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A Ceremony of Losses - Part Four

Posted on Sun Oct 31st, 2021 @ 4:16am by Aiden Torel & Commander Ken Noros & Commander Sohnaxx Dvald & Commander Ryan Saunders & Lieutenant Commander Hesutu M'kresst & Major Harry Stamper & Lieutenant Commander Jerzy Wojcik & Lieutenant Commander Katrina Sisko & Lieutenant Kira Stormrage & Lieutenant Kell Stormrage & Master Chief Petty Officer Horus Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Tom "Guardian" Carter & Lieutenant Raeven & Brigadier General Krann, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Zheng Jet

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Queen Mary
Timeline: 1510Hrs - October 25th, 2393

Gan'rar slowly smiled as he knew how to resolve some of the issues that now presented themselves with a quest to various allies who had shown their honor to him and his people, The Stalingrad did not need to allow the Korinar or the Admiral to reclaim their honor alone, with them in a supporting role, however they did so as honor needed to be satisfied. The actions of the USS Stalingrad and those of her person would be remembered, the Admiral would remember and so would Gan'rar in turn. He should show them the same respect in turn. The large Klingon male tapped his wrist gauntlet. "Gan'rar to Stalingrad. The bridge is secure, you may beam over at your pleasure."

"Copy that, our thanks." came a male voice. A moment later six transporter beams appeared as three security officers appeared, one of them was a larger then average female, the fourth officer was male, wearing science blue and the fifth officer was a taller male wearing command red, while the last was a very attractive middle-aged woman of average height, she had dark skin and dreadlocks. "Hello, Commander. Thank you for this honor." Marie Yamaguchi addressed Gan'rar as she nodded to him.

"Of course Captain. I was informed to make our alliance work by the Admiral." Gan'rar answered. "I suspect that I have as many questions as you do."

"Then we shall find the answers together." Yamaguchi turned to Peterson. "You and your crew have much to explain Commander."

"Indeed sir. I suspect that you'll find many of us have personal logs recorded under various encryption," he explained. "I offer no excuses for the conduct of this crew, the Captain of this ship, or the Admiral in command."

"Wait." Marie paused. "Admiral?... What Admiral?" she inquired.

Peterson paused. "You didn't know ma'am?" he paused. "Michael Riggs is the man in charge, ma'am... He's the leader of this... organization."

The color drained from Marie's face as she realized that there was more going on than she had realized. "What...?" she paused. "The treachery is worse than I ever imagined," she whispered, she turned to Gan'rar. "Commander?. Can I give you and your people orders?" she knew that this was a new problem and it needed to be dealt with quickly.

"Yes Captain.?" he asked of her. "The Admiral did give me an unusual breadth of discretion for this assignment," Gan'rar answered. "You also have shown us much honor and respect, for that, yes you can give me orders... I will take them on a case by case basis."

Marie suddenly smiled, she had not expected to find such a useful or capable Klingon, but she opted to not press her luck as she had been expecting him to tell her that this ship was now his and this was the end of the matter at hand. "Outstanding." Yamaguchi paused. "Very well. I'd like for you and your marines to detain every member of this crew and remove them to both your ship and the Stalingrad, inform the Admiral that this matter goes a bit deeper then we thought... But thanks to you and your people Commander. We may have just saved the honor of not only this ship and her crew... Because not all participated, but we also saved the honor of Starfleet itself. Inform the Admiral that I owe him a debt." she paused. "I believe the term is

"You cannot know what you offer him, Captain," Gan'rar answered softly.

"I do." Marie Yamaguchi answered flatly. "I will spare a hundred person caretaker crew for this ship...We need to get her to Starbase 54 immediately, you and the Admiral or his representative are more than welcome to come with us... You should be there as the answers emerge."

"I will inform the Admiral that I will be coming along... As the Commander of the Queen Mary. I will attempt to restore this ship honor." Gan'rar answered. "Will this be satisfactory?"

"Completely Commander." Yamaguchi answered before she cleared her throat "All personnel present, Attention to orders as the situation is highly unusual and the present circumstances demand this action." she turned. "To Commander Gan'rar, Commanding Officer, IKS Korinar marine forces, stardate Seven Oh Eight One Five-point Two. You are hereby requested and required to assume command USS Queen Mary, with the rank of Captain, as of this date. Signed, Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi - Starfleet Command." she paused a moment to allow all of that to sink in. "Computer, transfer all command codes to Captain Gan'rar. Voice authorization, Yamaguchi five three Juliet Bravo."

The ship's computer answered evenly. "Transfer complete. USS Queen Mary is now under command of Captain Gan'rar."

Gan'rar regarded Yamaguchi. "I... Uhhh... relieve you, sir." he paused. "Is that the correct response?"

"I stand relieved, and... Yes, it's the correct answer." Yamaguchi answered. "Your mission is to head for Starbase 54... Your new crew will be able to investigate matters and you'll be able to inform the Admiral that honor will be satisfied."

"Thank you Fleet Captain. I will uphold this charge..." Gan'rar answered quietly.


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