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Medical Concerns and Issues - Part Six

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 4:21am by Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Lieutenant Karen Dauntless & Lieutenant Kalliope Walking Bear

Mission: Mission 113: By Demons be Driven
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1300Hrs - December 4th, 2393

Lieutenant Kalliope Walking Bear smiled as she tapped the display in her hands. She had just returned from her lunch not that long ago as she was looking over the paperwork that Doctor Paris had placed into her docket earlier. Regarding a case of one of their co-workers having a major medical crisis. This had resulted in the early termination of a pregnancy. Fortunately, however, the pregnancy had produced two healthy baby girls and all three were expected to live and be alright.

Walking Bear had no idea how she would have processed the matter had she been the one to endure this but Paris had been the one to call in Walking Bear and explain the particulars of the case to her. Mentally she replayed the events as they unfolded in her mind. Walking Bear sighed as she did so.

Paris smiled. "The good news is that Beth is going to be alright. Her two girls are doing really well. But I think the greatest case of shock was Galiaan Fordring. beth named her second child after her."

"Really?" Walking Bear answered. "You're kidding me?"

"Oh no. I'm as serious as a priest on Sunday." Paris had answered with a wide smile on her lips. "I didn't know if Galiaan was going to laugh it off, scream with excitement or burst into tears and come apart on me," Paris explained. "But she held it together and we got through the procedure. I mean, there's Fordring, just standing there. She's being cool, keeping it together and being really good about it. A real display of self-control there. I was impressed."

"I'd heard she was always a professional but when I met her." Walking Bear commented.

"She was having a really bad day that day. It wasn't your fault Kalliope." Paris explained. "Sometimes it just goes that way. Don't hold it against her."

"I don't." Walking Bear answered quietly. "Two of my relatives have worked with her in the past. Getting them to talk about her is easy but getting them to shut up again. Man, now that's an achievement." Walking Bear sighed softly. "So... The particulars.?"

Paris nodded as she handed Walking Bear a PADD. "Removal of a whole swath of cancerous flesh. This is all inside Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar's uterus and around her abdomen. We diagnosed it as uterine cancer but none of the markers are there. She should be as clean as a priest on Sunday. But for reasons, we can't yet explain. She's not."

Walking Bear had smiled and reassured the other woman before her. "No worries. Leave her to me. I will look after this one, myself." she thought as she rounded the corner and went into her office, one she was busy sharing with two other Doctors. Karen Dauntless was busy doing paperwork while Toshnarr was busy, dozing on a massive beanbag the three of them had replicated specifically for this issue.

Walking Bear smiled as she beheld the gathering before her. She was human while Dauntless was Orion and Toshnarr was a Gorn. By the looks of him, he out massed both Walking Bear and Dauntless together by a considerable margin. He breathed in and out gently, yet he wasn't snoring which was something that both Walking Bear and Dauntless both liked and respected.

Dauntless lifted her gaze as she regarded the other medical officer who had walked into the room. "Lo Kalliope. How was lunch, honey?"

"I enjoyed it. It's a shame I didn't get the time to enjoy the Chef too. I reckon he would have taught me a thing or two about matters in bed." Walking Bear had answered with a wide grin. Sex jokes was a matter of survival in this little den of sin. Dauntless had three children in the house and her wife was almost always hard up. For her, sex was a matter of survival. Walking Bear, however, was single and she much prefer it too. "Alright. Well. I have our next case. It's a case of removing some issues with one of our doctors."

Toshnarr blinked as he woke up. The Gorn then slowly sat up on the bag before he hauled his massive body to his feet. "Go on." he encouraged Walking Bear, who after a moment went back to explaining the particulars of the case at hand. "It's to do with Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar. Apparently, she has cancer but this cancer suddenly appeared almost overnight. Without the slightest idea of what's causing it."

Dauntless and Toshnarr both traded a simple look. "That's very strange." Toshnarr rumbled. "No markers, no nothing?"

"Nope. Nadda. Not a sausage." Walking Bear answered as she shrugged her shoulders. "So I'm going to see how she's feeling and see about operating on her this afternoon. I have the feeling I'm going to want to move on this quickly and get this matter resolved fast."

"Who do you want to assist you?" Toshnarr inquired.

Walking Bear knew she only needed one other to assist her. "Toshnarr. I'll take you with me," she answered.

Dauntless nodded her head. She didn't mind in the least being passed over for this matter. Walking Bear smiled. "Alright. I'm going to go and talk to her now. See how she feels." and with that. She turned and went out the door in silence.


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