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All Along the Watchtowers - Part Six

Posted on Tue Nov 30th, 2021 @ 11:32am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1645Hrs - October 25th, 2393

"But I am concerned about your spouse, she might feel neglected... She knows about your feelings for Beth..." Dvald-Vaxx explained as she sat back in the chair she was sitting in.

"I'll let you handle it... I'll visit Beth tomorrow... After I remind my spouse why I love her..." Lasky answered with a nod of his head.

Dvald-Vaxx gently smiled as she gently took his hand in hers. Dvald-Vaxx owlishly blinked as she regarded him. "There is nothing wrong with being worried, Tom. I know you're worried." she paused. "But she will enjoy the reminder... I mean you could always impregnate her again."

"I am." Lasky sighed. "I feel like such a dirty old man, she's young enough to be my daughter."

Dvald-Vaxx smiled. "Nah, it just means you have impeccable taste in women..."

"Plataea once said that. About Elizabeth... and then she reminded me that I was sleeping with her and not her niece." Lasky answered quietly.

Dvald-Vaxx slowly smiled. "So, why aren't you listening to her.?" she lifted her head while she regarded Lasky, she wanted to watch him as he spoke.

Lasky regarded the small Bolian. "You just asked me to keep out of the matter at hand," he responded. "So I'm going to do that..." he answered, not sure of what it was that the small-framed Bolian woman wanted.

"I did," Dvald-Vaxx answered. "Because you and I both know that when Jake finds out what's happening here. You know this is going to turn into a major fucking shitstorm." she small-framed Bolian added. "Because he will bring Fleet Admiral Heather Duval into matters and on his side, no less... Which means whoever hurt Elizabeth will pay with their careers..."

Lasky nodded as he regarded the small woman beside him. "I'll drop by to say hello but that's it." he paused a moment. "As you say, there are already enough people involved in this drama... and more by the hour..." he paused. "I should get home... I know Plataea will want a pair of hands with the kids..."

"You didn't answer my question..." Dvald-Vaxx answered softly. "Why didn't you listen to her?"

Lasky could see that there was no saiting this woman with anything other than the direct approach. "I do listen to her... I don't need to be encouraged to seek the..." he paused as he considered the words he needed. "The attention of other women when my spouse really looks after my various issues and concerns, when I have them... Four children are demanding and a lot to handle on the best of days... It's no secret that Plataea and I don't get a lot of time to ourselves."

"That's certainly understandable," Dvald-Vaxx answered with a nod of her head. "Four children will be very demanding of you both. Plataea has raised kids before but not in a loving household and I'd bet she had to do everything alone and had to avoid attracting the unwanted attention of the stain who shared her bed."

"I could say choice words about the man but... I'll skip it," Lasky answered. "It's hard to believe that there is a version of Jake Yamaguchi who is as monstrous as she claims and yet. I've seen the memories... She shared with me more than a few right horror stories..." as he regarded the small female before him. "Oh, I know what he did to your new sibling... How he brutalized her and others too." Lasky then let out a sigh. "It's... hard to imagine."

"Is it?" Dvald-Vaxx answered. "If one reality I ended up with Chen. In another, I ended up with Ezas and in a third. I ended up with Jake instead of Torilla... or Jake ended up with T'Shaamet or Tienn Ezas... Who is to say that this reality is any more significant than any other."

"Siaxx... You've learned how to speak in riddles. Be careful lest you become trapped in your own web of ineluctable logic." Lasky commented. "Do take more care with this dear..." he commented. "You might end up getting caught in your own web."

Dvald-Vaxx regarded him with a gentle nod of her bald head. She knew he was right in what he was saying. "You make a fair if somewhat uncomfortable point..."

"Siaxx... You always were too hard on yourself." Lasky commented. "Can I give you some advice?" he asked

The Bolian was curious and the look on his face said as much. "Sure... Why not?"

"Leave the kids with a babysitter and then go have some fun with your husband, just the two of you..." Lasky commented. "Considering Plataea never got much time to herself before Emile and Rachael came along. I can argue I know of where I speak," he explained himself and his thoughts on the matter at hand.

Dvald-Vaxx regarded him, she knew he wouldn't remain out of this for long but she did appreciate his restraint. The small Bolian reached up before she gently kissed him on the lips, the kiss was as short as it was telling. "You're a good man Tom Lasky." she smiled up at him, before she gently stood up, carrying her boots in her hand. The two then departed the unused office a moment later.


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