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Ivy Mike - Part Two

Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 1:44pm by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior.

Mission: Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1315Hrs - January 19th, 2394

Commander Heather Walking Bear exited the turbolift in the flag officers' wing of level two. She had only been here twice before and both of those were on official business. She had even run into Jake Yamaguchi. Her old commanding officer as he was now the Executive officer, of all of the Starfleet forces in the Taurus Reach. It was something that Walking Bear was happy about as he had worked hard and earned the posting. Even if he had been through a lot to get here.

Walking Bear regarded Fleet Admiral Duval's yeoman with a nod. "Chief. I'm here for a meeting at about thirteen-thirty," she explained why she was here to the yeoman. He went over his notes. "You're Heather Walking Bear??" he asked of her.

"I am." Walking Bear answered.

"The Admiral is expecting you, go on in." the yeoman indicated the second set of doors nearby."

Walking Bear smiled. "Thanks" she answered before she went over to the doors, she then went into the Admiral's office before she came to attention not far from the center of the office. "Commander Heather Walking Bear, reporting as ordered, ma'am."

"Come in Commander, take a seat," she commented. "I have to ask through. As I've just been looking up your record. Why are you still a Commander?" as she looked over at Walking Bear.

Walking Bear shrugged. She slowly shook her head as it was a mystery to her as well. "I guess thats one of life's great mysteries, ma'am," she commented.

Duval nodded her head, this woman before her was of Jake's former crew so she decided she would look into the matter. She tapped her combadge. "Duval to Raab. Could you step in here please?"

"Right away." Raab's voice came back.

Duval regarded the other woman. "Jake speaks so highly of you that I wonder if he tried to adopt you. Yet, here you are as a Commander. I'm going to ask the base JAG officer to look into it. I want to make sure you aren't being screwed with. Several of Jake's former crewmates and friends, including Torilla Yamaguchi were screwed with. I want JAG to have a look at you."

Walking Bear raised an eyebrow. "Okay. If you believe it is necessary. ma'am."

"I do, Commander," Duval answered with a gentle smile. "Because I feel you are under-ranked for what you should be." she suddenly grinned. This was all tooth and indicated that this was a woman who was used to getting her way. "I am the Fleet Admiral and most do not like toying with me on matters that cross my desk. You are one such matter. Now Jake sings your praises, and he doesn't say a lot of good things about most people," Duval grinned at the younger woman.

Walking Bear paused. She hadn't spoken to Jake in quite some time, Torilla neither, for that matter. This was something she was going to fix as soon as she could possibly could. "What does Jake say about me.?"

"Oh, honey," Duval commented, a wide grin on her lips. "Jake says you were one of the best Conn officers he'd ever had. He credits you with saving not one or two missions but three. When you figured out solutions to various issues. Issues that could have gone sideways. Thats why he made you his diplomatic officer as well."

"Ahh, the mission with the Xanthans." Walking Bear paused. "Jake is too kind. Ma'am."

"Perhaps," Duval answered. There was a sudden knock on the door. "Duval smiled. "Enter." In walked Captain Harmon Raab. He nodded to Walking Bear as he approached Duval. "You sent for me, Admiral?"

"Indeed." Duval indicated the other chair as she handed him a PADD. "Take a look and tell me if you think that this officer's promotion record is being toyed with."

Rabb sat down, then he accepted the PADD. "Mmmm... The promotions do come rather slowly. Nothing overly stupid but. Too slow for this sort of track record." Rabb frowned. "I assume the Commander has excellent reports from her previous COs?" he inquired.

Walking Bear nodded. "I have several letters in my file that speak to my glowing service record. One reckoned I'd make Captain by thirty." she smiled, a fact which she found very amusing.

"No reprimands of any kind." he paused as a frown appeared on his face. "Yes. I'd say that someone has tampered with this file." Rabb then sighed. "But I'm going to have a hard time proving it as there was nothing criminal in here. Not like what happened to Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx or Torilla Yamaguchi," he explained. "But thats fine with me," he added, a smile on his lips. "I will have something for you by this time tomorrow Commander." he addressed Walking Bear directly.

Walking Bear nodded. "I understand," she answered with a gentle nod of her head.


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