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Armageddon's Sword - Part Four

Posted on Fri Sep 10th, 2021 @ 1:35pm by Commander Ken Noros & Commander Sohnaxx Dvald & Commander Ryan Saunders & Lieutenant Commander Hesutu M'kresst & Major Harry Stamper & Lieutenant Commander Jerzy Wojcik & Lieutenant Commander Katrina Sisko & Lieutenant Kira Stormrage & Lieutenant Kell Stormrage & Master Chief Petty Officer Horus Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Tom "Guardian" Carter & Lieutenant Raeven & Brigadier General Krann, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Zheng Jet
Edited on on Fri Jan 14th, 2022 @ 5:54pm

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Warspite / USS Stalingrad / IKS Korinar
Timeline: 0630Hrs - October 25th, 2393

Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi watched the tactical display as the USS Queen Mary warped away. "Hail the Korinar," she commented quickly. Jerzy Wojcik turned his head, "I have the Admiral for you, ma'am."

"Put him through." Yamaguchi rose to her feet as she moved towards the viewscreen. "Admiral, what's your status?"

"We are still combat-capable and still able to fight," Krann answered. "We are preparing to give chase to the prey... Will you join us?"

"We need to secure the Zalaan first..." Yamaguchi paused. "The honor of the kill... is your's, alone Admiral... We will follow and support you as soon as we are able." Yamaguchi was expecting a long-winded delay and it was showing. "Send over our boarding parties now," she added to Ken Noros who went to work in seeing the matter handled.

Krann was torn, he believed the Stalingrad would make an excellent ally in this battle but he also knew what the Federation ship needed to do. "Very well, we will track her down and being the Queen Mary to heel... Then we can sort out the matter of the spoils of this fight."

Yamaguchi nodded. "You have a hunt to start Admiral." she paused. "Qua'pla..." as she turned to Jerzy Wojcik. "End transmission." and with that, the lithe female returned to her command chair, to settle in for a rather long wait. "Prepare four runabouts for a towing mission... They will try to tow the Zalaan back off of the line," she commented. "But not until she is secured though... I expect issues." Yamaguchi added.

Noros rose to his feet. "Jet, what's the status of those two ships we disabled"

Zheng Jet raised an eyebrow. "They both are structurally intact, we can capture both..."

Noros smiled as he nodded his head... "Alright, let's do this," he commented as he walked over to the security station. "Kira..." he addressed the female presently standing at her post. "Inform the marines that today is their unlucky day. Have the Colonel conduct his boarding operation on the Zalaan. you'll assist him as needed."

Stoneheart nodded her head as she went to work. "You got it, Commander," she commented. "The marines have started."

Meanwhile, bellow decks, the marines were all informed of what exactly was taking place as they had all gathered in the various transported rooms of the USS Stalingrad. Within Transporter rooms nine, ten and eleven were several large forces of marines, almost fifty in all as they quickly placed a warhead into the center of the pad of the transporter rooms they were all in, they tapped the system before activating it. "Energize when ready Chief." the marine said as he quickly vacated the pad, the Chief then energized the system and beamed the warhead over to its target without comment or hesitation. The other warheads were sent over at about the same time.

The marines began to move over to their stations on the transporter pads in silence, taking up their positions. "Chief... Give me the three count please and then beam us over." the squad leader commented as if he was ordering lunch from the kitchen's menu.

"You got it." the young woman answered as the small framed human female began tapping away at her panels. "The bomb has just gone off... Energizing in ... Three... Two... One... Now." and with that she activated the transporter, beaming the twenty marines onto the crippled USS Warspite. The transporter room was trashed. "Move!" the squad leader called as his marines proceeded to do just that, they opened the main door to the transporter room to find themselves facing another group of Stalingrad's marines.

"Flash!" called one of them.

"Thunder!." came the response. "You guys head that way... We'll go this way..." the two squad leaders quickly sorted things out between them to prevent their guys from becoming entangled in each other's formation.

It was with that, they both sets of marines encountered very little resistance as the Starfleet crews did not seem interested in attacking their own. They also encountered several wounded lying in the hallways, after quickly securing however they found by calling for beamout's from the Stalingrad, the wounded would be treated and then placed into the ship's brig, for processing with the rest of this mess. The squad leader kept his marines focused and organized as they moved towards their first objective, Main engineering which they reached almost without a fight.

The squad leader raised an eyebrow. "Cover me..." he had a feeling on how this was going to go and he needed to be sure. He stepped forward as he entered Main Engineering, the personnel within were all focused on saving their ship that they ignored the marine's arrival. One of the junior crewmen tuned. "Woah!". the young woman paused. "Chief... Chief!" she called

"Yeah... What-Oh." a young human-looking male came over. "Who are you?" he asked politely as the three marines all had phaser rifles trained onto him

"I'm Lieutenant Ivan Antilles." the marine commented. "USS Stalingrad..." he paused. "Am I taking you all as prisoners?" he inquired. "Or am I liberating you?"

"I apologize El-Tee... But we need to deal with our battle damage, Allow me to compliment Stalingrad's gunnery..." he sighed softly. "I might be able to restore warp engines but I only have one good nacelle at present..." the young man explained himself. "I'd prefer to fix this ship without your guys waving rifles at my people." she paused. "Lieutenant Johan Mikal. I'm sorry we had to meet like this El-Tee."

"Likewise," Antilles answered. "So I'll assume that for now, I am liberating you and pretty much the rest of this ship and crew from the Captain?"

"I don't know who's loyal to who anymore... To be honest... " Callison answered. "My only goal is keeping this ship in one piece... Stalingrad did a good job of violating my ship..."

"We can sort the mess out later," Antilles answered. "I hope." he sighed softly as he tapped his combadge. "Squad two to command, Engineering is secure."


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