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The Sound of Silence

Posted on Tue Mar 16th, 2021 @ 12:50am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1700Hrs - October 20th, 2393

Captain Plataea Lasky sighed softly, as she finished taking her afternoon shower, she relished the time under a faucet which rained water which she found extremely relaxing rather than produce noise which set her on edge. This was why she often never had sex with her husband in the shower and at time's she wondered just how Torilla had tolerated it back in the day when she had Elizabeth or Gabriel. Plataea knew that her twin was just as tactile as she was, and when fully aroused, she was just as insatiable and could handle hours of sex. Plataea had benefitted from Tom Lasky's experience in bed, considering that both Torilla and Elizabeth had taught him various things about how sex works.

Lasky smiled as she turned off the shower before she began running her hands over her body, the pregnancy bump was in its last stages of fading and she was nursing a new infant in the house. Plataea knew that Tom was handling matters as he was watching the kids while she took care of her own matters. Plataea did enjoy sharing a shower with her husband whenever he wanted, but since she had become pregnant with the twins. Tom often took care of the kids.

Plataea stepped out of the shower as she lifted a towel which she wrapped around her torso, as she moved into the bedroom. The towel wasn't because of a nudity taboo as Lasky didn't have one and neither did Torilla, Laneli, or Korelii. It was there to prevent her from getting cold as Lasky hated getting cold after a hot shower.

The tall female smiled as she slipped off the towel as she began drying herself off, a few moments later she began to don her clothing which was a pair of shorts and a simple tank top, as she was nursing an infant. Lasky didn't bother with footwear as she almost never needed it.

Lasky smiled as she gently pulled on a pair of hiphugger shorts, and a simple black tank top before she moved into the main area where she found Tom Lasky feeding Kurt Lasky who seemed to be enjoying himself as his father fed him.

Lasky looked around as she noted that Emile and Rachael were both asleep and Nigel was crawling around as he chased one of the cats.
Plataea meanwhile checked on Rachael who had Shadow curled up next to her, the cat blinked as she regarded Plataea with her large yellow eyes as she let out a gentle meow.

Plataea gently rubbed the cat's head with her fingertips. "Hey kitty, thanks for looking after Rachael for me... I am sure she appreciates your company. I know I do."

Shadow meowed softly as she purred back at the large female as if responding with her own unique form of language, Plataea found Tom Lasky's cats oddly relaxing and they also seemed to tolerate her presence, even if they demanded feeding from her at times.

Lasky turned her attention to Emile and found that Fives was curled up with him as he slept, blissfully unaware of the dangers or issues with owning cats. She gently ran her fingertips over the cat's ears as Fives almost smiled at the attention from the Halanan female.

"Hey, kitty... Don't mind me, I'm just checking on the kids..." Lasky explained why she was presently standing over the two bassinets where her children presently were sleeping.

Tom turned his head as he regarded his spouse. "Kurt and I thought we'd try again... He never ate lunch as he wasn't feeling well."

Lasky came over to her husband's side. "What's the matter Kurt..?" she asked as she sat down next to her husband, Tom gently slid an arm around his wife's torso for a moment to steady her, she had mentioned that she hated the bench that passed as a chair at the kitchen table and sometimes she felt unsteady because of the same.

"I.. feel... sick...." Kurt paused as he tried to explain himself.

"Don't worry, we're going to fix that..." Lasky grinned as she regarded the boy who was her son even though she had neither carried him to term nor conceived him. She had Elizabeth and Torilla, respectively to thank for those details. However, it had been Kurt who had drawn POlataea out of her shell and this also was what had started her relationship with the man who was now her spouse in the first place.

Lasky turned his head as he regarded his spouse. "You're doing it again."

Lasky smiled. "Now who's the telepath in this house..."

"It's not telepathy hon. I can read your tells... You're not subtle and you're not shy about it at the same time." Lasky explained as he gently kissed her on the lips. "When you are deep in thought, you tend to stop and..." he paused as he did not wish to offend his spouse. "zone out a little..."

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "Zone out?"

"Bad choice of words... You tend to become reflective and not wish to rush in. You want a moment to consider it before you charge in. Not like your sibling who will go unnamed... She will just dive in headfirst..."

"Yeah, Torilla is good at that..." Lasky smiled. "It'll be okay Kurt..."


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