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Long Fall to Bespin - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 3:35am by Captain Kalandra "Kassie" Paris & Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant Fred Noonan & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Lieutenant Penthesilea "Ilea" Rohr & Lieutenant Taselle Dragon & Lieutenant JG Suvak Duval & Lieutenant JG Tienn Halaar & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Connor-Yamaguchi & Master Chief Petty Officer Benjamin Kuuztin & Senior Chief Petty Officer T'Paaru & Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer Julian Antilles & Ensign Paul Harrison & Lieutenant Penny Yeager

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - USS Pembo
Timeline: 0830Hrs - October 30th, 2393

Commander Victoria Yamaguchi was standing near the head of the table as her assembled crew all began filing through the doors. One by one they came in and selected a chair each before Lt Commander Alex Harrison who was bringing up the rear, came in and sat down at the left side of the head of the table.

"Everyone, thank you for coming," Yamaguchi commented. "Now the mission you were asked to volunteer for, is exceptionally dangerous." she looked around at all of the assembled members of her senior staff. "The Halanan government has denied the Federation usage of a genetic cure they were able to make... Using Federation resources, might I add..." she commented. "Since they won't share with us anything, we need to find out what they did with the Federation's resources that were given to them," Yamaguchi explained with a gentle nod of her head.

Master Chief Petty Officer Benjamin Kuuztin regarded Yamaguchi in silence for a moment. "Pardon me for asking but why were we all selected for this assignment?"

"Because many of you have unusual or rather specialized training. Like commando training or computer science capabilities." Yamaguchi explained. "All of you are known for being unusual thinkers. Also, many of you are known for being able to think outside the box and often have issues with authority. That will be an asset here, rather than a liability." Yamaguchi turned to her left as she regarded her audience.

2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Connor-Yamaguchi regarded her new commanding officer for this assignment. "I was wondering about that... I got my orders to come here and see you, all hush-hush, no explanation was given... I imagine it was like that for us all."

There were a series of nods as various people around the table all nodded their heads. "I can explain why you were all requested specifically. I hand-picked you all, then Admiral Lasky sent for you all... This assignment is black and it's also probably illegal as well. If anyone doesn't want to go, then that's fine. I won't ask you to come."

Yamaguchi commented. "The mission has us checking to see if we were lied to, by a Federation member world..." Yamaguchi explained. "Starfleet command wants to make sure we were not taken for a ride... and we're being sent to make sure of that," Yamaguchi explained.

Lieutenant JG Tienn Halaar regarded the assembled crew as she decided to ask the largest question and deal with the ten thousand pound gorilla in the room. "Captain... I have to ask but... What about the prime directive?"

The various people in the room all glanced around at each other. They all wanted to see how Yamaguchi would answer this one. Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she shook her head. "It doesn't apply," she commented. "It's a Federation member world that came to us with their concern. We responded and then we provided what they asked for," she explained. "Starfleet command wishes to ensure our resources were not wasted or diverted to other things... Not interfere in the normal development of a species."

Lieutenant JG Suvak Duval regarded Yamaguchi. "Is this wise... I mean is it a good idea sending in the military... Rather than sending in diplomats?"

"No. Since the Halanan government refused to even consider letting us see their research." Yamaguchi commented. "Starfleet doesn't think the Halanan government would even permit us to send in diplomats... They already threatened us with secession from the Federation because we started asking too many questions."

"Well... That's saying a lot without saying much of anything," Lieutenant Penny Smith commented. "What are our mission objectives?"

"First let me show you why this matter has become so important." Yamaguchi rose to her feet. "I don't need to remind you that what we discuss in this room is classified." as Yamaguchi tapped the display several times. A video began to play, the time stamp marked it being recorded almost a week earlier. The people involved indicating that this was a top-level meeting between Master Admiral Pasha Andreyev and an unnamed Halanan official.

Yamaguchi watched the scene in silence, along with everyone else assembled at the meeting. When the video ended, Yamaguchi turned her head as she regarded the audience before her. "Well, guys. Any questions?" Yamaguchi asked, while she mentally prepared herself for a barrage of questions.

"Yeah." Lieutenant Taselle Dragon answered as she looked around at the gathering. "When do we leave?" the Cardassian female pressed further.

"We leave as soon as you all do a check of your departments and tell me we're good to go," Yamaguchi commented. "Lieutenant Smith. I need for you to check the status of our cargo loading. Handle what needs to be dealt with in regards to the same." Yamaguchi explained.

Lieutenant Penny Smith nodded on her head. "Consider it handled skipper," she answered.

Yamaguchi turned her head as she regarded her security chief and then her marine CO. "I'll need you, Fred Noonan and 2nd Lieutenant Connor-Yamaguchi. Make sure there are no interservice rivalries as we will soon have plenty for all hands to worry about soon enough. I'd like to hope and not need the heavily armoured fist... Then panic and need the armoured fist." Yamaguchi sighed softly. "Any questions?"

There were none as Yamaguchi nodded. "Alright. let's go to it guys." and with that, the meeting ended as the group began to depart the room.


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