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Her Last Funeral Pyre Lit - Part One

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 8:03am by Commodore Korelii MacRae & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - Federation Battlegroup / New Halana
Timeline: 1000Hrs - November 15th, 2393

Rear Admiral Korelii MacRae was standing before the large set of double doors where the new council members were meeting to discuss recent events. Many of them were a mixture of old people as well as young people. But all of them had that lean, hungry look in their eyes. It was something that MacRae had found unsettling.

MacRae heard footfalls, as she turned her head. She found herself looking into a pair of warm brown eyes that shared genetics with her. "Hey Torilla." she greeted her full-blooded sibling. The two women were friends but they were almost total strangers, thanks to having been raised in vastly separate manners. Both of them developed in strikingly similar ways, despite the differing conditions of their childhoods.

"Howdy Korelii," Yamaguchi answered, a gentle smile on her face. "How are you doing?" she asked. "Are there any concerns?" Yamaguchi asked of the other woman before her.

"With me in regards to my captivity. No." MacRae answered. "I could sense the fear of the conscripts. Their commander ordered them to beat me if I so much as looked at them funny. But I knew they couldn't do it. I cooperated to ensure their protection... and I told them that when I was in a cell." McRae commented. "I think what did it was when I used my abilities to short out the forcefield. It drained me but I was able to get the point across." as she grinned at her sibling. "You did a good job. I know it was hard to do... But the issue was resolved."

"I know. I wanted to kill the entire council." Yamaguchi paused. "I won't lie about it either. When the Federation told me we were going to invade New Halana. I was overjoyed. I wanted this task... Most would be running away. Whereas I dove in head-first."

"I know. I could feel it. Thats why I accepted the task of leading the fleet. I wasn't as..." MacRae paused. "How do I say this?"

"You weren't as compromised as I was." Yamaguchi paused as she grinned at the other woman. "It's fine," she reassured her sibling that all was well.

It was at that point that a guard approached. "Excuse me, Admiral?" he addressed MacRae. "The council is ready for you now," he explained his interruption.

MacRae smiled as she nodded. "Thank you." and with that, the guardsman went into the council chambers, before announcing the two Starfleet officers. MacRae then entered as Yamaguchi followed. Both women went forward so they could address the council. MacRae came to a stop before the leader of the council. She then handed him a stack of PADDs. "This is my report of the events of the last week. I brought one for each council member to read," she explained. Jameson began passing out the PADDs. He took one and passed the stack off to the next person. The PADDs quickly went to each person in the room. Yamaguchi followed suit with her own stack of PADDs. "My own report of my actions, taken in the recent hostilities," she explained.

Jameson nodded to her. "Admiral MacRae. We are gratified to see that you are alive and well," he commented. "Ladies, the sentence proclaiming you as exile is rescinded," he commented. "This punishment causes more harm than good and I also move that it no longer be used ever again as a means of justice." Jameson intoned. "Long, have I desired to do this..." his voice cracked as he said it. Looking into Torilla's eye as he said it. "I will see this done... and have it remain so."

"Thank you," MacRae commented with a nod. Yamaguchi felt a tear fall from her face as she fought to control her emotions.

Jameson regarded Yamaguchi. "Much harm was done on both sides of this conflict. We do acknowledge your concerns with what you have done, Admiral Yamaguchi but you opted not to drag this out, but instead to bring this conflict to a speedy conclusion. You also would be willing to then the previous council members over to us for trial and justice.?" he paused a moment. "The Federations resources will be returned to them," he explained.

Yamaguchi nodded. "The vast majority of their crimes were committed against the people of this world."

Jameson smiled. "You still have a kind heart, despite what was done to you, and yours... You are too kind Torilla."

"I had a good Shaman." Yamaguchi then smiled. "What is to be done, going forward?"

Jameson nodded as he explained. "We will petition the Federation council to accept our apology and help us repair the misdeeds and mistakes of the past," he explained. "I heard your announcement. You said you had a cure to our medical issues?"

"We do," Yamaguchi answered. "We were told you had your own."

"That is not true," Jameson answered softly. "I worked in the genetics fields and no such claim was ever announced. Would you be willing to share that cure?"

"Of course," MacRae answered softly.

"Very well." Jameson regarded the two women. "Then the people of New Halana stand in your debt. What would you ask of us.?"

"Nothing," Yamaguchi answered softly. "The cure is free to all, no debt is owed, by anyone, to anyone," she answered.

"Very well." Jameson then smiled at the two women before him. "You honour us with your kindness..."


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