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I See Through a Glass, Darkly - Part Two

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 6:24am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant JG Tienn Durin & Tienn Jaina & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 102: Sic Transit Tienn
Location: Various Locations - Bajor
Timeline: 0845Hrs - August 5th, 2393

Durin regarded her mother as the two sat next to each other on the shuttle as they were presently flying towards the Tienn family homestead out in Lonar province. Nerra was looking at the local display while Iteela was reading a PADD. Prinu was presently flying the shuttle with Nerra's expert guidance.

"I wasn't sure if you had joined Starfleet or not... but I am proud of you, you found your own way, no thanks to your father," Marja said to her daughter.

"At some point mother, I can guarantee that everything will go south on you and your gonna say, "this is it. This is how I end." and you have a simple choice, you can accept it or you can fight. I've been fighting for years now. Noel is just another battlefield for me to fight, Aunt Nerra has three and Aunt Iteela has two of their own, Aunt Nerra has seven Caitian kits, one of them is almost an adult in his own right and I'm honestly glad Balin isn't present for this."

"Balin?" Marja inquired. "One of Nerra's Caitians?"

"Yeah. He's bigger than you and meaner than me." Durin answered evenly. "Balin would have enjoyed visiting Bajor but I don't need him taking a swing at Dad. He would have and he would not have stopped until he had drawn blood." the younger female explained to the older woman before her.

"Sounds like he's crazy," Marja responded quietly.

"When you consider what he's been through," Durin commented. "Yeah, I could argue that he's a little crazy... But mom, he was a slave and he's only recently known freedom, he gets stupid levels of protective of the females in his life, especially Aunt Nerra. Believe me, we don't need that level of insanity in this dance..." Durin sighed softly. "I can tell you how it would go," she added. "I've become clarivoyant, I can see the future..."

"Oh?" Marja inquired. "How so?" the older female inquired of her daughter.

"Dad would open his mouth and say something incredibly stupid." Durin's eyes seemed to lose focus as she explained. "Balin would see red and take a swing at him, claws extended. It would go very badly for all involved but especially so for Balin as dad would trigger a Post-traumatic disorder episode in him." she raised an eyebrow in the Vulcan fashion. "Mom, Balin was a sex-slave, used for one reason only. To impregnate as many female Caitians as possible," Durin explained. "Other people told Aunt Nerra and Aunt Nerra told me. I figured you had a right to know."

"Oh prophets." Marja was horrified beyond words. "I... I didn't know..."

"I know mother, that's why I'm informing you now." Durin felt a wave of revulsion with the information as well, only hers was much more controlled." I thought it best to say this before we saw dad." she added.

"Yeah. Your dad would say something crass." Marja sighed softly as she shook her head.

"What did you see in dad? anyway, mom?." Durin inquired, in rather blunt and direct tones.

"I sometimes ask myself that question on almost a daily basis dear... Maybe its time for your father and I to separate." she then sighed. "But I don't wish to cause your siblings any additional problems."

"They can always come and reside with me and my children for a few months while you and Koll deal with your problems." Tienn Jaina interjected, she had a gentle smile on her lips. "I've been reading up on my son, he has made many enemies and he needs to sort out his issues. Having your other children out of the way may assist with that... and I do have the space." Jaina added, a wide smile on her lips.

"Are you sure you wish to do this?" Marja paused, she was unsure and it showed.

"I am," Jaina commented with a smile. "Almar will agree with me after I inform him of matters. I have a large farmstead, with several buildings on it. My children will enjoy spending time with yours," she added with a smile. "Plus it'll allow Koll with fewer distractions, you are welcome to come with as well, we have a great need for people such as yourself," she added. "Think about it. It will give you and your husband time to resolve your problems."

Marja nodded her head. "I will."

Prinu turned her head. "We're ten minutes out guys," she called backward as Nerra turned. "We'll be entering Lonar province in about two minutes' time, we'll cross the Lonar mountain range a minute later and I didn't come dressed for the mountains." she smiled at her own side joke.

Durin turned her attention to the viewport up ahead as the mountains of home came within view. She had missed them as had the other Tienn women who had been away from home for far too long by their reckoning.

The shuttle sped through the mountains in silence, her hull gently kissed and caressed by the mountain winds like a touch of an old love. Nerra checked the weather. "We have a winter storm warning for the township of Lasskar and Herran," she explained. "Which means no sightseeing for us today," she added with a rather wide smile. "That suits me fine as I didn't come for the sights. I came for blood."

"Your statement is illogical," Iteela answered in a flat tone of voice. "We came to resolve our problems, not make new ones," she added.

"Stop snowing on my parade," Nerra answered. "Iteela, you are such a killjoy. It's turning me grey."

"You could benefit from some wisdom and logic. You are far too angry at times." Iteela answered.

"You could benefit from a great many things, yourself," Nerra answered evenly. "Who else will be there?"

"Jerric got in last night," Prinu answered. "That's why I'm flying you home now, otherwise you'd be flying yourself," she added. "Leran got in this morning, Moi came with him and their kids did likewise." she paused. "Kenris will be in tonight, I'll be collecting him from Ashalla spaceport," she added.

"I'll go with you," Nerra commented evenly. "I could use some stick time."

"I'd welcome the company," Prinu commented with a smile. "Jaina, you wanna come too?"

"No. My reunion with Kenris should be the two of us, alone... He and I have a great deal to discuss." she added quietly.

"I don't think he resents the fact that you have been lost for thirty years... I think he would understand."

"Possibly," Jaina answered. "Perhaps... Perhaps not, we shall see.." she sounded unsure of what to say and how to say it. "Its been almost thirty years since I've seen him, a lot has changed and a lot has happened."

Prinu smiled. "We're sixty seconds out guys." as she tapped the display. "Nerra, get me landing clearance from the local airbase."

Nerra turned her head as she went about obtaining exactly that for Prinu, she smiled as she tapped the display while she went to work on the matter, a moment later she turned back. "Permission granted. Proceed as planned." Nerra reported to Prinu.

"We're on final approach," she commented as Nerra could recognize the area over which the shuttle was now flying, this was home, her childhood home and it was still standing, what's more, the place was flourishing. "I've missed this place."

Prinu brought the shuttle in for a landing, she secured the exhaust as the shuttle touched the ground and the sounds of thrust died away as Durin tapped the aft display, the hatch fell open and she strolled out, leading the others. "Home sweet home," she commented lightly.

Iteela followed as did all of the other people gathered. "Let's see what kind of a home we've come back to," she said, more to herself than to anyone else as she followed everyone else.


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