Hope and Memory - Part Two
Posted on Sat Apr 30th, 2022 @ 2:19am by Lieutenant Commander Fleur Antilles & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi
Edited on on Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 6:31pm
Mission 112: The Heart of a Truth Long Lost
Location: Various Locations - USS Spirit of Winter
Timeline: 1000Hrs - November 1st, 2393
Lieutenant Gabriel Yamaguchi was sitting on a biobed in sickbay. He was in for a regular checkup to make sure all was well, as he regarded his spouse who was sitting on the biobed next to him. She too was in for a regular checkup. It was the usual issues. blood pressure, breathing and the like but as Gabriel expected this meeting to be brought to a close rather quickly, he had not expected his spouse to ask for something extra.
Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi regarded the attractive female doctor before her, go about her work. "Umm..." she paused. "Doctor. Would it be possible to do a DNA check? On me..." she asked in a gentle tone of voice.
Antilles regarded Yamaguchi with a measured look. "Yeah, we can do that for you. Quite easily." the pregnant female smiled as she gently rubbed Yamaguchi's hand with her own. The move was practised and careful as she had a feeling of where this was going. "I assume you have questions you wish to pose?" she asked in a similar tone to the one that Savannah used.
"I do," Yamaguchi answered quietly. "I want to know wh my biological parents are..." she paused. "I've waited for almost thirty years... I've... I've waited long enough."
"That's easy enough to do for you, honey," Antilles responded with a gentle smile. "Did you two discuss the matter?"
"We already did. Doctor." Gabriel answered with a nod of his head. "We've been progressing slowly... But we keep running into walls..."
"Every lead we've tried has vanished. The adoption agency that took me in went bust... The Orphanage that raised me doesn't have my parent's name on record... Even though they were profuse in their apologies and they were also very helpful with sending me all of my records... They didn't have that infomation handy." Savannah explained with a soft sigh.
Antilles gently placed her hand onto the larger woman's shoulder. "Savv..." she paused as she looked at the other woman in the eyes. Antilles always thought that Savannah Yamaguchi was easy on the eyes. "Did you ever consider that this wall is here for a reason... It's to either protect you... From her... or to protect her... from you."
Gabe paused, this was a new development he had not considered and judging by the look on his wife's face, she hadn't either. "How so... Doctor?"
"Well... Let's take my own parents for example... My mother had me out of wedlock when she got a little freaky with my dad... She also didn't tell Dad that I existed when they were divided by assignments... and mom's family hated the idea that she had a child when they thought she was unready... No. Mayhe was ready for me... I was a challenging child. Demanding and disobedient. It wasn't until she was reunited with my father during the Dominion War that she explained the truth to him... He had a daughter he never knew existed and it bothered him that she didn't tell him." she paused. "I was sent to stay with my grandmother who was not happy that I existed... Oh, let me tell you." Antilles gently smiled. "When mom was killed during Operation: Return. Dad stuck in for reassignment to a Starbase but he was denied... He remained on the Ticonderoga until her destruction a few months later. He escaped along with a third of her crew." she explained. "Dad had to go to JAG to get me back... Grandmother would not let me go, even though she outright hated me." Antilles explained with a gentle smile on her lips. "She made it clear that no guy would ever have me... Let's just say that my father was... Displeased when I mentioned it to him." her smile only grew.
Gabriel nodded his head. "That explains so much..." he admitted.
"I can do the DNA test if you wish... But take care. My dear... For you will not like what I have to tell you."
Savannah nodded. "I've not liked any of this process Fleur..." she admitted quietly. "But I came this far... I need to see this through to the end."
"Alright, honey... Then let's do it." Antilles gently smiled. "This won't take long so I'd like for you to take a moment to prepare yourself..." When Savannah nodded her head. Fleur Antilles turned and made her way into the nearby medical lab where she found one of her guys busy with doing inventory.
"Hey, James. You got ten minutes for me?"
"Of course Doctor. Your thoughts are my actions." James McTavvit responded. He was known for having a major desire for Fleur but he would never act on it, he got more enjoyment from teasing her and the other ladies around him. He was harmless in his approach rather than malicious as he wanted only to help others in his own unique way.
"I have a DNA sample. Run it through the Starfleet personel database. Both past and present and see what pops out at you." Antilles then handed him the PADD in question.
"You got it." McTavvit answered as he went to work. "Running it... and... Oh..." he paused as he frowned. "This was... fast."
"Problem?" Antilles asked gently.
"I'll say... This should have taken me a good twenty minutes at least... Whoever gave you this DNA... Her mother is Commodore Kimora Reeves..." he paused. "apparently she's disgraced as an unfit mother."
For Antilles. This was all a little too convenient. "Whos the father?"
"The father is a Commodore...Keyan Farlander..."
Fleur gently cradled her right arm with her left hand, as she ran her fingers down her jawline. Indicating she was deep in thought. "Okay... Grab their service files and give them to me... When she asks me. I want to be able to answer these questions."
"Sure." McTavvit went to work and a moment later he handed her a PADD. "Signed, sealed and all yours Doc," he answered. "I hope... She finds what she's after,."
"That James... Makes two of us." Fleur sighed softly to herself.