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Operation: Coronet - Part Five

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 7:57am by Captain Tienn Kerris & Lieutenant Shomer'eggan 'Show' & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - Federation Battlegroup
Timeline: 1705Hrs - November 13th, 2393

Division Admiral Torilla Yamaguchi slowly strolled over to the head of the table, as she slowly rolled her hips. She knew she was doing this to remind him of what Montrose had had with her and then what he had lost when he had pushed himself too far with her. Torilla had left home, not only to explore the stars but she wished to find a cure to the Halanan medical crisis that had plagued this species for centuries. Now, thirty years later. Torilla had completed her life's goal of finding not one but two cures. One based on herself for the masses and the second, for any remaining Halanan augments that remained alive. Though Torilla suspected that her full-blooded sibling was the last Augment left alive anywhere in the universe.

Show slowly took a seat down at the far end of the table with Tienn Kerris taking a seat halfway down the table. Neither of them trusted Montrose and their body language showcased this. Show didn't have her sidearm out but she didn't need it. The angry look in her eye was indication enough.

Tienn Kerris had a neutral look in her eye. She wasn't ready to commit murder as her Chief of security looked to be wanting to do shortly. She was also not happy with this arrangement. However, she was also not the one in charge. Admiral Yamaguchi was, so she would leave the matter alone for now.

Montrose regarded Yamaguchi. "So... Down to business then?" he asked of her.

"Thats generally why we're here," Yamaguchi answered in a flat tone of voice. "Out with what you want with me, Silas... This prevarication does not suit you," she commented. "But let me remind you then," she added. "We are here to discuss your terms for surrender. First. I require that my Admiral be returned to me. Alive, well and unharmed. Second. I require you to cease hostilities and have your ships assemble at a location that I will designate. You may assist damaged ships and the base which I almost demolished over the course of the battle." she explained. "What I will not tolerate is gotcha moments. Your ships suddenly opened fire on mine. That will cause my ships to open fire and kill you all." she explained. "I am going to hold all of you to account for each other's behaviour. Failure to abide by this will be treated as a resumption of hostilities. A fight that I know, you will lose." Yamaguchi explained. "Next item. Prisoners of war will be accommodated on the Passchendaele." Yamaguchi explained. "Her security personel will be able to secure the personel of your entire fleet." she paused a moment. "The wreaks will be evacuated, one at a time and then you'll turn your remaining fleet over to us, one ship at a time. There will be no tampering of any kind. No datacores will be wiped and no self-destructs will be activated. If you do. I will glass the Captial City, in addition to hauling you off, in chains to answer your crimes before a Federation court." Yamaguchi paused a moment to allow this to sink in. "The choice is yours."

Montrose regarded Yamaguchi. "I see... I assume failure on any of these will be treated as resumption of hostilities.?" he inquired of her.

"Indeed," Yamaguchi answered. "Let me be clear with you, General... In case I wasn't already. I have full control of the orbital space. You've lost two-thirds of your entire fleet and you have no orbital base of any kind to look after your logistics. You also have no orbital dockyards either, that is left to you." Yamaguchi ticked off her points on her fingers. "You should have surrendered thirty minutes ago. Hell, you should have surrendered when Admiral MacRae called on you to do so." Yamaguchi then shrugged, as to her, this was an open and shut case.

Montrose sighed softly. He knew he would never get a chance as he let out a loud scream. Yamaguchi winced as she was able to resist the effects of the telepathic stun. Show and Tienn, both were dazed. Montrose leapt from his chair as he moved over to the Bajoran woman. He grinned as he drove his fist into her face. Silencing her as he pushed her to the ground. He then went after the Caitian.

He then grabbed her by the scruff of her neck before he drove her, face-first into the table. After four impacts, she was badly wounded enough that she would no longer be a threat. He snatched up her sidearm as a phaser beam shot past him.

Yamaguchi smiled as she then drilled Montrose with a phaser on heavy stun. "Silas. You always telegraphed your moves. But now your fleet will die for it." as she grinned at him. Montrose fell to the deck, groaning as he did so. Yamaguchi tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to bridge, there has been a foreseen complication. The General decided to attack me and my party. Inform the fleet that none will be spared. Finish off the Halanan fleet. No surrenders will be accepted from this point."

Montrose sighed. "I will kill you for this..." he hissed as he lifted his phaser, he sighted her up as Yamaguchi fired her own phaser. Montrose exploded into a cloud of red mist, and his dying screams echoed off of the walls. Her eyes opened wide at what she had just done, she had felt him dying in that instant. Yamaguchi knew she would have to focus on the here and now before she could deal with this, as this issue would only haunt her down the road.

Yamaguchi tapped her combadge. "Medical assistance to conference room three, on the double." she went over to the Caitian, to begin treating her issues.


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