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Roadblocks - Part Five

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 7:53am by Commander Yuri Denisov & Commander William Hague & Commander Victoria "Vicki" Cameron & Lieutenant Commander Candace DeCoste & Lieutenant Commander Michael Jankowski & Lieutenant Commander James De Poix & Major Matthew "Monkman" Gideon & Lieutenant Commander Don Henson & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Commodore Korelii MacRae & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Laurel Takashima & Lieutenant Commander Daniel MacRae & Lieutenant Colonel Michael Pallara & Colonel Miranda 'Coop' Cooper & Commander Sasha Behl

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - USS Hermes
Timeline: 0825Hrs - November 11th, 2393

Commodore Korelii McRae Yamaguchi tapped the display before her, she frowned as she considered her orders. She was not happy that she would lose another leave with her husband and children. She slowly rotated to her left as she regarded the wall portrait of her family on the wall. With her and Daniel in the centre with all of their children present. From Sacagawea MacRae on the left side, with her twin on the far side from her, all the way to the youngest children in the centre with Daniel and Korelii herself in the back.

Korelii turned her chair to her right. While she considered exactly what had happened to her to bring her to this moment in time, to this position in her life. Also, there were the orders that were sending her and her full blood sibling back to their old homeworld. Both women had been exiled from Halana for having children with offworlders. A crime that had once been considered as an act of treason, what was worse was that it was punishable by death. Behind the scenes, the crime had been considered an act of attainder. Thereby the family was punished because of the actions of the individual. Depending on the severity of the offence, the entire house could be turfed out onto the streets with nothing. Or worse, all of them could be put to the sword, regardless of age or affiliation.

Korelii frowned as she considered her relationship with her husband as something that made her a very happy woman, he had been a great many things to her over the last twenty years, But he had become her nurse and caregiver in what she was sure were her last hours of life before Starbase Vanguard moved heaven and earth to make a cure for her issues.

Korelii could hardly think about the efforts that the personel of Starbase Vanguard went to save her, without breaking down and crying. Even after the time that had passed between then and now, she couldn't help but feel great emotion over the matter. It had been two weeks, yet her perspective had not changed, from then to now. She owed the personel of Vanguard's medical department her very life and soul. This was a debt she would repay, even if it cost her that soul.

The Federation. They were a gathering of species. They said they had come together for various reasons. But they were known for their various contradictions. They could fight ferociously in battle. Yet care for their greatest enemy's wounded as if he was kin to them. One could not help but be moved to tears with their stubborn nobility. Their dedication to each other and the lengths they will go to in saving their own.

Korelii slowly smiled as she turned her thoughts to her recovery. It had been slowly progressing with her husband spending hours in the gym with her, working on her limbs and her various muscle groups. He had also spent time in the pool, he swam beside her while she swam lengths. First five then ten and then fifteen. Now she was closing in on thirty-five. Korelii had been tempted on many occasions to let her husband have his way with her while they worked out but he was all business. He had refused her several times and cited they were there so she could work out, not to make new babies.

Korelii appreciated her husband's efforts on her behalf. He had expected to be told that she was dead and that he would spend the rest of his days as a widower. Caring for their children alone. This was something that still bothered her even now, after two weeks when she had been expected to be long since dead. "I'm alive, you motherfuckers and I aim to stay that way," she said aloud.

McRae took a moment as she breathed in. McRae then stood up. The act alone was something that required her to think about it before she could do it as she was still very weak from her ordeal. She then slowly strode from her ready room, moving onto her bridge in silence. "Status report, number one?"

Commander Yuri Denisov regarded his commanding officer with a gentle smile as he rose to his feet, vacating the Captain's chair that he had been sitting in. "Everything is status quo, Captain. The USS Lincolnshire and the USS Warrickshire have both arrived to replenish us and our attendant escorts. I take it we got new orders?"

McRae nodded. "We do. I suspect that this will be a complex and highly stressful assignment for myself and for my younger sister. The Grey Wolf will be joining us for a mission to New Halana. The world that the both of us were exiled from. I suspect that either you or Commander Tienn Kerris will handle the talking as the Halanan government consider Torilla and myself as less than nothing. To them, we do not exist."

Denisov regarded her, his quiet and steely resolve faltering for only a moment, just it was enough to let her see the black hatred that lurked in the shadows. "My apologies but I am not sure if I can handle such an assignment. Considering that I was almost elevated to the rank of Captain because of your passing." he paused. "I'm sorry ma'am."

"It's okay Yuri," McRae answered quietly, with a gentle smile on her lips. "I do appreciate the respect, all the same," she commented. "I will inform Torilla that Commander Tienn will be the one leading any talks, you will assist her on an as-needed basis, alright?"

Denisov nodded his head. "Whatever she needs. I'll give her."

"Grand," McRae answered with a soft smile. "Then together, we'll get this done and maybe we can achieve a peace that all can live with."


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