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Meetings - Part One

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 11:04am by Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear & Captain Samantha Walking Bear

Mission: Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - Fearless Squadron
Timeline: 1220Hrs - January 21st, 2394

Captain Samantha Walking Bear walked into the ready room that was her second home away from home. She sighed softly as she gently pulled off her uniform top, leaving the undershirt tank top on. Her rank insignia was on the uniform jacket. The same was true for her combadge.

She went over to her desk as she needed a cold drink. Hell, any old thing would do as she took a seat behind her desk. Walking Bear turned while she ordered a glass of water from the replicator. Walking Bear then tapped her combadge while she retrieved her drink. "Bridge, this is the Captain. Is the USS Pembo present in the system?" Her request was as short as it was simple.

The response came back instantly. "Yessir. She's presently on exercises over the third moon of the second planet." came the answer that Sam had not been expecting.

"Hail her for me, please. I wish to speak with her Captain." Walking Bear answered. "I'll take the call in here," she added as Walking Bear lifted her drink to her lips. She then downed the entire glass in one go. She then banged the glass down onto her desk with a loud thump. "Mmmm," she smiled as the face of her younger sibling appeared on the monitor before her.

"Sam. I was just thinking of you." Heather Walking Bear commented with a nod of her head. "What can I do for you?" she inquired further.

Sam Walking Bear raised an eyebrow, her sibling was being oddly coy. "We're here at Starbase Three Twenty Four and we're ready to transfer our passenger over to you."

"Ahh," Heather answered. "What kept you?"

Sam gave her younger sister a rather angry glare. "We are early, so don't gimme that shit lady. I ain't got time for it and neither do you." she snapped in a very angry tone of voice.

Heather blinked her eyes. Her sibling's outburst was unexpected. "Woah. Okay. Sam. I get the hint." she answered. "That was unexpected," she added.

"Heather. I got a lot to do." Sam answered in a quiet tone of voice. "Are you ready to come and pick up my passenger or not?"

"Yes. I'm ready. I was just exercising my ship and crew while I waited for you." Heather answered, trying to placate her angry sibling. "What's your issue?"

"I have a lot to do, Heather. The Admiral will want me to attend several meetings she's going to be holding with the intel guys and with the Ops guys as well. Maybe our mission got changed. I'd be shocked if it hadn't." she sighed. "I will transfer B'Elanna to you within the next twenty minutes so you can take her back to Vanguard with you and I can go deal with irate and stupid people. Because I must." she then growled angrily.

Heather paused in silence while she regarded her older sister. She then slowly nodded. "Alright, well pass her over to me when you're ready. I can get out of your hair and take care of her issue," she commented. "I can help with that issue. I can't help with much else though." she then sighed.

Sam nodded her head. "I will send her to you soonest." she then sighed. "I hate meetings," she added with a long sigh. "But there are a couple of security protocols I want to explain to you before I go," she added.

Heather nodded her head, This was a sensible idea and a good precaution now would resolve issues in the short term. They would also keep the problems down in the long term as well. "Okay, what did you have in mind?"

Sam paused. Then she spoke a moment later. "When B'Elanna wishes to contact her mother, she is to do so in text form only. No visual. So Nobody will be any the wiser." she explained. "If she does contact her mother, she should address her posts as being from Brooklyn Walking Bear. It will work and you have several relatives staying already." she paused a moment. "I am concerned that K'Tar's would be sutor might find B'Elanna anyway and then come and visit your home. I'd recommend you also take some precautions of your own. Just in case you get some unwanted pests."

"I'll go over matters with James. See what we can turn up between the two of us. If worst comes to worst. I can always move onto the base full-time and keep B'Elanna with me." she paused. "All of these could work. As I said. I'll go over matters with James, as well as B'Elanna herself. Since we're discussing her. I want her to have a say too."

"Okay. Sounds good. I have to get going. Got shit to do and things to handle. You know how it is."

Heather nodded her head. "I do indeed. Walking Bear out." and with that, the chat was over. Sam rose to her feet as she departed her office, all in silence.


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