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Her Last Funeral Pyre Lit - Part Two

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 8:04am by Commodore Korelii MacRae & Lieutenant Commander Daniel MacRae

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - USS Hermes
Timeline: 1200Hrs - November 15th, 2393

Rear Admiral Korelii McRae was tired, she felt tired, and she looked tired. "I should go get some sleep." MacRae groaned softly. The Halanan augment sighed while she took a moment to sit down at her desk, while she was in her ready room on the USS Hermes. Her ship was still with the large battlegroup that had more or less conquered New Halana in recent days. Now she was wondering what it was that had driven the Federation to launch this invasion in the first place.

MacRae dismissed the notion without even considering the notion in her mind. She already knew why the Federation had given the orders that it had done, she did not need to waste mental effort considering the notion. It was because of the fact that New Halana had declared their intentions to wage war against the Federation, for no other reason than to protect its rights to lie, cheat and steal from their greatest benefactor.

MacRae eased herself into the chair she had recently replicated, it was larger than standard issue. It was also softer and more comfortable. It was something she had been rather specific about when she had begun looking for a new chair recently.

MacRae groaned softly. She was tired when she turned her head. "Computer, water. Cold," she commented softly. The replicator did its usual efficient work making the drink that McRae had requested. Before the Halanan gently picked it up. MacRae gently cradled the glass in her hands as she sighed softly.

MacRae lifted the glass to her lips. Before she drained the entire glass in one smooth motion. She then placed the empty glass back into the replicator, before telling the system to recycle the glass, which it did without comment or protest.

MacRae then rose to her feet, she then departed the ready room. She nodded to her Executive officer who rose to his feet, thinking she wanted to resume command. MacRae shook her head before she departed the bridge a moment later when her turbolift arived. "Captain's quarters," MacRae commented. The turbolift started moving.

A few minutes later. She reached her destination before she slipped off her uniform jacket and her boots, which she utterly despised. She let out a groan as she did so. She knew that Daniel was listening to some music, but she was unsure of where he had found it as his database of old Earth classical music was hundreds of Petabyte large. Daniel had access to literally millions of songs on demand. From punk rock to classical, to high country, to new age dance and everything in between.

Korelii knew that her husband's music list was extreme and he could come up with a song for almost every occasion she could dream up. Be it having sex on the sofa to reprimanding a crewmember for something stupid.

"Is someone out there?" came a voice. MacRae smiled as if it was her husband, he had been working from home. He had been leaving some paperwork to the end of the mission. He had not wanted to be bothered. So he had decided he would work from home to get it all finished.

"Yes, honey. It's only me." Korelii addressed her husband. He rose to his feet and came over to her. "Are you okay?" he asked her, he was being concerned for his spouse's wellbeing, it was something she really appreciated. "Do you need a medic?" He inquired. This might not be serious but then one could never truly well.

"What?." she asked, suprised by his request. "No," Korelii answered after a moment. "I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well, the last couple of nights. Bad dreams."

Daniel McRae slowly sat down next to his spouse. "Because of the orders, you were given... Invading your own homeworld... I'm not sure if I could do it, were in your shoes." he admitted softly as he gently took her hands in his own.

"I was given the chance to walk... Torilla didn't but I nearly did... I think I let her speak for us both." Korelii admitted. "I am an exile, just like her... and I am sure I'm the last augment left alive as well," she added. "She was able to draw strength from having the courage of her convictions," Korelii added.

Daniel knew his spouse well. He regarded her with a gentle smile. "You think you couldn't have done it," he responded in a gentle tone of voice. "Korelii. That's not a weakness... Starfleet really handed you two an impossible job, they really should have not sent you both." he commented.

"I know...Yet, I found I could do it... Torilla believed in us both... Now we have ensured a stable changeover. A new government has come to power and Halana will have even more resources spent on its reconstruction." she sighed. "Also, the most important detail... The exile that Torilla and I both shared... Was officially rescinded..." she added. "We are free... At long last..."

"Thats great news," Daniel answered.

"No, it isn't. Because Torilla and I both don't care about the matter. We've been exiled so long that we've set down roots on other worlds, hell, anywhere but New Halana... We both have families that don't call New Halanna as home... Personally. I can live with it and I know she can too." Korelii then shrugged. "But I know you got better things to do than listen to me complain."

"Korelli. Your issues are my issues." Daniel answered. "The paperwork can wait." Daniel then indicated the bedroom. "I can assist with your other concerns, though," he added. "Best of all is no kids since they are off visiting my folks," he added, with a smile.

Korelii smiled. "Yes. Let's do that. I've been feeling deprived recently. Cure me of that notion please?" she then grinned at him.

"Consider it arranged," he commented. "Tonight, you are mine," he added, his grin didn't fade

"I'm going to enjoy this," Korelii responded as she grinned back at her husband, with that, the two went into the bedroom in silence.


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