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Laying Down the Brickwork - Part Three

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 6:54am by Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Brigadier General Krann, Son of Magh'tor
Edited on on Wed Jul 14th, 2021 @ 9:24am

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Stalingrad / IKS Korinar
Timeline: 1650Hrs - October 23rd, 2393

Krann, Son of Magh'tor regarded the human female before him. "We will be able to fight the USS Queen Mary..." he paused. "But the Stalingrad would be a great asset for us to have in this coming battle..." he regarded her while he wished for the large Federation battleship present to come and assist him in this battle.

Yamaguchi nodded her head. "Very well... I will have my guys see if we can find where the Queen Mary and the Drake have gone... We will contact you soonest, okay?"

"I understand... I will wait for repairs to be completed... and in the meantime, I will assist you in sending your captures back to the Starbase... I expect to be involved with the matter before us."

"Indeed. I'll draw up a formal report for Admiral McKnight, she is honorable and will carry out what I ask of her." Yamaguchi answered. "But the mess will take a while to sort out." the human woman added with a long sigh. "I'll need a little time to draft the report before I send it."

"I cannot wait..." Krann answered bluntly. "I must liberate my people from captivity... Or I will die trying." Krann answered evenly. "Once the prey has been flushed out, the hunt will begin," he added.

"I understand Admiral. Stalingrad will be a part of that battle... I had issues that must be tended to." the human female paused. "I will call you back. Yamaguchi out." and with that, the screen went black, Krann rose to his feet and departed his office, as he went back out onto the bridge. "Commander, status?"

Commander Ra'ntr regarded his commanding officer with a nod of his head. "We are forty minutes from having our battle damage repaired," he commented.

Krann nodded his head. "What is the status of our other colonies in this area?" he inquired.

"All of the others are still intact." came the much-expected answer. Krann sighed before he smiled. "We will demand the three shipyards increase their production capabilities because we have enemies that must be faced and dealt with..." he sighed softly. "The Empire itself has fallen but we remain..."

"Are you going to Kronos Admiral?" the younger female inquired, she was interested in seeking battle and it showed, however Krann and many of the others were in no rush to head for Kronos and fight over the scraps of the old empire.

"No... We will forge a new destiny here in this region..." Krann paused, he wanted to see how the others in the room would react. "The Empire is a loss... But we can make something new with something old." this was technically insubordination of the highest kind but he wanted to see who would support him and who would not.

There was a sudden cacophony of noise as Krann raised his hands. "Hear me!..." He called first. "Hear me!" he shouted a moment later. "This civil war is a ruinous one, there will be no honor to be had but honor comes from doing what you do well. Remember the words of Khaless... We can not gain honor by acting dishonorably." he paused. "We will decide upon the capital and a model of government later... Right now... All of you are my advisors... You will all help me build this new world... together... Now. who is with me!"

There were loud cheers as Krann was acclaimed with loud shouts and cheers.

Krann paused as he felt the weighty mantle of leadership settle onto his shoulders. "Very well... For now, we will maintain what we have...

Commander Ra'ntr regarded his commanding officer with a look akin to affection. "Sir... If I may speak my thoughts?"

"Nobody needs to change because I am the leader of our new nation that does not yet have a name... Speak openly and plainly. As you always have." he turned to his officer. "Speak your mind Commander."

"Sir, we should assist the Federation ship with their quarry... Because they will assist us with this effort..." Ra'ntr explained. "They can assist us with names, capital selections, and new worlds to tame... Besides, having them as an ally will really assist us in this effort... We... Also could request protectorate status from them as well."

"Interesting idea." Krann paused. "Very well, I will contact Stalingrad and offer it to them. Our current range of operations will serve as our borders for now." Krann answered as he nodded his head. "What's more... it buys us time to set down roots, to consolidate and to rebuild."

Ra'ntr smiled a moment before his smile faded. "Also, however, the planet below needs to be terraformed to bring it back to sustainability."

Krann nodded, he knew all of this already. "We won't bother with it, we'll use the planet as it is now, for resources and assets, rather than for settlement," he commented. "We will establish a shipyard hereafter we gain the needed parts to build one," he added. "What's the status of the fleet at present?"


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