Never Parted - Part Three
Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 11:57pm by Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Marcus Solusar
Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - Utgarde IV
Timeline: 1130Hrs - January 31st, 2394
Paris started off, she turned right as she moved into the main hallway, before going through a door. Solusar dropped back a couple of feet. He smiled as he started thinking about her, nude. Oh, they had shared that one night together, over Christmas eve and into Christmas day. It had been memorable for the both of them.
Paris could hear him thinking about her, in naught but her skin. It made her feel warm inside. She led him down a flight of stairs into a fully furnished basement, complete with a small bar area. "Oh, very nice," Solusar commented with a smile.
"You'll have somewhere where you can entertain guests. The bar is, to my knowledge, fully stocked. But check it anyway." Paris commented with a smile on her lips. "You forget that I'm a telepath, right.?" she inquired of him. "I can hear you thinking it," she added, a rather zesty grin on her face.
"Oh." Solusar paused. "Fair enough." he then sighed at her.
Paris looked up at him. "You more or less have your pick of any of the bedrooms in this house," she commented. She could sense his sudden unease with her on various matters, now she was slapping herself because of her stupidity in pointing out that she was a telepath. Paris sighed softly. She had not taken any case in easing him into the knowledge of telepathy, instead, she had hit him with it with the force of a sledgehammer.
To Solusar, it was not such an issue as he simply recalled that his sister-in-law was also a telepath. Yet. Solusar knew that his brother did not mind in the least on the subject. Solusar regarded Paris in silence, while he considered it.
Solusar sat down on the bed, he sighed softly as he allowed gravity to pull him backwards onto the bed. He smiled as he closed his eyes. "Wow, they really thought of everything. Didn't they?" he asked in a rhetorical manner. It was then that Solusar shifted his attention to Paris.
Paris regarded him. "Didn't you know that I was a telepath?."
Solusar nodded his head, he did not smile as he slowly sat up. "I did and no, I had not forgotten," he commented. "Kadian, any man who looked at you would be lusting after you within minutes. It's perfectly normal."
"You'd be suprised at how many people want to lust after me, wine me and bed me, in the span of an hour," Paris explained. "It gets very tiring, very fast."
"Oh, I believe it." Solusar agreed. "Handsome-looking woman like yourself is going to draw attention, both wanted and unwanted," he explained. "But Kadian, are they mentally undressing you because of you or in spite of you.?" as he leaned forward, now he was inside easy striking distance of her hands.
"I. I don't quite follow." Paris admitted. She sounded unsure rather than being defensive. Solusar took that as being a good sign, so he opted to press on with what he was saying.
"Do you get on with many?" Solusar asked of her.
"I have my workmates. My colleagues and associates." Paris answered quickly.
"I saw your front room at your quarters. It looked like nobody lived there. If I had to guess, you were someone who had sunk nearly everything into your work." he paused. "For what reason, I can only guess. I don't like making assumptions in the absence of hard facts. Of which I have painfully few at this point in time." Solusar commented. "It's been said that one should not grow careless for security is mortal's chiefest enemy."
Paris smiled at him. "You should like Kameron," she admitted before she huffed a sigh at him. "He would tell me that I had trust issues and that I needed to get out of the office more," she admitted. "Maybe he's... Maybe he's right," she admitted quietly.
"Kameron and I learned the same lessons. We fought many of the same battles, and had the same teachers... The only real difference between him and me is that he joined Starfleet and I didn't." Solusar explained. "Besides. I don't mind long hours of peace and quiet. You don't seem to mind either." Solusar slowly smiled at Paris. "What's the worst that could happen?" he asked. "You come home to hear me playing one of a million songs that I have copies of, and you dislike the music."
Paris raised an eyebrow. "I know Kam took the liberty of uploading a truly massive music database into the house computer. I watched him doing it, I also helped out with making dinner."
Solusar smiled as he nodded to her. "You guys went to all this trouble to make me feel that this was a home I could call my own. The least I can do is be civil on the subject," he responded.