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Laying Down the Brickwork - Part Four

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 6:56am by Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Brigadier General Krann, Son of Magh'tor

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Stalingrad / IKS Korinar
Timeline: 1700Hrs - October 23rd, 2393

"Group one is ready to get underway... Group two should arrive here in two days, they will have the mobile base we were able to acquire from the storage yard in the Kantebra system." the large Klingon male explained. "Group three is busy guarding two supply convoys which are transiting between two navigation buoys. But one of those convoys is heading to Sepen'ha and the other is heading to Hol'en'tas." the advisor explained as he read from a PADD that he was holding in his hands.

"Excellent." Krann paused. "As soon as it's safe... Disperse the fleet here and send it to all of our worlds, inform their leaderships of what's going on and ask them for names for this new nation of ours..." he paused. "We will need to see who is with us... and who is not." he paused. "Those who are not will need to be convinced otherwise without bloodshed, preferably... There has been oceans of bloodshed over Kronos and who gets to sit on the Emperor's throne or in the High Council chambers..." Krann paused. "We can't gain honor by being disloyal, we need to earn the loyalty of the worlds in our boarders. It is not ours by right... It's ours when earned..."

Krann knew he spoke differently when the shouts and cheers were much more muted this time. "We have too few Klingons in the empire to start slaughtering our own here."

Ra'ntr nodded. "We've all read and seen the reports coming from elsewhere around the Empire... We've all wondered what we can do about the dishonor that's presently raging. We can rebuild and then prepare for the refugee fleets if... and when they come... For they will..." he commented. "We need to be ready for them, we can't make warriors out of dead civilians... But we can't look after civilians when we can't care for our own..."

Krann nodded his head as the shouts and cheers were louder this time. "Very well, on your way then... Return to your ships and carry the message of... The Tal'Ihnor Union." he commented."For now. I will be the Chieftain of the Union... Until we all settle on a new leader."

The shouting and cheers couldn't be denied this time. Krann held his silence as he watched his soldiers, his advisors and his people cheer the arrival of the new nation they had all sought for months now, except Krann had decided to make a new one. Rather than an old one. Before long the cheers faded and the Klingons began filing out of the room, to carry out Krann's orders.

Four Klingons remained, Ra'ntr, Go'van, and a young woman named Vrai. She looked at Krann. "What will you do while we're off handling this matter?"

"I will handle the USS Queen Mary alone with the Stalingrad... My honor demands no less..." Krann answered evenly. "He selected this world because of my family connection to this world," he added.

"Sir, all of us would desire to accompany you," Ra'ntr spoke quietly. "You are our commander and you have our loyalty... But with respect, I must inquire as to why you must go alone?"

"I have family in his less than exemplary care... I will recover them or my family honor is forfeit." Krann answered quietly. "The normal rules of honor work against me here... I don't have enough experienced personnel to take with me for this battle and there is none to stand as my second." Krann paused. "You are all fine and most worthy warriors and I would happily take all of you... If you could be spared from the higher goal of establishing our nation... That alone must ensure, no matter the cost to us or even to me." Krann spoke loudly. "If I do not return... Then lead our people to glory and lead them well Commander."

"Yessir," Ra'ntr answered quietly.

"All of you have served me well, I do not doubt in my mind or my heart that you'll all serve well." he paused. "Now... Get me the Stalingrad and and lets get this started..." Krann commented. "Head back to your ships and go forth..." the young female tuned and separated in science. Go'van nodded his head slowly. "Yessir," he said softly before he likewise departed.

Ra'ntr regarded Krann. "Sir, may I suggest we not speak of our new nation-state while such uncertainty exists... We need to secure what we have before we can even claim our nation-state as being a nation-state."

"Most wise." Krann slowly smiled. "Send two of our ships to escort the captured Federation ships back to their Starbase... Also, inform Go'van that he is empowered to speak on our behalf while he is there. Please impress upon him the importance of this posting."

"Yessir. I will do so." Ra'ntr answered with a nod of his head.

Alright then. See to it, General... Good luck." Krann answered with a final nod of his head.

"Q'apla sir." and with that, Ra'ntr departed in silence.


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