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All Along the Watchtowers - Part Three

Posted on Sun Oct 31st, 2021 @ 4:19am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Sokanon It'kla

Mission: Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1410Hrs - October 25th, 2393

"So... Why don't you take a moment to think about why you want to come work for me... Donning command red, not that I don't think you'd look fetching in red..." Lasky sat back in his chair. "Because I do," he added with a gentle smile.

"You..." Sokanon paused, she sighed when suddenly her resolve collapsed as she began to spill the beans on the matter at hand. "There is already enough drama in medical with all of the people involved... I feel... others will blame me for my part in it."

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "Woah, honey. Slow down... What's going on in medical?" he inquired of the Caitian female before him. His smile faded as it turned into concern while he regarded the Caitian before him. "It sounds like you don't want out because you want out, it sounds like your running away from something." Lasky paused as he regarded the Caitian female before him. "Well, let me tell you something... Coming to work for me isn't going to be sunshine and roses... People who come to me, usually have to end up fighting for it. I know I need skippers and Exec's as I am shy of a few..." he sighed. "I will speak with Heris about this matter... But for now, I will stick you down as a maybe... But you don't have much Exec time and none on a Starship... Both will go against you. Unfortunately but I will speak with Captain Dvald and with the Starbase admin staff on your behalf anyway."

Sokanon's expression brightened considerably as she smiled. "Thank you."

Lasky's face however did not change. "Now... What's going on with medical...?" he inquired gently. Using too much force would cause the Caitian to clam up and then she'd lash out at him, it would also ruin this meeting.

Sokanon knew what he wanted so she told him, she was too tired to fight and she wanted to remain on good terms with Lasky. "We've run into a problem with Starfleet's work culture and... Doctor Yamaguchi-Solusar is square at the heart of the matter." the Caitian female then sighed softly.

"Elizabeth's involved... But she's pregnant." Lasky's voice trailed off softly.

"Yes... As you know very well. Certain illegal actions were taken against Elizabeth because of various reasons. Upon JAG restoring her rank, she found herself in a position where she needed to prove she was worthy to hold the position she was holding so she began taking on more and more work..." the Caitian explained gently.

"In order to prove her worth... Because of the jump in her rank." Lasky answered. "She felt she hadn't earned it... How long has this been going on?"

"Months..." Sokanon sighed. "I did notice... I asked her several times over the course of her pregnancy if she was okay and wanted to cut down on her hours... I even overruled her on a few occasions... Ordering her to cut back on her workload... It did not achieve the result I desired..."

"Starfleet's work culture working against itself," Lasky explained. "I know Elizabeth quite well. I know her on a level that I suspect even her husband lacks... I know how her mind works." he answered. "Go on..."

Sokanon regarded Lasky, knowing that the future of her career might rely upon the next few minutes. "Well... She was showing all of the signs of having a rough pregnancy... Which started around the time of that Psionic event five months ago."

Lasky nodded. "I was living on Deneva as a civilian... With a family and children... It felt ... strange to my eyes."

"I was... Living on Cait, a failure of a Starfleet officer." Sokanon answered. "It was... Unpleasant, to say the least... Whoring myself out for cash to survive..."

"I'll believe it..." Lasky nodded his head at the fetching Caitian female before him. "How has the issue with Elizabeth gotten out of hand?"

Sokanon paused as she mentally considered the question before she answered it. "Elizabeth and I are not close but I know she saw... Something in her own event, something she found horrifying to her... I don't know what it was... I was not privy to said details... You will need to speak with her about it."

Lasky nodded. "I'll add it to my list of people to see... So, what I'll do is this, I'll approve your request, pending confirmation from Medical and Starfleet Personel. If they sign off on it too, then your ass is mine." Lasky then grinned at her. "That said, I do have a use for you... One that will make you an asset to me rather than a hindrance."

Sokanon regarded him. "Because of my lack of command experience."

"That is a major issue which people will not want to see on your file and they will tell me to deny you, hell they might even cause me issues for it." Lasky shrugged as if he did not care, which in his mind he didn't.

Sokanon paused a moment. "Won't you get in trouble for this?"

"Oh, I sincerely hope so." Lasky suddenly grinned. "Admiral Duval lets me handle my command as I deem fit and Admiral's Emerson's and Yamaguchi both don't meddle in my affairs..." Lasky explained. "Awfully nice of both men, would you not say?"

"Oh..." Sokanon answered softly. "Indeed," she added, to address his last point.

"Alright. I am going to go speak with people so I can go look into matters." Lasky commented. "Before I kick you outta here. Is there anything else we should discuss?"

"No," Sokanon answered. "Thanks for your time sir, that's all I wanted."

"Alright then, on your way. I'll let you know what comes of it." and with that, the meeting was ended.


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