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Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 8:12am

Captain Samantha Walking Bear

Name Samantha Walking Bear

Position Commanding Officer - USS Fearless - Guardian Class

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Colonist
Age 39
Birthdate February 17th, 2354
Birthplace New Samarkand - Alpha Centauri A/d

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 160lbs
Hair Color Chestnut Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, statuesque and extremely good looking at what best describes this woman


Spouse None
Children None
Father Michael Walking Bear - Diplomat
Mother Zoe Walking Bear - Deceased
Brother(s) John Walking Bear - Civilian - 22 years old
Lee Yamaguchi - Starfleet - 44 years old. Julia's husband
James McTaggert, Marines - 44 years old. Heather's husband
Korenna Walking Bear - Starfleet - 32 years old. Patricia's wife
Sister(s) Alyssa Walking Bear - Starfleet - 44 years old (Import from another Universe)
Julia Yamaguchi - Starfleet - 42 years old
Heather Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 37 years old
Patricia Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 34 years old
Jennifer Pravdin - Starfleet - 32 Years old
Odessa Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 27 years old
Kalliope Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 27 years old
Korenna Walking Bear - Starfleet - 32 years old. Patricia's wife
Other Family There are several other Walking Bears. All of them call Alpha Centauri A/d home.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Samantha Walking Bear is a generally cheerful young woman who has much going for her, she is easy to get along with and easy to please however once angered, she becomes unreasonable and argumentative, she does carry her emotions on her sleeve and isn't subtle about things whatsoever on any levels at all. When needed, she has no trouble stepping up to the plate when needed and has an excellent work ethic which means she's mentally flexible.

When provoked, however, she can lose emotional and mental control in a very explosive fashion. This almost always ends poorly for all concerned.

Walking Bear is a martial arts master. This is something she takes great pride in as she has earned the status of ninth dan in various styles. Mostly based on the Japanese and Korean styles.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: she is extremely goal-oriented. Has plans to make work. She also has work to get done as a result of those plans, when she's working. Leave her to it.

Weaknesses: she can sometimes lose herself in work. She is also quite easily distracted.
Ambitions She's happy with life
Hobbies & Interests She'll try anything once.

Personal History Samantha Walking Bear was born in 2356 on the world of Alpha Centauri IV. A world rich in water and beaches, she grew up loving to swim in the seas and since the planet was warm from pole to pole, she didn't need to wear a lot either so she grew up wearing very little in terms of clothing, her mindset reflects this mentality.

Walking Bear was always a practical woman as she joined the swim team in high school while she matured from a gawky child to a confidant and extremely good looking young woman. She and her team won two championships while she was in school but she was ultimately a pilot as she joined a flying club where she could hone her skills.

She discovered almost by accident that she had flying talents around eight years old and over time until she developed her skills, she loved it but she also craved more and when she graduated high school. she instantly set an application to go to the academy. it was accepted and off she went to Earth where she not only encountered issues with men, she also encountered issues with the cold for the first time too.

Walking Bear had been raised on a planet that was a good deal warmer then Earth was and it also was closer to its host star, so the sky's were brighter.

Walking Bear went to the Academy in 2374 and she would become an engineer. She worked her way through the schoolwork she would encounter, thinking that if she worked hard enough. Walking Bear could become another Scott or LaForge. To add to her already considerable workload. Walking Bear resumed taking her martial arts classes as she needed an expressive creative outlet. What added rocket fuel to a burning building was that there was a stalker who was hunting the young ladies of the academy. Walking Bear wanted to be able to protect herself if and when the time came. What she didn't expect was that she was the next to be hunted but when the stalker made his move. Walking Bear dealt with him, restoring peace and bringing back a sense of order to the academy.

Walking Bear graduated in 2378 and was assigned to the USS F. Scott Fitzgerald as one of their Operations officers. Walking Bear learned a great deal about how Operations and Engineering both worked and what didn't work.

It was here that Walking Bear would meet a young Bolian woman named Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx. The two became drinking buddies but before long, their relationship became a physical one with the two ending up spending time in bed together, before the relationship became sexual as well. Walking Bear and Dvald would share a great many things including the man that would become Dvald's future husband. Chen Vaxx never once objected to the relationship dynamic between the two women, bedding both and either on many occasions. Chen and Siaxx were wed a few months later but Walking Bear opted to not marry either, even though she was a part of their family but she could not carry the children she knew that Siaxx and Chen wished for. Over time, however, Chen would grace Siaxx with eventually six children over the years.

Walking Bear would move onto another assignment as the assistant chief engineer, where she learned a great deal of leadership and how to lead a department and in 2387, she was requested by her old girlfriend. Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx to come over to the USS Valorous to serve as her chief engineer. Walking Bear accepted and off she went.

Walking Bear and Dvald-Vaxx resumed their relationship being more subtle than before. Walking Bear spent most of her free time babysitting Dvald-Vaxx's children and when the issue rose up in late 2389. Walking Bear took care of Chen Vaxx, keeping him out of the matter and making sure that Siaxx's children were not involved. What didn't help was that Vaxx was reassigned and Dvald-Vaxx was demoted and reassigned.

The command of the USS Valorous was offered to Walking Bear as the Executive officer felt he needed to resign in protest. Walking Bear likewise refused for the same reasons and she also demanded reassignment to Starbase 45. This was granted as Walking Bear was sent there to become their new Executive Officer. It was here that Walking Bear learned a great deal about serving as a commanding officer in her own right. The lessons she learned on the USS Valorous and on Starbase 45 serving her in excellent stead.

In late 2393. Walking Bear was offered a promotion to Captain and her own command. The USS Fearless. A brand new Guardian class starship undergoing final trials at Starbase Vanguard. Walking Bear accepted the assignment and the promotion to Captain.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Alpha Centauri A/d - ALPHA CENTAUARI
2374 to 2378 - Operations Student
Cadet One / Four

USS F. Scott Fitzgerald - Galaxy Class Dreadnought- Galaxy Class
2378 to 2383 - Operations Officer
Ensign / Lieutenant

USS Thinin - Nebula Class
2383 to 2387 - Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Lt Commander

USS Valorous - Century Class
2387 to 2389 - Chief Operations Officer

Starbase 45 - Ournal II Class
2389 to 2393 - Executive Officer
Commander / Captain

USS Fearless - Guardian Class
2393 to Present - Commanding Officer

Time of Promotions and Demotions:
2374 to 2378 - Cadet One / Four
2378 to 2380 - Ensign
2380 to 2382 - Lieutenant JG
2382 to 2384 - Lieutenant
2384 to 2388 - Lt Commander
2388 to 2391 - Commander
2391 to Present - Captain