehammer' Solusar-Yamaguchi - Science Officer, Starbase Vanguard
Lieutenant Jason Solusar - Tactical Officer, USS Unduntable
James Solusar - Deceased
Sister(s) Commander Bethany Solusar - Commanding Officer, USS Boreas (Twins)
B'Enn Solusar - Civilian (Twins)
Staff Sergeant Jerrica Solusar - Marines, USS Shield of Wolves
Captain Coral Solusar - Marines, USS Blue Diver
Lt Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar - Medical Officer, Starbase Vanguard - Sister in Law
Other Family General James Solusar - Retired, Living on Deneva

Personality & Traits

General Overview Easy to get along with and laid back, he can be serious at times. He shares many of his
outlooks on life with his younger brother, Kameron.
Marcus shares many of the same intrests and hobbies as his brothers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: He's repetitively laid back and easy to get along with.

Weaknesses: he can be easily distracted.
He has no interest in serving anyone other than his own interests and desires.
Ambitions To find a mate and raise a family of his own.
Hobbies & Interests Generally laid back, he has his head stuck in a book.
This is a guy who will try anything once.